India-China: Nepal Challenge!

India-China: Nepal Challenge!

N.P. Upadhyaya: Senior analyst Bharat Dahal while summarizing current state of politics in the country claimed that the frail state the country is the sum total of the handiwork of those who forcefully imposed the ill-designed India imposed 12 Points Agreement and later also took total control over the country.

Bharat Dahal is himself a former Maoist leader, who when realized that Maoist movement was in effect plotted by the Indian regime to destabilize and eventually disintegrate Nepal, abandoned the anti-national movement while it was at its peak.

The fate of the Maoists moment was decided right the day when Prachanda and Baburam surrendered themselves to the Indian government headed by Atal Bihari Bajpayi in New Delhi, he recalls.

Bajpayi was a staunch Hindu yet he conspired against the only Hindu nation in the globe. And, New Delhi sources further claim that Nepal’s Hindu identity was scrapped under the straight instructions of Mrs. Sonia Gandhi.

Mrs. Gandhi-born in Italy, is a born Christian and is presumed to have been deputed as the chief of the Christian world for this part of South Asia.

Media reports claim that India’s former President Pranav Mukherjee has authentically claimed in his newly published book that Mrs. Gandhi possesses explicit hatred for the Hindu religion.

Though former President Mukherjee also is on record to have told to the Al Jazeera TV that India had invested much in expanding the clout of Nepal’s Maoists which is what has facilitated their easy entrance into the Nepali politics after the exit of the Monarchy way back in 2006.

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Later GP Koirala did the job as assigned by Indian regime, if one were to recall those traumatic days. This perhaps explains the rest. The exported item is now ruling this country virtually.

Analysts here remain confident in that these political events may have influenced the then Nepali leaders to do away with the Hindu identity of Nepal for multiple reasons.

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Mrs. Gandhi thus consoled her burning pains for some events in Nepal that had apparently insulted her Italian persona. She settled some scores.

Bharat Dahal in the interview with Danfey Television claims that Nepal’s slide will continue further under the leadership of Sher Bahadur Deuba, Madhav Nepal, Pushpa Kamal Dahal aka Prachanda and KP Oli-the incumbent Prime Minister.

“It is this set of present day rulers who have been carefully nominated (stress added) by the Indian regime to control Nepal on a rotational basis and serve the nominator uninterrupted”, he claims further with confidence.

The musical chair politics continues since the very day of the signing of 12 point agreement. Thee nominated ones have been doing their best to serve the nominator. That’s it.

“India from time to time warns these dummy leaders of Nepal to ensure that President of China Xi Xinping under no circumstances is allowed to visit Nepal”, he adds.

“Our own leaders have in the past betrayed China which forced the Northern neighbor to postpone its President Xi’s visit to Nepal”, reveals Dahal.

Dahal some five years back talking to this scribe had claimed while recalling his days in New Delhi with Chairman Prachanda and his deputy Baburam that the Indian security machinery were used to  provide close security to the Maoists leaders in the Indian capital.

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“I quit the Maoists party for good when I could see for myself that the party had been working to damage Nepal with the close collaboration of the Indian regime”, so said Dahal.

This perhaps explains why the Maoists were “exported” to Nepal by the Shyam Saran clique and were told to destroy their own homeland.

Sharp brains in Kathmandu claim, Baburam Bhattarai-forming a new Democratic Party and entirely disassociating himself with the communist ideology and Prachanda, dismantling his old “revolutionary” party to merge with the United Marxist Leninist Party, is also the brain child of the Indian establishment.

The Indian grand design, as much as it could be guessed is to depute its “trusted and tested men” into potential political parties and through their trusted warriors Sikkimise Nepal ultimately.

And, if it is not possible then at least Bhutanise this ancient nation, through their declared and trusted men of the likes of Prachanda and Baburam.

And who else could be more trustful than those two sharp brains, Comrade Prachanda and Dr. BR Bhattarai to destroy Nepal?

It is these two illustrious Nepali leaders, brilliant sons of the soil, who have enjoyed the Indian government’s hospitality while waging the so called people’s War on Nepal.

The first target was the institution of the Monarchy and the second target visibly is the NC-the oldest democratic party of Nepal.

Looking at the pathetic state of the Nepali Congress as a party that it stands today, it could be concluded that the attack on NC has worked as per the Indian design envisioned a decade back.

