
Local Governance in Nepal-Part 1

–Professor Rabindra Khanal, Kathmandu, Nepal  Introduction to the study: The concept of local governance has emerged as a significant issue in the process of democratization. The third wave of democracy, mentioned by Huntington, has brought new challenges to the existing systems around the world for greater participation of the people in decision making processes which […]

Status and Issues of Water Resources in the context of Nepal-Part 1

-Professor Dr. Narendra Man Shakya Water Resources Engineering Institute of Engineering Tribhuvan University, Nepal General: Nepal is endowed with abundant water resources from the availability point of view. The waters are regarded as the key strategic natural resources having the potential to be the catalyst for all round development and economic growth of the country. […]

Origin of Civil Society Ancient Period-Part 3

Dev Raj Dahal, Kathmandu, Nepal “The concept of humanity obliges us to take up the “we” perspective from which we perceive one another as members of an inclusive community no person is excluded from” (Habermas, 2003:56) and establishing a framework of justice at every level of society. “Bringing social justice to global markets requires global […]