Nepal: Kashmir as seen by British Historian Victoria Schofield

N. P. Upadhyaya, Kathmandu: Hate crimes against Muslims in India have exploded since PM Modi’s party, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) came to power in 2014, with religious based hate crimes surging nearly 30% in the year 2014 to 2017 period, and then doubling since his landslide re-election in 2019, culminating with the murder of more than 50 Muslims over the course of six bloody days in New Delhi during February 23-29, 2020, writes C.J Werleman in his freshly released Data book who is a veteran political analyst associated with the Byline Times and Inside Arabia and also is a personality who generally writes against Islamophobia.

“The situation in India is approaching genocidal says Arundhati Roy”, the award winning courageous lady novelist of India.

This lady occasionally expresses her anger against the Indian government’s ferocious behaviors being exhibited by Modi’s Hindutva Indian regime-an extension of the RSS-BJP dangerous religious entity that believes in the extermination of the Muslims from the Indian Territory and the world as well.

The Arab world instead has been encouraging PM Modi by awarding him with highest civilian honors.

Something must have gone wrong with the Arab Muslims, let’s presume it to be so.

Back in India aka Hindustan the RSS-BJP equals to a terror squad of the Indian regime which has been inspired by the pronouncements and the ideals of the Adolph Hitler-the appalling personality of Germany.

Arundhati Roy, the lady is definitely referring to the near to the “genocide” being brutally carried out in the Illegally India Occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

She is the single woman in India to lash out at Modi’s erratic acts against the poor Kashmiris languishing in the open air jail-that is Kashmir of today which is a flashpoint of South Asia.

The US Presidential candidate Joe Biden has expressed his serious concern over the deteriorating situation in Indian occupied Kashmir (I0K), saying restrictions on dissent, such as preventing peaceful protests or shutting down the Internet weaken democracy.

Biden made these explanations while talking to the head of the American-Pakistani Political Action Committee (APPAC) Dr. Ahmad along with prominent members of the Muslim community.

On the occasion, Joe Biden called on the Indian government to “take all necessary steps to restore rights for all the people residing in the occupied Kashmir, reports the News Daily newspaper dated August 11/2020.

A 52 year old Muslim Gaffar Ahmed Kacchawa of Sikar, Rajsthan was chased and then mercilessly beaten by some Modi inspired Hindu goons and forced this scared Muslim gentleman to chant Jai Shri Ram and Modi Jindabad.

He has now a swollen face.

Gaffar is auto-rickshaw driver who was taken to task by local Hindu radicals in Rajasthan, August 9, 2020 and told to go to Pakistan.

The near to old Muslim Indian citizen Gaffar was unimaginably humiliated when the goons pulled his beards. The Arabs prefer silence still.

This is just an example. Scores of such Muslim-insulting incidents have become common in Modi’s India since 2014.

Once could see such news stories in the social media around the world.

This explain as to why it has become very difficult to be a Muslim and survive in Modi goons controlled India-the former seat of the British India Company and also of the Mughals.

Khurram Parvez, writes for Time International magazine dated August 7, 2020 in an article titled “A year after India Revoked Kashmir’s Special Status, Kashmiris Worry About a Demographic Shift”, that “promises of a Survey allowing Kashmiris to decide the territory’s fate, made by then Indian Prime Minister Nehru in 1947, have been buried and replaced by a new narrative that ‘Kashmir is an integral part of India’. With every passing days, India’s stand of Kashmir has grown more rigid and violence against the people of Jammu and Kashmir has become a norm”.

The Times newsman Parvez further writes in his article that “the unilateral and undemocratic changes governing Jammu and Kashmir, the unabated human rights violations, denial of basic facilities and land grabbing due to militarization are all in violation of international law, UN resolutions, India’s own constitutional framework and India’s commitment to the Kashmiris. India can only feel encouraged to continue its violent policy because of the lack of international moral leadership”.

In fact, when political analyst Khurram talks of the lack of the ethical leadership in his article, in saying so he slams the world’s so called “democratic leaders” and makes them all to feel that their words and deeds in essence differ on so may world issues more so on the predicaments of the Kashmiri population in South Asia who have been subjected to a sort of continued what could be called as “Subjugation/suppression” under the boot of the vicious Indian military forces whose presence in the Kashmir valley is nearly equal to the entire population residing in the India cursed valley.

