India is taken over by extreme ideology says Pakistan PM Khan

India is taken over by extreme ideology says Pakistan PM Khan

N. P. Upadhyaya, Kathmandu: While Nepal Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli was busy in comforting his long time Indian associate PM Modi- the blockade specialist- for securing the blessings of the man across the border to remain seated in the current post then PM Modi as against this favor to PM Oli managed to secure two key posts in Nepal.

The first one is a constitutional post which time permitting could be used for the political benefits of India, as is the practice, and the other is the victory of a person who is being presumed in Kathmandu’s political circuit as to have been groomed by the regime across the border for several decades but secretly.

It was this political man who suddenly emerged in the national politics from “doctored” hibernation after the India sponsored political change took a formal shape in Nepal that eventually damaged the entire social and political fabric of Nepal.

The India sponsored damage continues to shake the nation in all the possible sectors of the society.

Those who supported India for this damage are ruling the nation mercilessly, it is talked.

He then emerged with a big bang and plays now a key role in the national politics from the Maoists quota.

Needless to say, when India is around one doesn’t need enemy. India’s men are in key posts in Nepal.

The India sponsored change facilitated the Indian machinery to take deep roots in Nepal which gave powers to the Indian Ambassadors posted in Nepal to dictate terms and conditions to the Nepali leaders elevated by the Indian regime at time of the great political change of 2005-6.

India is fortunate that Nepali leaders prefer to obey the Indian dictates, it is widely believed.

Nepal unifier is hated however, Mahatma Gandhi is eulogized.

Mera Bharat Mahan is for some tilted scholars in Nepal.

While we spoke of what Nepal PM was doing in Nepal for pleasing his long time connections across the border then PM Modi iss being grilled by a sizeable section of the Indian society for having brought about a calculated plan to hit the Indian Muslims  in particular.

With an increase in hate crimes against Muslims in India in recent years more so after the advent of Fundamentalist Hindu Indian PM Modi in 2014 , some fear the world’s largest democracy is becoming dangerously intolerant under the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), the BBC’s Rajini Vaidyanathan reported as back as on May 16/2019.

According to Rajni a February 2019 report from Human Rights Watch found that between May 2015 and December 2018, at least 44 people -36 of them were Indian  Muslims-were killed across 12 Indian states

Around 280 people were injured in more than hundred incidents across twenty states over the same period.

Indian atrocities have increased of late.

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Ask Film actor Nasiruddin Shah as to how he is feeling to be an Indian in India where he was born.

Fundamentalist Hindus have begun chasing Mr. Shah so that the latter finally changes his religion.

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It was not for nothing that Imran Khan said of India in Davos that “India is taken over by “extreme ideology”.

Film actor Shah’s ordeal testifies this Pakistani assumption.

Let’s now take a look at Davos World Economic Forum where Pakistan Prime Minister Khan has met President Trump and has almost stolen the Davos show.

The US President Donald Trump reiterated once again that he was willing to “mediate” in between India and Pakistan over Kashmir’s overly stretched imbroglio.

This the US President said in Davos, Switzerland while talking to the Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum.

Look what the US President says to PM Khan, “What’s going on between Pakistan and India, if we can help, we certainly will be willing to.

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We have been watching it very closely”.

This statement does hint that the US is very much willing to play its due role; however, what comes into the US way is the India’s negative stance that claims that “it was a bilateral affair”.

Analysts in Nepal conclude that the US fully understands that India has done injustice to the people of Kashmir of late more so after August 5, 2019, yet the US for some strategic reasons doesn’t want to annoy India which may obstruct the smooth going of the Indo-Pacific Strategy, IPS, of which India is presumed to have been made the boss of this part of the world by the US.

The fact is that if the US component is taken out then India is just cipher.

The US has associated itself with a wrong and corrupt partner in South Asia, so believe the Nepali academicians.

India is a bad name in South Asia, to be blunt.

To recall, the Indian leadership of the Indira Gandhi era had milked the then USSR and remained ever against the US during the entire Cold War period.

Much in the same manner, say Nepali intellectuals, India was milking the US after the breakup of the then USSR.

Though Pakistan remained ever with the US as an ally, however, for some reasons unknown to the Nepali observers, the US preferred to keep Pakistan, its former ally of the Cold war era, at a comfortable distance for over two decades.

However, with the advent of new leadership in Pakistan, the US appears to be in a mood to embrace Pakistan but the India factor prevents the US in inching closer with its former ally in South Asia.

The US appears also to have realized better late than never that it should not have pushed Pakistan to the wall under Indian influence.

But yet President Trump is in full knowledge that without the support of Pakistan Prime Minister, peace in Afghanistan shall remain elusive and thus President Trump prefers to keep the Pakistan Prime Minister in good mood.

“Imran Khan is a good friend of mine”, so said the US President while talking to the international media in Davos.

President Trump is likely to visit India this February.

So how India may have taken the US President’s terming PM Khan as a “good friend” is any body’s guess.

The US President listened attentively the Pakistani concerns in Davos which must not have been taken in good taste by the Indian establishment run by the Modi-Doval-Shankar Hindutwa Troika.

Furthermore, the US President also understands that it is only Pakistani leadership which can institutionalize peace in Afghanistan and avert a war between the US and Iran.

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President Trump knows that Pakistan is the single country which enjoys cordial ties with Iran and the Saudi Arabia

The Saudis and the Iranians are not in good speaking terms even.

Talking to Ms. Hadley Gamble of the CNBC Television in Davos on January 22, 2020 the Pakistani Prime Minister said that he while meeting the US President advised not to think of war with the Iranian regime as it will create several other “serious problems” for the US in the region.

PM Khan said, “Military power can never bring in a peaceful solution”.

In the course of the interview with the CNBC, PM Khan gave a silent message to the world leaders not to ignore the Kashmiri annexation by the Indian regime for long as it may result an armed conflict between two nuclear neighbors-India and Pakistan.

He said that, “Kashmir is you know, it is far more serious problem than people realize (than) the world realizes”.

“The people of Kashmir, through a referendum could decide whichever country they wanted to join. Now that the disputed territory has been annexed by India and they, are trying to change the demography of the Kashmir valley which according to the fourth Geneva Convention is a war crime”, PM Khan told Ms. Hadley of the CNBC Television.

Reacting to PM Khan’s comments made on Kashmir in Davos, the Indian spokesperson Mr. Rubbish Kumar said that since it was a bilateral affair and hence third party mediation was just a distant affair.

Look what he said.

“ There is no role for any third party in the Kashmir issue which has to be resolved bilaterally with Pakistan and the onus is on Islamabad to create an environment for engagement”, Rubbish Kumar said.

However, this Kumar doesn’t speak of India’s export of terror in Nepal and other smaller South Asian nations.

In fact while talking with the CNBC Television, January 22/2020 PM Khan appealed the US to mediate on the Kashmir issue directly or through the UN body or for that matter the European parliament.

The annual World Economic Forum  held in Davos provided an excellent opportunity for the Pakistani Prime Minister to present his country’s perspectives on the contemporary world issues including the seize of the Kashmir valley by the Indian administration.

Last but not the least, the Indian absence in Davos gave an excellent opportunity to Pakistan, a fitting and suitable nuclear and political deterrent to India, for clarifying some misconceptions spread against the country by its declared rival-India. That’s all.