India, China and Russia: To restore Nepal King Gyanendra?


-Unstable Nepal heading towards a failed state?


“That India though is housed in the US designed security apparatus the QUAD ( the US, Japan, Australia and India) but yet the former intends to keep the US at a distance concluding that the US existence in Nepal will surely dilute its overwhelmingly dominating presence in this Himalayan nation. India wants a secure legroom in Nepal for all time to come”.

N. P. Upadhyaya (Aryal)

Biratnagar: Nepali politics is poised for a Himalayan change sooner than later.

Reverberations have begun to emerge in the Capital district and elsewhere as well.

Soon the country will plunge into a sort of political chaos, say high placed sources.

The clear symptoms of such a change apparently began taking a shape when an India bend preacher testosterone gel like Nepali media man recently met the RAW Kathmandu chief at his Bishalnagar residence.

Things began rolling since then.

If fact the RAW Head in Kathmandu, Mr. Raghav Bhatnagar, summoned the journalist presumed to have glued him with the Indian regime for unknown political reasons.

This meeting with the Nepali media man is meaningful in that it will be this meeting that will add to the continuing political instability.

Needless to say, at every rung of Nepali society, Indian penetration could be seen and felt.

Rumors say that most of the media men draw financial benefits from the RAW Kathmandu office.

However, what transpired in between the two “luminaries in their own right” (the media man and the RAW chief in Kathmandu)is only a matter of wild speculation.

But yet high placed sources say that it was this meet which had two prime purposes that kept the national politics rolling.

The first being the RAW dictates to the attending Nepali media man to publicize the candidacy of Nepali Congress leader Ram Chandra Poudel for the upcoming Nepal presidency election and the second being to seduce the India deposed King Gyanendra to inch closer to the RAW in restoring the overthrown Nepali monarchy.

To recall, Mr. Poudel is the same NC leader who reportedly allowed the citizenship bill to get through the Parliament when King Birendra was alive and kicking in the Nepali throne.

However, King Birendra rejected the “bill” and the bid to swell Nepal with “immigrants” from across the border suspended for over two decades or so.

In the meantime, Dr. Amresh Kumar Singh who was a Nepali Congress leader till the other day, quit the mother Congress party for some mysterious political reasons and won the fresh election as an independent candidate.
Dr. Sing’s abandoning Nepali Congress has great significance it is believed.

To recall, Amresh Kumar Singh ( Sarlahi district) was a non-political entity who suddenly emerged from nowhere in the national politics together with yet another nobody Krishna Prasad Sitaula (Jhapa district) at time when the India funded and designed political upheaval of the 2005-6 jolted Kathmandu that chanted anti monarchy slogans.

This finally led to the ouster of King Gyanendra from the Nepali throne.

People claim that both Singh and Sitaula were “imposed” ones and told to weaken /damage Nepal by the Indian regime. And they complied.

This was the rumor then.

Both were taken as the RAW’s handsome gift to new Nepal under late Girija Prasad Koirala and Delhi residing Prachanda-the sitting Nepal Prime Minister.

In fact New Delhi “exported” Prachanda to Nepal to promote the prime security and political interests of India and thankfully our Prime Minister is serving the Indian Union with full devotion and loyalty.

Comrade Prachanda has allowed the Indian regime to penetrate into an area considered very sensitive to China in the North.

Former Communist PM K. P. Oli says that the sitting Prime Minister has simply gone against China to please India.
However, diplomatically weak China has yet to make a comment on PM Dahal’s India pleasing move.

Notably, Comrade Prachanda had waged a war on Nepal by residing in Delhi under Indian care and protection.
Dr. Amresh Singh interestingly is a JNU, Jawaharlal lal Nehru University product which perhaps explains the rest, speaking on political terms.

Likewise K. P. Sitaula, a declared henchman/chamcha of late Koirala under Indian instructions did away with the 240 year long institution of the Nepali monarchy-the institution that had saved Nepal from the continued Indian onslaught since India was granted “limited independence” by Britain in 1947.

That politics is set for a grand modification became visible when an Indian official in the team of Indian Foreign Secretary’s fresh visit to Kathmandu mid February 2023, carried Dr. Amresh Kumar Singh back to Delhi in the same flight wherein FS Binaya Mohan Quatra too was on board.

The Indian foreign secretary came here presumably to tell his ‘servants’ to work with devotion for India.
The fun was that immediately after Indian Foreign Secretary’s departure to Delhi, the Nepali Congress announced the candidacy of Ram Chandra Poudel for the upcoming election or “selection/nomination of Nepal President.
This too has some political connotation.

This speaks more than one could write which in plain words abundantly prove that “India controls Nepal”.
We at this paper even claim that Nepal is already an Indian protectorate a la Baby Bhutan.

Dr. Amresh Singh who is himself taken as a man close to RAW officials in Delhi now has gone to India with Indian bureaucrats which “must have” some intrinsic meaning.