Despite the top media analysts’ urging the world leadership to direct their attention towards the Kashmiri issues, the contemporary world leaders at their have best either been voiceless or uttering words on Kashmir in a way that in no way is as forceful as the Kashmiris would want or see or say desire to soothe their perennial pain-the atrocities being committed by the ever cruel and brutal Indian military forces who believe in meeting the dissenting Kashmiri people with “pellet guns”.

This equally applies to the UN body too as this World body is being touted as a biased organization which has a clear bend that favors the India’s acquired policies as regards the Kashmiri subjugation.

If it is true then it is a grave allegation on the UN body which needs to be clarified at the earliest.

The Inquirer.Net dated August 6, 2020 reiterates that a British historian, biographer and author of several books on South Asia and Kashmir, Victoria Schofield, said that the Indian government has “failed to win the hearts and minds of Kashmiris during the last year”.

She is apparently referring to the year 2019- the year when India revoked Article 370 and made the Kashmir issue a flashpoint.

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Speaking during an International webinar, titled “Kashmir: 365 Days of Silence”, she said that a “massive misinformation campaign” was being propagated by the Indian government about what had been happening in occupied Jammu and Kashmir since August 5, 2019 when India abrogated Article 370 and 35(a) of its constitution stripping the valley of its special status.

“[India] has alienated more people than might have been had it taken a softer approach,” she said, according to the Inquirer news portal.

The British historian Schofield however, said that Pakistan should take the human rights abuses in occupied Kashmir to international forums and lobby other countries for support. “Dialogue has to be one of the most important ways to try and resolve this dispute. Failure of dialogue has led us to this situation,” she concluded, adds the Inquirer portal.

The international webinar was hosted by the Dawn’s Resident Editor Islamabad Fahd Hussain.

Stretching her comments on Kashmir a bit more further during the webinar, historian Schofield said that while there have been more protests internationally over the situation in Kashmir recently than in the past few decades, a rule of “might is right” was prevalent in the valley and the Indian government was “pursuing its own policy regardless of what the international community was saying or indeed what the Kashmiris were saying”.

The veteran political analyst, a Swedish national of the Indian origin who is also a Professor of Peace and Conflict Research at Uppsala University participated in the international webinar as well.

Addressing the international assemblage through the webinar, the Swedish Professor Dr. Ashok Swain said that it was important to understand why Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi had taken the step to annex Jammu and Kashmir.

He says, “Modi’s popularity comes from having a fragile, volatile situation in [occupied] Kashmir. He took the decisions knowing very well what the repercussions would be,” he said.

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The Swedish scholar prefers to terms the move “very good for Modi’s politics but bad for Kashmir and bad for India”.

The Uppsala University professor Ashok Swain added that there was a wave of rising Hindu nationalism across India which had silenced the more secular forces in the country, especially when it came to Kashmir.
Speaking almost on the same lines, one British Labor MP who represents Luton South as early as July 16, 2020, had spoken on Kashmir issue in the British Parliament.

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Among others, she had said, “It is nearly a year since the Indian government revoked Article 370. Human Rights have been under assault in Jammu and Kashmir and violence has led to the needless deaths of many innocent people. The UK government must schedule a debate on the Human Rights abuses in Kashmir as soon as possible.

In the meanwhile, Volkan Bozkır, a former Turkish diplomat, who is set to take the General Assembly helm (As UNGA President) on Sept. 15, landed in Islamabad last week on a two-day maiden visit.

After his arrival in Islamabad, the Turkish diplomat and the President-elect of the UNGA Volkan Bozkir addressing a joint press conference along with the Pakistani FM Qureshi, said that “apart from the U.N. Security Council resolutions on Kashmir, there is the 1972 Shimla Agreement between Islamabad and New Delhi which calls for resolving the dispute through political and diplomatic channels and in line with the will of Kashmiris”, report international media agencies.

The Turkish diplomat Volkan Bozkir further said that “the festering Kashmir dispute between nuclear neighbors India and Pakistan needs to be resolved for sustainable peace in South Asia”.

To a query of a media man at the press meet-venue, the UNGA president elect Volkan Bozkir said that India-Pakistan should resolve Kashmir issue mutually, but ready to assist if asked by both India and Pakistan.

