
India: Sikkimizing Nepal, a Myth or Reality?

N.P. Upadhyaya, Kathmandu: It has been given to understand by some intellectuals very freshly that the July 20, 2019, secret trip made by the RAW chief Mr. Susanta Kumar Goyal to Kathmandu and his parleys in quick succession with the entire presumed Indo-pendent leaders was just to “inform associated with stern warnings” that India was taking […]

Kashmir Fallout: India’s undemocratic face exposed!

N. P. Upadhyaya, Kathmandu: Let’s begin the story from our own South Asian region and that too from the troubled Kashmir and its people who have all been put together including the Children under a man made cage since August 5-the day PM Modi “alienated” Kashmir from the rest of India. Says a Nepali International Law […]

Is Nepal India’s Next prey after Kashmir?

Kathmandu, N.P.Upadhyaya: It was definitely the darkest day for Nepal. It was this day when an unwanted and uninvited Indian spy was noticed to have landed in Kathmandu, and the “dark man” met with the political animals close to the Indian establishment, advised and instructed them all to act as per his sermons or face […]

India annexes Kashmir: Pakistan threatens full fledged War!

N.P. UPadhyaya, Kathmandu:  The Indian establishment under Hindu fundamentalist Prime Minister Narendra Bhai Modi has invited troubles of Himalayan dimension not only for him but also for the entire South Asian region. The undeclared protectorate Nepal favors Indian action which demands no elaboration as to why? Poor Nepal. Thanks 12 point agreement. Notably, this region […]

US President Trump Pressure on India to resolve Kashmir Issue vital!

Kathmandu N.P.Upadhyaya: The US President Donald Trump is a bit different political stuff. It visibly appears that President Trump is not that happy with the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Das Modi. Is it that President Trump dislikes Modi’s hug? Could be. Caring little about what the Indian reaction would be, President Trump within a short […]