G20 Delhi meet: US president Biden not allowed to speak; India-Canada bilateral ties under severe strain

” Leisure is the mother of philosophy.”

-Thomas Hobbes. 


-B’desh invited at Delhi G20 to send signals to China-
-Nepal and Pakistan summarily ignored-

The G20 meet in Delhi brings catastrophe:

Biratnagar: An India controlled sovereign Nepal which is also taken as of undeclared tail of Indian regime ( both in theory and practice) since the second day of the 1950 Treaty of Peace and Friendship was completely ignored by the adjacent “big brother” and the ‘deputed policeman’ of South Asia at time of the Delhi G20 held on September 9-10, 2023.

Tail has no respect.

Yet as a disciplined neighbor, Nepal and it’s so called vibrant intellectuals celebrated the success of the India sponsored G20 even if Nepal was not invited.

This speaks so many things unspoken.

Instead of guilt, they rejoiced the event which was puzzling.

A section of the Nepali academia celebrated the event but preferred not to raise the issue as to why Nepal was not invited by India.

Instead, Bangladesh, comparatively a new country in South Asia was invited to attend to the mega event that, honestly speaking, saw the galaxy of world leaders who have had converged in New Delhi.

Undoubtedly, after the lapse of several decades, New Delhi became the venue of the jumbo G20 event.

To recall, at time of Madame Indira Gandhi, a Summit of the Non Aligned Movement was held in Delhi in the eighties wherein Nepal’s King Birendra was an invited guest.

King Birendra and Indian Prime Minister Mrs. Gandhi then were having odd relations.

Why only Bangladesh from South Asia:

The selection of B’desh to the G20 event was with a special purpose and a calculated design, I guess. China factor was definitely in mind. We will discuss it later.

Or else, B’deshi nationals are taken as “termites” by Indian Home Minister Amit Sah-Modi’s trusted lieutenant.
Clearly, India is scared of China’s overwhelming penetration in B’desh and hence to blunt such a likely infiltration in the days ahead, India invited B’desh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to attend to the event.

China for sure, wants to free B’desh from Indian sphere of influence which is, we guarantee, very difficult as long as Sheikh Hasina is the Premier.

Madame Hasina’s presence in the Delhi G20 meet was mainly to send signals to China that despite of Beijing’s fresh hobnob in B’desh, Dhaka has special attachment with Delhi and vice versa.

The attachment begins right from the days of RAW maneuvering to split Pakistan.

The fact is also that it was India which bifurcated Pakistan and carved B’desh-a new nation in South Asia in the early seventies under a calculated blueprint.

In splitting Pakistan, the Indian spy agency RAW played a big catalytic role which is no less than a thrilling story to read and discuss.

But will Dhaka be tamed by Delhi and dump its development projects that are tied up with Beijing? By the same token, will Beijing out of revenge discard Dhaka and leave it to the mercy of Delhi?

Perhaps not. The China we understand is no less bigheaded than rival India.

Yes! Sheikh Hasina may have some soft corner for New Delhi for this G 20 gesture, yet as a country Hasina shall not lock the doors for China’s various development initiatives meant for Dhaka which are, we are told, in the pipe line.
Dhaka is at the moment the rising economy in South Asia at par or even up with that of India.

China’s visible setback in Nepal shall encourage Beijing to expand its business and political reach in other regional countries with an aim to encircle India to the extent it is possible.

B’desh and Sri Lanka could be the next target of China.

Moreover, Sheikh Hasina is obliged to say yes to the dictates of PM Modi for the support India rendered at time of B’desh creation.

Moreover, Sheikh Hasina’s prompt attendance in the G20 meet also testifies that the RAW-Indian spy agency, still overwhelmingly psychologically present in Dhaka’s political corridors including Sheikh Hasina.

If B’deshi scholar Zainal Abedin were to be believed then what is for sure is that it was the RAW agency which counts in Dhaka’s politics much to the discomfort of the strong Bengali population.

At times, Dhaka streets resonate with anti-India slogans which remain no longer a secret.

Bangladeshi opposition leader Begum Khaleda Zia (wife of late Zia-ur-Rehman) represents nationalist lobby inside B’desh.

So the direct fight is in between Begum Zia and Sheikh Hasina over Mera Bharat Mahan versus expansionist and coercive India.

The former though visibly enjoys the blessings of the RAW and the latter has the support of true Bengali nationals who wish to free the nation from the RAW menace.

Sheikh Mujibur-Rehman-the father of B’desh was more Indian than Mrs. Indira Gandhi-the Prime Minister of India who died a horrible death in the eighties.

Yet China will try to placate the country to have a secured place inside B’desh caring little as to how India reacts.
The summary denial of Nepal in the G20 event by India must come as an eye opener to the compliant Nepali leaders to think how they were being used and overused to serve India.

China doesn’t trust, and India humiliates and yet we are in the service of India day in day out.

Bluntly speaking, India wants only to capture Nepal’s Water Resources and to rule Nepal through its proxies-the men now in the ruling parties to keep China at a distance.

