India’s 5th Gen. Warfare!

India’s 5th Gen. Warfare!
  • Indian company backed by right-wing European forces churns out propaganda against Pakistan and China for 15 years
  • Russia has said its growing bilateral relationship with China and Pakistan are “independent” of its ties with India, and once again reiterated its concerns over the Indo-Pacific initiative as well as the Quad Security Dialogue (Quad).

Kathmandu: China’s increasing inroads in the South Asian region over these years has troubled the expansionist Indian regime led by Islamophobic Prime Minister Narendar Bhai Modi.

And Modi is controlled by National security advisor Ajit Doval, Home Minister Amit Sah and Foreign Minister S. Jay Shankar.

Notably, Foreign Minister Shankar is under the tight control of his US based son who reportedly guides the minister in his foreign policy formulation.

Obviously, the junior Shankar has made India to bend towards US.

In fact, China’s presence in South Asia began right after the last Dhaka SAARC Summit when King Gyanendra lobbied for the Observer Status for China which angered and prompted the Indian establishment under proxy Prime Minister Dr. M.M Singh who was himself working as an assistant to the Italian Queen in India, Mrs. Sonia Gandhi to craft plans to unset King Gyanendra.

King Gyanendra lost his throne but succeeded in inserting China in the SAARC mechanism.

China later ditched King Gyanendra when the king needed China most.

Perhaps this is sufficient to prove that Nepal’s northern neighbor China is not that reliable and trustworthy partner.

Yet, it is still better than India comparatively.

China in more ways than one was compelled to penetrate and doubly increase its influence with its hard and soft power both in South Asia more so in Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.

The Maldives is tentatively an Indian protectorate after Baby Bhutan.

The inroads by China is only when the receiving end willingly has invited. The compulsion factor.

The compelling reason for inviting China in a more enhanced way was the blunt and piercing comments made on China by the number one duffer, the Indian Army Chief, M.M. Naravne on May 15 this year when he said, “Nepal has been ragging India with the Chinese encouragement” is what the undisciplined Army Chief had said of China.

Naturally a prestige conscious and equally competent country like China considered it to be appropriate to teach India several lessons on the Ladhakh war front and eventually China taught the fitting lessons.

And China taught fitting and appropriate lessons to Modi’s India.

A humiliated India then began providing instructions to smaller nations in its neighborhood which at times were threat loaded ones ordering them all to maintain good distance with China.

Such as the one which was ventilated in the recent days by Foreign Secretary Shringala and Chief of the Defense Staff, Bipin Rawat, wherein the first one shamelessly told Nepal that without India, Nepal can’t fulfil its dreams and the second one in an implied manner told Nepal to refrain from signing any agreements with… China.

While India and its leaders are busy in “teaching” lessons to smaller neighbors and thereby, collecting wrath and hatred for expansionist India, then China has advanced its reach and approach to the South Asian nations  in these very past weeks.

The Chinese defense minister Wei Fenghe’s whirlwind trip to Nepal, and the “solid and the much needed” assurances that the visiting Military dignitary gave to Nepal on safeguarding of the Nepal’s India threatened territorial integrity and sovereignty which has come at a time when the interventionist India in the South has been gulping Nepali lands.

Wei Fenghe’s assurances given to Nepal should be taken as a regional giant’s commitment which eventually opens new avenues to develop Nepali economy, claim Nepali observers.

Furthermore, China’s defense minister has vowed during the short stay in Nepal that his country will strengthen its military relationship with Nepal and support its territorial integrity with this small nation at a time when India is uncomfortable with Nepal when the latter dared to incorporate its own land in its political and administrative map.

Nepal and India are not in good terms, frankly speaking. And the Chinese assurances have followed much to the discomfort of expansionist and coercive Indian regime.

State councilor and defense minister Wei Fenghe said among other things that “”China will maintain close communication and deepen pragmatic cooperation with Nepal while providing continuous assistance and support for the construction of Nepal military to make greater contribution to the regional peace and stability and the benefit of the two peoples”.

