Delhi’s course correction on Nepal Policy

“People who know little are usually great talkers.

while men who know much say little”.

-Jean- Jacques Rousseau. 

N. P. Upadhyaya (Aryal)

Biratnagar: Indian policy towards Nepal is likely to see a paradigm shift in the near future.

It is speculated that India is determined for a course correction of its previous Nepal.

Himalayan blunders that distanced India from Nepal amongst the nationalists who consider India as the real villain for multiple reasons.

Even if the course correction is brought into practice, Nepali population shall in all likelihood love to hate India.
The fact is that India neither is a traditional nor do we have “special relations with India”.

Yes! India is held in respect in honor who seemingly wish the Sikkimisation of Nepal.

In fact, a section of highly informed citizenry in Nepal loves to hate India for having uninterruptedly twisted the arms of Nepal after the removal of the Nepali monarchy.

Bluntly speaking, Nepal began to feel the Indian heat the day India was awarded presumably a conditional independence by the colonizer.

But how and why the course correction has become imperative for the Hindu fundamentalist regime shall be discussed in the article hereafter.

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Some political events back in Nepal have expectedly drawn the serious attention of the
Indian regime.

A fresh one that is associated with the fake Bhutanese refugees scandal that was sponsored by the State itself-the ones who were elevated by the Indian regime and the USA.

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( We will write one more article next week on the Bhutanese refugee issue stating hos the Nepali leaders cheated the all powerful USA).

Back to the point.

India’s Hindu fanatics are more interested in Nepal than it is otherwise.

We will come to it later.

Indications to that effect have begun surfacing much to the askance of the Nepali leaders who were, let’s be clear, elevated by the regime across the border for a special cause and that being the removal of the Nepal’s Royal institution.

Some Nepali leaders have been serving the Indian regime much similar to what and how seriously the Sikkimi national, a political personality indeed, used to serve Madame Indira Gandhi for some financial and political gains.
The Sikkimi national ultimately allowed India to gulp sovereign and independent Sikkim in the mid-seventies that alarmed Nepal for obvious reasons.

He was Kazi Lendhup Dorje-taken as a traitor later he died an unsung death.

The Lendhups of Nepali version here are in abundance and very much alive and kicking and there is seemingly some sort of rivalry among the Nepali turncoats as to who is to serve India better comparatively?

The Nepali Royalty was unceremoniously ousted, let’s recall, only for the reason that India felt or even concluded that “it is the Nepali Royalty that has been impeding India to “control” Nepal’s entire administrative and foreign policy structure and thus the institution as such needs to be dissolved.

And for the dissolution of the said foundation India manufactured Prachanda and his so- called People’s War with the sole objective of capturing entire Nepali politics through the sheltered collaborators.

High placed sources say that Pushpa Kamal Dahal was awarded a nickname “Prachanda” by India itself that provided the coward Maoists lodging in Delhi’s outskirt with the sole objective of “damaging Nepal” though Nepali nationals whose loyalty was not for Nepal but India.

The designer was Delhi-the foster father of Nepal Maoists, to put it straight.

India succeeded in its mission by smartly using and over using Nepal’s paid and posted agents who some time later did away with the Nepal’s Royal institution for all time to come.

It was this intended expulsion of Monarchy that made sovereign and independent Nepal guardian less and threw Nepal to the mercy of the enemy regime-India.

Since 2005/6, Nepal is in effect parent less.
Nepali politics swings to the whims and the dictates, sorry to say, of the enemy regime in the South.

And India began ruling Nepal’s whole politics, both internal and external, through the implicit support of those who were and are still taken as the “stooges” of Indian establishment.

After the exclusion of Monarchy, India had a free play in Nepal. India reigned Nepal through the paid idiots and by this time has almost captured Nepal’s entire natural resources without facing a problem. Sitting Nepal PM Dahal is talked to gift a 669 Mega Watt electricity generating River in his upcoming visit to his “home away home”- the Delhi.

The fresh example being the candidacy of Ram Chandra Poudel to the post of Nepal President was unquestionably finalized by the Indian Foreign Secretary B. M. Quatra who had landed in Kathmandu on February 13, 2023, only to elevate R. C. Poudel to Nepal President post.

Poudel is the new Nepal President and is taken as a political man of India’s choice and hopefully he will work for India and remain obedient to the Indian seen and unseen dictates.

India needs President Poudel only with the hope that “an India elevated President will approve the pending citizenship bill” soon in the Parliament.

India is learnt to have begun pressing President Poudel to approve the citizenship bill that will for sure help Sikkimise Nepal by 2030.

Elaborating it further, he Indian idea and plan is to Sikkimise Nepal by early 2030 and for that illegal immigrants need to swell the Nepali population at time of the Referendum to choose a sovereign Nepal or dissolution of Nepal into vast India’s ocean.

It is not that India loves President Poudel. No, it is not.

President Poudel is likely to approve ( he will for sure) the Citizenship bill in a haste as India has begun pressing him to act for what he was elevated to the present rank.

