South Asia

Nepal’s foreign policy: Partnership with nature

Professor Dev Raj Dahal Senior Political Scientist, Nepal Begin text. Nepal’s vertical landscape offers different climatic zones-tundra, temperate and tropical. It ranks 255 positions in biodiversity which can serve as the basis of sustainable development. It hosts 2.5 percent of share in global biodiversity. Bioclimatic variations offer reasonable economic scope for the diversification of production, […]

Nepal: Recent Western critical notes on Kashmir unnerves India

India’s Loss is Pakistan’s Gain N. P. Upadhyaya ( Aryal) Biratnagar, Nepal: The unexpected has happened for India. And the conduct of the international diplomacy doesn’t obey to the Indian dictates. Several political setbacks have hit the Indian regime at a time in the recent days and weeks. It may have not even been in […]

Impact of COVID-19 on Nepal-India Border and Borderland Communities

Buddhi Narayan SHRESTHA Border Expert, Kathmandu, Nepal Key words: Open border, misused by unwanted elements, deployment of border security force, Covid-19 pandemic impact, regulate border. Summary: There is an open border regime between Nepal and India since centuries. But all the border-crossings have been closed dramatically during the COVID-19 pandemic period. Number of border observation […]

Role of Buddhism in Nepal’s Relations with India and China

Milan Raj Tuladhar Former Adviser to the Prime Minister of Nepal (Hon’ble Jhala Nath Khanal, 2011-2012) Abstract:  Nepal lays claim as the birthplace of Lord Buddha. After his upbringing and many years of very thoughtful youth in Nepal’s Kapilbastu, he went to Bodhgaya, India for his final enlightenment. His message of peace was spread from […]

The Changing Dynamics of Nepalese Foreign Policy: Pattern and Trend-Part 2

Bhimnath Baral, Associate Professor Department of Political Science, PNC, Pokhara, Nepal Non-aligned Foreign Policy: The devastating Second World War brought sea changes in world politics. The pre war friends started to form their own alliances just after the post war international relations. Nepal also witnessed a new chapter in its foreign policy. An important political development […]