In fact the fresh visit of China’s defense minister to Nepal and Pakistan has irked the Indian establishment which provoked Chief of the defense staff Bipin Rawat to spit venom against Nepal wherein he in an implied manner (threat loaded) warned Nepal not to rush to the Chinese lap.

After the Laddakh humiliation, India has increased its verbal and espionage attacks on China and has been recruiting in hundreds RAW men in the countries wherein China has already entered or penetrated.

The fresh entrance of the RAW machinery is in Sri Lanka with a big bang.

Reports have it that the Sri Lankan Armed forced recently killed four suspected militants and arrested one terrorist after raiding the Galle Road (Colombo) with possible ties to the India based RAW Cell. The men thus arrested were allegedly preparing to carry out multiple attacks in key installations in Colombo.

One SA intellectual in Tweeter claims that “the only country which has been destabilizing its neighbors is India. India has conflicts with Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka plus China which lies not in South Asia but is in South Asia under invitation.

This way, RAW is a plague for other nations like, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Bhutan.

However, Bhutan being a declared protectorate, fails to speak against the RAW as the King of Bhutan is surrounded by senior RAW officials much the same was the King of sovereign Sikkim Kingdom was prior to the annexation to the Indian Union in the mid-seventies.

Indira Gandhi’s, scavenging India ate Sikkim in seconds.

Zainal Abedin, a Bangladeshi scholar claims that his nation is heavily infested by the RAW. Others too have the similar stories regarding RAW in their respective countries.

Pakistan is the worst hit since 2005.

Pakistan government began, when enough had been enough, disclosing the Indian highhandedness on November 14, when the foreign minister Qureshi and General Iftikhar Babar presented to the nation and the world at large the much awaited “dossier” that contains the Indian State led terrorism inside Pakistani territory to the extent that one report had it that PM Modi personally engineered a campaign to damage the very infrastructure of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor-CPEC.

CPEC is a game changer for Pakistan.

The dossier reportedly has been already sent to world capitals who count on World politics including the United Nations and other competent international organisations.

Hardly had this Pakistani “dossier” reached the US, France, Germany, United Kingdom, China and other European and Asian nations, yet another notoriety of the Indian government’s meticulously planted and planned DisinfoLab was unearthed somewhere in Brussels and Geneva.

Writes Madame Sehar Kamran in the Daily Times dated December 20, 2020, that “a report from a Brussels based NGO, EU DisinfoLab created ripples across the world.

Mrs. Kamran is the Chief of a non-partisan think tank in Pakistan.

She further adds that “As it uncovered a massive 15 year-long Indian web of propaganda, lies and fake news manipulating international institutions like the European Union and the United Nations “to serve Indian interests”, and “discredit” Pakistan in the international arena. The researchers referred to it as the “largest network” of disinformation they have unearthed so far.

A Chinese scholar, Qian Feng, the director of the research department at the National Strategy Institute at Tsinghua University, says while talking to Global Times dated December 17, 2020 that, “India’s political interests, and the Indian government’s cybersecurity and intelligence services organs, are highly likely playing a role behind the scenes. Some far-right political forces in the West may have also got involved and provided support and cooperation”.

So is it the much publicized Fifth Generation warfare against Pakistan by India? Perhaps yes.

Fifth-generation warfare (5GW), defines, Mohsin Durrani, as “the battle of perceptions and information. 5GW is also a cultural and moral war, which distorts the perception of the masses to give a manipulated view of the world and politics”.

As reported last week in our article, the report revealed that a website called “EU Chronicle” with a declaration of delivering "news from the European Union" was the latest source of the misinformation campaign. Some of the organizations being run by the Srivastav Group posed as NGOs to influence Members of European Parliament (MEP) included “the Women's Economic and Social Think Tank (WESTT), the South Asia Democracy Forum and Friends of Gilgit-Baltistan,” to name a few.