Having said all these, the G20 event was surely a success and a proud moment for the entire South Asian landmass. We at this paper, congratulate India for the astounding success.

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Though Nepal and Pakistan were summarily ignored but yet the event was a resounding success.
Pakistan has to energize itself to match India.

The untold plight of the men in Delhi slums during G20:

Vocal author Arundhati Roy says the G20 meet is organized not by India but instead by Modi and his party-the Bharatiya Janta Party as the BJP symbol “lotus” could be only seen across Delhi.

Talking to Al Jazeera, 08 September, 2023, she says that though Biden, Macron, all these people who talk about democracy, they know exactly what’s going on here.

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They know that Muslims have been massacred, that Muslims who protest have their homes bulldozed, which means all the public institutions-courts, magistrates, the press-collude in that and yet champions of democracy are silent. But why? Questions Ms. Roy.

When asked by Al Jazeera, September 08, 2023, as to what was her opinion of India, in the context of its treatment of minorities, hosting the G20 summit?

She candidly answers, “Look, I don’t think anybody really cares about that because… the G20 is here, everybody is looking for an opportunity, a trade deal or a military equipment deal or a geopolitical strategic understanding. So it’s not as if any single one of the people who are coming here, the heads of state or anyone else doesn’t know exactly what’s going on in India. In countries like the US and the UK and France, the mainstream media has been so critical of what’s happening in India, but the governments have a different agenda altogether. So I don’t think one needs to be naive enough to believe that that is an issue at all for the people coming here”.

Ms. Roy then sums up the G20 meet in one sentence which is as follows; “We have a situation where we are talking about one nation, one language, one election. But actually we are in a situation where you have one dictator (Modi), one corporation.”

Ms. Roy warns the world leaders for ignoring India’s continued atrocities on minority Muslims and says; wait for the consequences which may soon gulf India aka Bharat with the advent of Fascism.

What the G20 means for the Delhi commoners?

Better ask the Delhi’s slum dwellers whose thatched or say make- shift homes were bulldozed in a drive to beautify Delhi-the seat of BJP controlled India aka Bharat and the former seat of Mughals and the Britons.

Writing for the CNN, Rhea Mogul , Vedika Sud, and Sania Farooqui dated as back as on September 05, 2023 talk on the sudden knocking down of Delhi slums stating that “the bulldozers and government officials arrived just before dawn, tearing down the row of shanties as its bewildered residents watched inconsolably nearby”.

The CNN adds, but activists have questioned the timing, claiming instead that the demolitions are part of a “beautification” project-a campaign to rid the city of its beggars and slums-to impress foreign dignitaries.

To recall, India tops in the world for the production of beggars who found their permanent abode across Nepal.
It is an export commodity for India.

Nepal has the highest concentration of Indian beggars, it is believed.

The beggars even travel from India’s Southern stretch and enter Nepal. Some beggars, we are told, are deputed by the RAW inside Nepal to collect information.

The fresh flurry of Indian BABAS to Nepal is nothing but a dangerous ploy of India to bring in added remittance inside the country.

The CNN continued, “We were so frightened,” said 56-year-old Jayanti Devi as she attempted to salvage what was left of her belongings in the heart of New Delhi. “They destroyed everything. We have nothing left.”

The plight of Jayanti Devi is just an example as several hundred of such Devi’s in Delhi suddenly landed in footpath.
Delhi’s beautification drive and the holding of the G20 event were costly for the slum dwellers.

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The wearer knows where the shoe pinches.

Hardly someone in the Delhi crowd whispered Joe Biden, Macron and Sunak that for their comfort and Delhi’s beauty, several thousands of homes of the slum-dwellers were demolished in a country that advocates for “poor” and is the advocate of Global South.

The fact is that India’s neighborhood first policy has miserably failed and yet India wants to become the messiah of the voiceless.

The CNN headline thus reads, “India, advocate for the global poor, clears slums as G20 draw near”. The CNN headline clears the masked face of India.

And yet PM Modi is near and dear to Joe Biden, Emanual Macron and Rishi Sunak. This is puzzling. Are these leaders really the champions of democracy?

In fact these men were weapon merchants who wish to sell their “goods” in a crowded market as it was the Delhi meet.

The British PM Rishi Sunak appeared more Indian than PM Modi itself during the G20 meet. His mingling with the Indians must have pained late Queen Elizabeth, Winston Churchill and Lord Mountbatten to name a few original Britons-the rulers of gigantic South Asian landmass.

Sunak appeared apologizing for having ruled India for over two centuries by the real British nation.

PM Modi and his cabal of Godi media have begun claiming that finally an Indian rules Britain.

Reports say that hard core British nationals feel ashamed as and when they see their Prime Minister Rishi Sunak kneeling down to South Asian leaders.

The US frustration:

However, a scared US president Joe Biden opened his mouth on India and said in Vietnam that he “raised issues of Human Rights in India and the importance of a free press with PM Modi in Delhi.

Interestingly, Biden saw for himself Modi requesting in a commanding tone the media men attending the G20 meet to leave the Hall at the earliest.

