Nepal-Israel friendship: Auxiliary Workers leave for Israel

Kathmandu: In the presence of Honorable Minister for Labour, Employment and Social Security Mr. Krishna Kumar Shrestha, representatives of relevant ministries and H.E. Mr. Hanan Goder, Ambassador of Israel, the first batch of 99 Nepalese aspiring to work in Israel flew yesterday, 19 January to their destination.

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The workers will work as “auxiliary workers in the care givers sector” in Israel.

In total, more than one thousand workers (70% females and 30% males), are scheduled to fly within the next month.

They will be serving at long-term care facilities – geriatric homes in Israel in accordance with the Government-to-Government (G2G) agreement between Nepal and Israel.

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The Government of Nepal and the Government of the State of Israel signed a Framework Agreement on “Temporary Employment of Nepali Workers in Specific Labor Market Sectors in the State of Israel – Auxiliary Workers in Long Term Care Facilities” on 30 September 2020, and an implementation protocol on 21 January 2021.

The candidates were selected via transparent process of five different selection stages: application assessment, writing test, interview, lottery and medical tests.

All Nepali workers in this program will have the same working rights as Israeli workers including Minimum Wages, Vacation Days and Medical Insurance.

H.E. Mr. Hanan Goder, Ambassador of Israel met with them and briefed about various aspects of Israel during the Orientation Days, held on 14 and 16 of January.

Bidding farewell to them at the airport, Ambassador Goder said, ‘These workers will be a bridge between Nepali families and Israeli families.

This is a “win-win” cooperation between the countries and we are all proud to be a part of it.’

The Embassy congratulates the first 99 auxiliary workers that left and wishes them good luck and fruitful stay in Israel.

We believe that the care, effort and friendship that they will show to care receivers in Israel and Israelis’ affinity and cooperation, will add layers to the foundation of already existing Nepal-Israel friendship.

The Embassy of Israel would like to appreciate again the good cooperation with Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security and Department of Foreign Employment of Nepal.

-19 Jan 2022, Press Release, issued by the Embassy of Israel: Upadhyaya.