Madame Kamran then suggests that “it is time that the European Union, the United Nations, and other international institutions must introspect about its decision-making process and how it receives information and from where. Fake news cannot be taken lightly”.

But will the European Parliament and the UN body penalize the Indian crooks?

Aren’t these international bodies with clear India bend?

Writes Amir Latif and Ahmad Adil for the Turkish News Agency AA dated 18 December, 2020, that “in a rare development in November Pakistan released a dossier accusing India of ‘actively’ planning, promoting, and aiding, abetting, financing and executing terrorist activities in its soil”.

The excessive bend of the US towards India has encouraged the later to act like a police State in the South Asian region and thus the entire SA region is the victim of Indian hooliganism.

Aptly comments Aizaz Ahmad Choudhary, Pakistan’s former foreign secretary while talking to Turkish agency recently wherein he says, “”since India doesn’t seem to change its policies towards Kashmir and neighbors, there is hardly any scope for improvement in Pakistan and India ties in the near future.

In fact, India’s ties with its neighbors are terribly bad at the moment to which the US’s Indian tilt has brought more tragedy for the South Asian nations that border India unfortunately.

Adds Chaudhary that “the recent US tilt towards India has emboldened New Delhi to continue its ‘belligerent’ approach towards its neighbors”.

The US’s tilt towards India perhaps has encouraged India to plan a surgical strike in Pakistan, so said FM Qureshi while being in the United Arab Emirates in the recent days.

Qureshi warned that if and when such a surgical strike (misadventure) is planned by India, then that would mean “undermining” the entire Afghan peace process.

Speaking to the press in the UAE, Abu Dhabi, Friday, FM Qureshi warned that his country would retaliate if attacked.

“We will do it effectively as we did respond immediately and effectively in February 2019 and that we will respond if they chose this path”, added AJ quoting FM Qureshi.

Pakistan’s national security advisor Moeed Yusuf too claims that he too has obtained “very specific and reliable intelligence of the Indian plans of a surgical strike.

The fact is that India doesn’t want a peaceful and a stable Afghanistan.

An unstable Afghanistan benefits India as the latter gets a small land-strip inside Afghanistan to carry terrorists’ activities inside Pakistan.

And this is what India has been doing since decades and decades.

While the Indian regime prefers to damage the Afghan peace process, yet the US special envoy Zalmay Khalilzad, reports Ayaz Gul for the VOA dated December 14, 2020, has asked the Taliban and representatives of the Afgh-Government to swiftly resume peace talks after their mutually agreed three week break.

The VOA also reports that Khalilzad has visited once again Pakistan where he held meetings with the military Chief. Qamar Bajwa.

The US General Scott Miller also joined the meet, reports VOA.

This meet clearly hints that the US needs Pakistan to bring in peace in Afghanistan.

Back in Delhi, the Russian Ambassador based in Delhi, India has clearly stated that Russia has said “its growing bilateral relationship with China and Pakistan are “independent” of its ties with India, and once again reiterated its concerns over the Indo-Pacific initiative as well as the Quad Security Dialogue (Quad).

Nikolay Kudashev, Russian Ambassador to India, clearly stated that its ties with Pakistan are independent of relations with India. India is losing its clout in the world politics.

On Russia’s growing ties with Pakistan, the ambassador Kudashev reiterated that “Moscow’s relationship with Islamabad is poised to further develop and it is “independent” of their ties with India.

This is perhaps a “subtle message to India” from Russia-India’s dumped Cold War ally.

As mentioned in our last issue, the Russian Ambassador’s comments comes close on the heels of Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov’s straight and blunt comment wherein he had said that the western world, particularly the US, is making India a party to “anti-China” policies like Indo-Pacific and Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, also called the Quad.

After Sergei Lavrov’s not so sweet comments on India follows the Russian Ambassador’s meaning loaded statement on India.

Both apparently appear unhappy with India. Isn’t it a message to India? It is. That’s all.