And the meaning, people presume, could be that Dr. Amresh Kumar Singh may have gone to Delhi to lobby for the reinstatement of the deposed monarchy.

Keep on guessing as to what could have been Dr. Singh’s objective to sneak to Delhi when national politics is soon to have a new President for the country?

Dr. Singh’s sudden disappearance in advance from Kathmandu politics and deposed King Gyanendra’s mysterious trip to Delhi via Bagdogra is not only surprising but interesting in that King Gyanendra who was insulted and humiliated by India has submitted himself to the mercy of the same Indian Union which deposed him? Has he really submitted? If so where is his self respect and dignity?

Authentic sources claim that King Gyanendra may have flown to Thailand via Delhi to meet Chinese officials.
China is feeling alone in Kathmandu’s politics that has been dominated by the US and India seemingly.

The US in the recent months too has increased its diplomatic efforts to have a secured space in Kathmandu’s politics.

Rumors even suggest that India and China both wish to reinstate the Nepali monarchy to keep the increasing influence of the US at a comfortable distance.

Just a guess work only.

However, the US too thinks that Indian and Chinese influence has excessively increased in Nepal which needs to be tamed by the reinstallation of the ousted monarchy in Nepal.

Monarchy in nepal is taken by these competing powers as a “balancer”.

Needless to say, all the three challenging great powers, for example, the US, India and China have intensified their activities, both overt and covert, in Nepal in order to prevail in Nepali politics.

Several US officials ( Victoria Nuland, Samantha Power and Afreen Akhtar) in the meantime have landed in Nepal and hopefully they must not have landed in Nepal to inhale pure Oxygen.

That India though is housed in the US designed security apparatus the QUAD ( the US, Japan, Australia and India) but yet the former intends to keep the US at a distance concluding that the US existence in Nepal will surely dilute its overwhelmingly dominating presence in this Himalayan nation.

India wants a secure legroom in Nepal for all time to come.

A hint to that effect was aired by India through and article by three Indian scholars on November 16, 2022, wherein they collectively wrote that “India welcomes the United States’ engagement with Nepal, as long as such dialogue between Kathmandu and Washington either promotes New Delhi’s interests or promotes the interest of either party without causing harm to New Delhi’s interests in the region”.

This does mean that the US too shall not be tolerated by the Indian regime in Kathmandu.

\Thus there is a fair chance that the US too would wish to reinstate King Gyanendra to secure its place provided the reinstated King approves some of the US projects in Nepal.

Our own source claims that three powers e.g. India, China and the Russian Federation have invited King Gyanendra to Bangkok to finalise the “deal”.

Question is thus, will King Gyanendra prefer to get his monarchy reinstated in a likely “deal” presumed to have been initiated by the Russians, India and China collectively.

Russia and India are friends from the Cold War days. However, India plays double with Russians on Ukrainian issue.
Yet India is not a reliable partner of the Russians as it is housed in the US designed security mechanism. India can cheat both the US and Russians if it suits to the Indian interests. With this Indian double play, even the US and Russia suspect India.

The entrance of Russian element is meaningful in that Russia too is feeling the brunt of the entire US administration plus the NATO allies of the US over the so called “Russian invasion” of Ukraine last year February.

The Russians call the assault on Ukraine as “military operation”.

Needless to say, Nepali politics has suddenly become volatile with the advent of Durga Prasai-the former UML leader now turned a monarchist.

Mr. Prasai some say, is a Himalayan fraud, others say he is a monarchist of late who is making all out efforts in reinstating the deposed Monarchy in Nepal.

Mr. Prasai has began his demonstrations against this Republican Order beginning March 4, 2023, in Kathmandu.
Sources say that India is backing Mr. Prasai or else Prasai is himself a former cadre of the Maoists and later he joined the UML party under K. P. Oli.
What is more than stunning is that recently he claimed that he has been invited by Vladimir Putin-the Russian President.
Mr. Prasai claims that he is in contact with the men of the CIA and the RAW but also asserts that as and when he will meet the men from the CIA or for that matter the RAW, he will talk for the benefit of the entire nation that, as per Mr. Prasai, has been made bankrupt by the current Nepali leaders.
Whether Mr. Prasai could re-establish the monarchy or not is unknown however, what is known is that the deposed King is “missing from Nepal” and is learnt to have proceeded to Delhi via Bagdogra airport, West Bengal.
Reports say that King Gyanendra was received at the adjoining Indian airport in West Bengal by one emissary of PM Modi.
The emissary is a senior official of the RAW agency, reportedly.

All said and done, the Himalayan question is that “will the Nepali population accept the restoration of King Gyanendra by the Indian regime”? Will the people accept the India elevated King for Nepal?

The fact is that the Nepali population love to hate India though.

The ongoing political shakiness may or may not benefit Nepal and its population, however, what is sure is that India will extract political benefits as usual.

India creates instability in Nepal and draws benefits each time.

Nepal’s troubled waters have ever ended awarding colossal advantage to India.

That’s all.

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