Some even say that President Poudel has been awarded by India for his key role in steering the Parliament in the mid-nineties at time of the Mahakali River Treaty ratification.

Similarly, the current Speaker of the Nepal parliament honorable Dev raj Ghimire too has been valued for his “key” role in finalizing the Mahakali River Treaty in India’s favor at a dirt-cheap price on behalf of the United Marxists Leninists (UML) party now headed by K. P. Oli.

To recall, it was this anti-national act of UML Chairman K. P. Oli which compelled the Indian regime to award free Kidney transplantation to K. P. Oli at Medanta Hospital in Delhi.

India repaired two damaged Kidneys of K. P. Oli for free.

It was this life saving Indian gesture that Oli as Prime Minister closed the issue of the pointed map of Nepal captured by India.

And K. P. Oli’s secret ties with the RAW Chief Samant Kumar Goyal remains no longer a secret.

So, all the India’s men are ruling Nepali some way or the other.While the power center of Nepal in the past remained inside the Royal Palace, the same power center now has shifted to the former British colony and for this shift, India did all it can to oust one of the strongest pillars (that was monarchy definitely and unquestionably) of Nepal that had kept this nation equally close to China in the North.
Needless to say, with monarchy gone from the political scene, China a has been pushed to the wall.

China is alone in Nepal and is paying a heavy price in having ousted monarchy with the consent of India.

China is thus advised to inch closer to Pakistan and the US on some key issues that may deter India’s overwhelming penetration in Nepal.

A stronger Pakistan could be a political deterrent in a South Asia which has to endure the India’s increasing hooliganism.

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( Pakistan at the moment is a fractured society with Imran Khan supporters damaging the State properties). 
However, Pakistan is weaker from within as the political and the social sector appears hell bent on insulting and humiliation its own political men seated in the upper echelons of political corridor.

Pakistan thus is a splintered society which has allowed India to deeply penetrate into its social fabric.

The RAW penetration which is seemingly present in the Pakistani media, is not included.

Thanks, the US is now active in that some influential and educated personalities have entered into Nepali politics who presumably were somewhat close to the US.

However, we are yet not sure but rumors suggest that the US too has been flexing its muscles of late.

Back to the main point:

India is about to change its Nepal policy not for the benefit of Nepal but instead for its political and electoral advantage.

The idea is to benefit from a Hindu Nepal at time of the approaching Indian election next year.

The ruling Bharatiya Janta Party, BJP, believes that a Hindu Nepal will have considerable impact on the Hindu voters to unconditionally vote for Narendra Bhai Modi once again.

And for this purpose, the Indian Prime Minister has deputed Chief Minister Aditya Nath Yogi to do whatever for Nepal that benefits and is to the advantage of the BJP in the approaching election.

In a way, Chief Minister Yogi is to determine the fate of Nepal as to whether Nepal should exist with a Hindu monarch or remain as a secular.

Notably, Nepal is primarily a Hindu dominated country.

Yogi has been entrusted on how to deal with the deposed Nepal King and PM Modi has also commanded CM Yogi that whatever CM Yogi decides on Nepal shall be binding and final to the entire Indian regime.

CM Yogi, the likely heir apparent of PM Modi, is a Nepali speaking Indian national with deep love and respect for Hindu identity of Nepal with a Hindu monarch on top.

Interestingly and most strikingly, King Gyanendra is on a ten-day visit to India, (Uttar Pradesh-UP) which adds weight to the popular gossip that India is soon to restore Nepali monarchy.

King Gyanendra’s Nepal Ganj speech dated 03 May 2023, too contained his earnest desire to stage a comeback to the Nepali throne.

The King must not have almost threatened the Nepali leaders that enough had been enough and that the nation needs his active presence to correct the piled up political aberrations.

The King’s warning loaded speech from Nepal Ganj too has meaning in that his august father King Mahendra had scrapped the democratic system led by PM B. P. Koirala in 1960 December.

Has this any meaning or political connotations?

The brazen acts of Himalayan corruption since the advent of Shyam Saran’s imposed Republican order in Nepal too needs to be arrested sooner the better.

The fake export of Bhutanese-Nepalese refugees to the USA scandal too demands that someone as a powerful political personality jumps into the scene and sends the entire corrupt leaders to jail summarily.

Nepali leaders nursed and indoctrinated by former Indian foreign secretary Shyam Saran have been found engaged in this billion-dollar scandal of “state sponsored” human trafficking.

The top hats from the Nepali Congress, the Maoists, and the UML have been found engaged/involved in human trafficking.

King Gyanendra’s fresh trip to India could be associated with the regime change in Nepal.

But one pertinent question shall confront the Nepali people as to how an India elevated King Gyanendra be taken as the custodian of Nepali sovereignty?

Will not the king have some soft corner for enemy regime India for his restoration?

King Gyanendra must analyze these probable eventualities. How he will convince the Nepali population if and when he is restored? That’s all.