
Modern Diplomacy and Foreign Policy of Nepal

Dr. Niranjan Man Singh Basnyat Nepal’s Former Ambassador to Malaysia Member, Nepal Council of World Affairs Abstract: In this article, the author has tried to explain the history of the foreign policy of Nepal since the time of King Prithvi Narayan Shah in a nutshell. The article explores the situation during the Rana regime including […]

Origin of Civil Society Ancient Period-Part 6

Dev Raj Dahal, Kathmandu, Nepal (Continued from last issue). As state protection becomes fragile, powerful actors rely on force to achieve their political goals and armed actors seek societal control through kidnapping the citizens of rival groups, killings, threats, coercion, rape and violence. Sometimes vigilante groups spontaneously emerge with a sense of revenge and act […]

Geostrategic Location and its Implications for the Foreign Policy of Nepal

Professor Mohan P. Lohani Former Ambassador to Bangladesh And Former President of Nepal Council of World Affairs Kathmandu, Nepal Abstract: There is a consensus that Nepal’s foreign policy formulation and implementation has been significantly shaped, among others, by the country’s geostrategic location. Such location of the country was perceived, more than 2 centuries ago, by […]

Status and Issues of Water Resources in the context of Nepal-Part 3

Professor Dr. Narendra Man Shakya Water Resources Engineering Institute of Engineering Tribhuvan University, Nepal Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM): “Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) is a process which promotes the coordinated development and management of water, land and related resources, in order to maximize the resultant economic and social welfare in an equitable manner without […]

Local Governance in Nepal-Part 3

–Professor Rabindra Khanal, Kathmandu, Nepal (Continued from the last issue) Delegation: Delegation implies transfer or creation of broad authority to plan and implement decisions concerning specific matters – a variety of activities within specific spatial boundaries transferred to an organization that is technically and administratively capable of carrying them out. Some authority and decision making […]