Bozkır’s election marks the first time a Turkish diplomat has held the post in U.N. history, and the highest-ranking U.N. office ever held by a Turkish citizen.

United Nations General Assembly’s president-elect Volkan Bozkir on Monday said he is willing to help Pakistan and India resolve their differences over Kashmir, if requested by both parties, PTI reported.

“If my assistance is requested by the parties, I will be ready to provide contributions within my mandate,” he said during a two-day visit to Pakistan.

Though at times, some world leaders and International HR top hats have made sharp comments against the Indian brutal regime on the Kashmiri people but those remarks have so far failed to draw the attention of the Indian government which has all along been ignoring the United nations Security Council resolutions for a plebiscite to be held in Kashmir which allows the population to determine their fate on whether they prefer to live with Pakistan or India.

For instance, Michelle Bachelet Jeria-the UN High Commissioner on Human Rights Office on August 6, 2019 said , “The Indian Government’s decision to revoke part of the Constitution relating to the special status of Indian-administered Kashmir risks worsening democratic freedoms there”.

She further added that “We are seeing again blanket telecommunications restrictions – perhaps more blanket than we’ve ever seen before – the reported arbitrary detention of political leaders and restrictions on peaceful assembly”.

Similarly, the UN Secretary General on August 8, 2019, had said that “The position of the United Nations on this region is governed by the Charter of the United Nations and applicable Security Council resolutions. The Secretary-General also recalls the 1972 Agreement on bilateral relations between India and Pakistan, also known as the Shimla Agreement, which states that the final status of Jammu and Kashmir is to be settled by peaceful means, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations”.

He called on all parties to “refrain from taking steps that could affect the status of Jammu and Kashmir”.

However, these comments on Kashmir have all gone unheard by the Indian regime since the very days the partition. Instead, the atrocities in the illegally occupied territory by the Indian Union is increasing manifold. It is here that the world leaders including the United Nation and the Security Council fails as this body has failed in implementing its own “resolutions” made in the past for the settlement of the lingering dispute between the two rival nations: India and Pakistan.

Is it that the UN itself is India bias? If not then why the UN body doesn’t take pains in implementing its own resolutions made in the past on Kashmir?

There is some space to suspect the very credentials or for that matter the motive of the UN Body including the Security Council.

In a fresh news received from Human Rights Watch, New York dated August 14/2020 says that “The Indian authorities should immediately order an independent, impartial investigation into the killings by security forces of three people in July 2020 in Jammu and Kashmir”.

“Security forces have long operated with impunity in Kashmir, and past army investigations have been more focused on shielding those responsible for abuse than providing justice,” says Meenakshi Ganguly, South Asia director at Human Rights Watch. “There can be no end to the cycle of violence in Kashmir if security forces are not held accountable for their past and current abuses.”

Earlier on August 3, 20202, the Human Rights Watch, New York had said that  the “Indian authorities continue to impose harsh and discriminatory restrictions on Muslim-majority areas in Jammu and  Kashmir, one year after the revocation of the state’s constitutional status on August 5, 2019, Human Rights Watch said August 4/2020.

By the way, Mijbil Al Shureka, a Kuwaiti lawyer about whom we know little in South Asia, has lately been very active on social media championing the issues of India’s beleaguered Muslims.

Lawyer Shureka wants Indian Muslims to appoint him as their lawyer so he could take the issue of Babri Masjid to the International Criminal Court (ICC) at The Hague, Netherlands.

The world is inhabited by such daring Muslims as well.

Meanwhile, Dr. Majhar Javed, the Pakistan Ambassador to Nepal has said that “the resolution of the long outstanding Kashmir dispute in accordance to the wishes of the people of Kashmir and the UN resolutions would complete the agenda of the partition”.

Dr. Majhar Javed made these observations while talking to a Nepali TV Channel in Kathmandu on the occasion of the Pakistan Independence day, August 14, 2020, in Kathmandu.

To conclude: One Sri Lankan scholar says, India is becoming a hotbed of terrorism as it is now hosts a large number of ISIS terrorists in Kerala (India). India is becoming a threat for the world peace. Modi’s Hindutva extremism is leading Islamic extremism in India.

The Nepali observers also subscribe to the same feelings as that of the Sri Lankans. That’s all.    

A delayed posting. Article written a week ago: Ed.