The NC is struggling hard to keep its existence.

The third and the final attack expectedly is the institution of the Nepal Army.

The idea is to weaken and demoralize Nepal Army so that it could not perform the duties for which the institution is meant for. Having attacked all these vital organs of the Nepali State, the final effort will be on the merger of the ancient country a la Sikkim into the Indian Union hopefully.

Bids towards this end are already afoot.

Former Nepal Army Chief Rukmangad Katuwal is talked to have been “hand in glove” while the new republican leaders forcefully ousted the Nepali monarchy.

Katwal now laments perhaps but largely remains unmasked, observers claim.

This does mean that the “Indian penetration” was there since long even in the Nepal Army.

And very freshly, the new Army Chief was in Delhi. He may have been, let’s hope so, seduced.

This is the undeclared game of the traditional neighbor which could be sensed from its bilateral dealings with Nepal wherein she always ignores and insults this nation through the kind courtesy of its deputed political creatures in Kathmandu.

The report submitted by the eminent persons group (EPG), to the Indian government is yet to be accepted by the Indian PM Modi who has hinted that the EPG’s final draft was simply unacceptable to the Indian regime as it clearly talks that Nepal must not remain under the security umbrella of the Indian regime.

This changes made by the EPG in the 1950 treaty, India would love to reject.

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The manner Nepal’s accidental Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli just the previous week exhibited his abhorrence and utter disregard to the revered unifier of the nation, King Prithvi, does tell how the Prime Minister of a country ignore contributions of a person who ensured and established the existence of a sovereign nation of which he is the chief executive?

Sorry to say, observers now wish to recall some facts that very much shed light on the very nationalist credentials, the fake one in effect, of Nepal’s Prime Minister Oli who in a visible and vocal manner lauded the Nepal-India Mahakali Treaty.

In fact, KP Sharma Oli was the single UML leader after Madhav Nepal who almost danced to the Indian tune while the process of Parliamentary ratification of the Mahakali treaty was on in the mid-nineties.

He was beaming as if heaven has come down on earth because the treaty had just been ratified presumably by the India controlled parliament then.

Since the unequal Mahakali treaty ratification, KP Sharma Oli is considered to have willingly entered into the India’s list of trusted men which tentatively continues even as of today.

Then began Oli’s regular trip to India government funded medical trips. Oli preferred Medanta Hospital for his renal impairment.

However, the treaty much appreciated and applauded by the present day Nepal Prime Minister then in the mid-nineties instead died an unnatural death. Albeit, the Mahakali treaty exposed the entire set of the Nepali leaders more so of the present day Prime Minister for being a “yes man” of the Indian regime.

This is what is still being believed in Nepal’s political circuit.

The other side of the story is that India now is also thinking to unseat PM Oli. Some influential leaders in New Delhi conclude that Oli has a clear tilt over China-the arch rival of India.

The shortest route to unseat PM Oli will be to bring into use the clout of Comrade Prachanda- the declared Indian man.

In fact, Prachanda just needs an inkling from Delhi and Oli is in the foot path.

He is reportedly ready to serve his former alien mentors. And here is yet another India friendly leader Mr. Madhav Kumar Nepal who has just spoken that till PM Oli was in power, the talk of development will remain a mirage.  This speaks of Mr. Nepal’s hatred for PM Oli.

This plot to unseat Oli could also be a “grand” ploy of India to postpone the arrival of Chinese President Xi Xinping to Nepal.

The Newly accredited Chinese Ambassador to Nepal Ms. Hou Yanqi has told Nepal’s Defense minister Mr. Ishwar Pokhrel, Thursday that “Nepal is the Gate way to the South Asian Landmass”.

She has stepped up her courtesy call meet with the Nepali leaders and also with the Nepal Army. She has already met with Nepal Army Chief Mr. Purna Chandra Thapa.

“During my tenure in Nepal, I will ensure high level visits to Nepal from China”, is what she has been saying.

China appears to have become sensitive after the US appeal to Nepal to play a central role in Indo-Pacific affairs.

This news must have approached Delhi and the later in turn must have stepped up its clandestine design to abort the high level visits from China to Nepal.

Some even claim that Modi’s “invisible” servants are already in Kathmandu who shall for sure receive the needed help from the so called vibrant Nepali media as usual.

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That’s all.