Biratnagar: February 3: Setsubun, the day when winter ends and spring begins in Japan.
Setsubun means “the day when the seasons part,” and we drive off evil spirits at the timing of this seasonal change.
In Japan, it is said that demons (representing evil spirits) are weak against beans, so we scatter roasted soybeans inside our houses and gardens chanting “Oni wa soto (Demons out)! Fuku wa uchi (Fortune in)!”
And when we hold bean-throwing ceremonies at kindergartens or homes, for example, someone has to play the role of the demon wearing mask. So, at this time of the year, Japanese supermarkets sell sets of roasted beans and devil masks for this.
The ceremony ends with the eating of roasted soybeans for the number of years of age.
When we were children, we thought it was nice that grown-up could eat a lot of beans, but now that we are grown up, eating many soybeans may not be such an exciting event anymore…
Of late, has been warmer in Kathmandu.
Spring is almost here.
End text.