Female Vlogger brutally assaulted in Pakistan

Female Vlogger brutally assaulted in Pakistan

Kathmandu: A heartbreaking, horrifying, appalling, and mentally disturbing episode happened in the Pakistani city, Lahore on August 14, 2021.

It was a date when the people of Pakistan were celebrating their independence day and thus the people were obviously in a jubilant mood.

However, a horrendous event that followed the revelries was adequate enough to damage the prestige and popularity of Pakistan and that too led by an Oxonian Graduate-Prime Minister Imran Khan.

Khan is a world class Cricketer.

Question now is that whether women in Pakistan are safe as is talked in South Asian nations more so in rival India? Can they walk or travel in the city alone?

PM Khan is taken as a liberal and a social man who possess abundant respect and honor for the women folks of the country.

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And yet the shameful upsetting episode happened.

He is a man of conscience, it is said.

However, the event that took place in Lahore on August 14 will take considerable time in restoring Pakistan’s now tarnished image in giving back a sense of relief and assurance that the nation respects the women folks at all?

Is the Pakistani State serious?

In what could be registered as the gross violation of the prevailing laws and social norms (decorum), a young girl TikToker (or Lady) along with her six friends was filming near Minar-E-Pakistan (August 14) when an irate mob of some four hundred unruly crowd of anti-social elements pounced upon her and her accompanying friends.

How the mad and the unruly horde attacked the TikToker and her friends went viral across the country which later spread to other neighboring South Asian nations including Nepal.

The lady somehow was saved and approached the local Police station at Lorry Adda, Lahore, wherein she lodged her complaint, reported the Dawn daily.

In what shape the Vlogger may have found herself is anybody’s guess.

The TikToker (influencer) has alleged that the callous mob snatched her jewelry and the mobile phone of one of her associates along with Rupees 15, 000 cash.

According to the Guardian dated August 19, 2021, the aggrieved Vlogger says: “The crowd pulled me from all sides to such an extent that my clothes were torn. I was hurled in the air. They assaulted me brutally”.

The Vlogger in panic says, “I was stripped and my clothes were torn apart”.

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She says, ‘I was stripped and my clothes were torn apart and that I kept crying for help but to no avail and no one came to my rescue”.

Media sources say that the Vlogger who was the target this time in Pakistan is famed for her Videos on TikTok.

The viral video that had captured the shocking event shows hundreds of men assaulting the TikToker, tearing her clothes and manhandling her in full public view.

A young kid of ten or eleven years’ age too is seen in the video manhandling the influencer and her friends.

Words of condemnation have emanated from the activists, politicians, celebrities, Amnesty International and people across Pakistan who have expressed their anger over the assault.

Political leader Bilawal Bhutto has said that the incident should “shame every Pakistani” and that it “speaks to a rot in our society”.

Pakistani media reports that Prime Minister Imran Khan has duly intervened into the sensational issue after reports confirmed that and influencer was manhandled by a fanatic mob in Lahore August 14.

Media reports claim that some of the miscreants have already been booked by law authorities.

Apart from his event, Pakistan has also witnessed the attack on some Hindu temples in the recent weeks.

This news must not have been taken by the Nepali Hindus in good taste.

And very freshly, one Pakistani fanatic was seen vandalizing the 19th century statute of Maharaj Ranjit Singh-the King of Punjab.

It is the third time, say media reports, that the statue has been vandalized since 2019.All put together, it more or less means that the level of tolerance in Pakistan is decreasing at an alarming speed. This is very disturbing news for entire South Asia.

The Guardian dated August 19 writes about the ghastly Pakistani event. The paper says: ” The shocking assault was captured on several videos, which went viral and showed a mob descend on the woman as she was in Lahore’s Greater Iqbal park making a TikTok video with friends.

In broad daylight, the men picked up the young woman and tossed her between them, tearing her clothes and assaulting and groping her”.

Bangladesh too could be taken among the countries who have less tolerance level when it comes to Hindu religion.

It is time for Pakistan to become serious simply because PM Khan is a serious man both in words and deeds. It is time that PM Khan acts.

Both these countries should learn from Nepal on how to live in harmony with different religion.