Abdulla Yameen accuses ‘India gulped’ Maldivian lands!

Abdulla Yameen accuses ‘India gulped’ Maldivian lands!

N. P. Upadhyaya

Kathmandu: His determination is exemplary indeed.

The manner he has begun “exposing” the regional Scoundrel-India upon his fresh release from the Maldivian prison hints that this time around Abdullah Yameen-the former President of the Maldives will bring in “untold” diplomatic problems to India in the bilateral conduct of Delhi-Male relations that have ever gone in favor of the regional coercive regime-that India is.

Coercion, extortion, subjugation, threat and intimidation, diplomatic blackmail and recruiting the RAW agents into the body politics of smaller nations of South Asia has remained the hall mark of the Indian regime since the day after it gained “conditional independence” ( Kangana Ranawat) of its British masters-the East India Company in 1947.

Abdullah Yameen is on record to have admitted that “most of the newspapers in male were in the payroll of the Indian High Commission”.

This explains how the politics of the Maldivian nation is being twisted and finally run by the regional hegemon-India.

After squeezing Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Bhutan, it is now the turn of the tiny island archipelago Maldives to feel the brunt of the New Delhi’s regime now being controlled by the Gang of Four-Modi, Ajit Doval, Amit Sah and Shankar.

This is the Hindu supremacy gang of India who had reportedly “masterminded” the Delhi riot of 2020 that was very much witness by the visiting US President Donald Trump.

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Needless to say, it is this Gang that rules India with iron fist and is also taken declared Islamophobic.

Emirati Princess Hend Faisal Qasimi quite often ventilates her ire against the Islamophobic Indian nationals.

Former President Yameen in the recent days and weeks, has made it an one point agenda to expose India and its wrong doing in the Maldives.

Some even say in South Asia that Abdullah Yameen was the victim of the RAW machinations which imprisoned him on some “flimsy political charges”.

A competent Court in Male freshly released Yameen stating that “no credible evidence” has been furnished by his opponents.

Beginning early December this month, Abdullah Yameen is organizing lectures and demonstrations to let the Maldivians know on how the Indian establishment is luring the innocent Maldivian leaders to work for the “security benefits” of the South Block.

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It was Yameen early this December who gave a clarion call to his countrymen to come out into the streets demanding the out and out “removal of the Indian Military’s presence” in the Maldives.

His call for removal of the Indian military from the Maldivian soil has been well taken inside the country.

“How can Maldives be a sovereign nation when Indian military have a heavy presence in its soil”, say informed Maldivian citizenry.

And now he now once again loudly spoke, December 11, 2021, at a massive rally titled “Kotharukoshi” at the Carnival area in the main city Male, the former President Yameen had repeated his prior call for the Indian military to exit the Maldives immediately”.

“India is a large country”, he had said that “but we will do whatever we can to protect our country and that we will make it sure that Maldives is ours”.

Writes Ibrahim Adam for the “Maldives Journal” dated December 11, 2021, that Yameen making a reference to the Maldivian history, the former President had mentioned “minicoy”.

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“Minicoy”, asserts Yameen that India has illegally captured this land which instead historically is a sovereign part of Maldives which was ruled by the Maldives from “Minicoy to Addu”.

This clearly means that like Nepal’s territories in the West, India too has encroached upon the Maldivian lands.
He then questions “When did we lose Minicoy,” really?

In the meanwhile, Transparency Maldives have expressed, December 9, 2021, concerns regarding the Maldives police services blocking of the “opposition” in progressive national congress planned rallies in the Hulhumale phase two area.

Salute to Yameen’s strong determination to fight and expose the Indian intervention in the Maldives.

How nice it would have been if the Nepali leaders now ruling Nepal too come out in the streets and demanded the Nepali landmass that have already been swallowed by the regional Destabilizer-India much the same way Abdullah Yameen is fighting for his country against India in the recent days and weeks.

That’s all.