Media reports say that US President Joe Biden returned unhappy looking at the double play of Indian Prime Minister Modi who managed to bring out the G20 Delhi Declaration as soft as he could so that Russian President Vladimir Putin too continues to pour his blessings on Modi or for that matter India if and when the US, for some reasons, abandons India altogether.

Joe Biden saw for himself as to how PM Modi maneuvered the final “declaration” language that suited to Russia.
However, in the process of pleasing Russian President Putin, PM Modi visibly cheated President Biden and Ukraine President Zelensky whom Biden is hell bent on supporting against the Russians.

Biden must have concluded that PM Modi could ditch him any time and thus he preferred not to speak while being in India but opened his mouth the moment he touched the land of Vietnam.
Though Biden was not allowed to speak by PM Modi.

At best PM Modi is a mix of Adolph Hitler and Benitto Musolini, claim thousands of mushrooming Indian you tubers who saw PM Modi’s cruelty while demolishing houses in the Delhi slums to please his new found western “commercial” friends.

PM Modi maneuvers the final G20 declaration:

As stated earlier, the host country India played tricks while the final joint declaration was prepared and later was released enjoying “consensus”.

Clearly, India impressed upon the entire G20 members and inserted soft tone for Russia-its long time security partner of the Cold war era, so that Vladimir Putin’s blessings continue for India aka Bharat.

Joe Biden must have understood Modi’s dishonesty but yet kept silence as the US has to fight with China keeping India in the front in the years ahead.

Biden’s illusion that PM Modi could be used and overused against China and Russia has just been shattered.
PM Modi in the eyes of President Biden now stands exposed.

At least the US has the knowledge that PM Modi and his India aka Bharat could not be trusted and this is the cruel truth.

But yet, Biden can’t leave PM Modi for good as he has to compelling reasons to glue himself with India for some specific reasons.

However, an aggressive Canadian Premier Trudeau who had assured Voldomyr Zelensky that he will do all he can to award justice to Ukraine too apparently failed and had to digest the soft tone contained in the final declaration.
Justin Trudeau though attended the G20 meet but in essence his presence at the meet could not be felt.

His was a unresponsive presence.

Instead, in spite of Justin’s aggressive pre-summit stand over Ukraine took a nose dive for some inexplicable reasons.

PM Modi twisted the Delhi announcement to his personal and Putin’s benefits.

The absence of China and Russia in the Delhi G 20 meet proved advantageous to host India which steered the meet the way it desired. China may disagree but this is a fact.

Biden was just an onlooker of the entire trickery of PM Modi and his BJP cabal.

Instead Modi cashed in from Biden’s presence in Delhi which will add to his popularity at time of the approaching elections in India.

Certainly, the Bali meet of the G20 last year held in Indonesia had strongest word possible for Russia’s offensive on Ukraine, however, Justin Trudeau just lamented saying that “If it was just up to me, it would have been stronger,” he said.

Sources say that Canadian Premier not only invited less attention during the Delhi meet but, we have been told, was humiliated by a section of the Indian nationals who came out to the streets condemning Canadian Prime Minister for his inability to control the increasing Khalistani movement in Canada.

India for some mysterious reasons concludes that Prime Minister Trudeau personally is encouraging the Khalistani secessionist movement in Canada.

Some even say that the pro-Khalistani Canadian Sikhs are Trudeau pocket voters and thus he keeps silent.

The Indian media supposedly in the inner pocket of PM Modi claim that Modi almost scolded PM Trudeau when the two met for bilateral talks.

The NDTV September 10, 2023 reports that upon being asked about India’s concerns over the increasing activities of the Khalistani elements in Canada, Trudeau said his country will always defend freedom of peaceful protest but at the same time asserted that it will always prevent violence and push back against hatred.

It is this use of “freedom of expression” which irked PM Modi  to the hilt.

“Canada will always defend freedom of expression, freedom of conscience, and freedom of peaceful protest and it is extremely important to us,” he said.

“At the same time, we are always there to prevent violence and to push back against hatred.”

Canadian PM tried his best to console PM Modi but the latter, as per the Godi media, took a tutorial class of his Canadian counterpart.

Trudeau who was in pains with his aircraft developing snag had to stay two nights extra in Delhi which ashamed him for the “unexpected” behavior of PM Modi and the Indian government.

Yet Trudeau may have reteurned home with a new ‘resolve’ on Khalistan. What it could be? Keep on guessing. 

Trudeau’s inactive role in the entire G20 meet was also an issue particularly raised by his opponent leader ‘Pierre Poilievre’ back home who said, that his Prime Minister was “repeatedly humiliated and trampled upon by the rest of the world”.

Pierre accuses that PM Trudeau have had no bilateral meeting during the G20 meet but instead he have had only Canada was only granted a ‘pull aside’ meeting primarily by Indian PM Modi.

This tantamount to an insult as such meet is taken as one step down the bilateral meeting.

This way, Canada was insulted opines the Opposition leader Poilievre.

In sum, US president Joe Biden and the Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau could not extract benefits as per their expectations prior to the G20 meet in Delhi.

Brazil is the next host of the G20 meet. 

That’s all.