Japan assists School Resilience in Nepal

Japan assists School Resilience in Nepal

The Government of Japan is extending financial assistance of US dollars 431,181, equivalent to approximately 49 million Nepali rupees, to Child Fund Japan under the Grant Assistance for Japanese NGO Projects Scheme.

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Child  Fund Japan, an international NGO based in Japan, will work with a Nepali partner NGO, Tuki Sunkoshi Association (Tuki), to implement the “Rehabilitation of a School and Building School Resilience to Disaster in Sindhupalchowk” project.

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A grant contract of this project was signed and exchanged today between Mr. Masamichi SAIGO, Ambassador of Japan to Nepal, and Mr.

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Koji MATSUURA, Deputy Executive Director, ChildFund Japan, at the Embassy of Japan, Panipokhari.

This grant will be used to implement a project in Sunkoshi Municipality in Sindhupalchowk, which is aimed to develop school resilience against natural disasters.

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Close coordination with the local government, stakeholders and the local community people, the following elements of the project will be implemented

(1) Rehabilitation of Janajagriti Secondary School

  • Build a school building with six rooms based on the Nepal Government School Building Policy, including earthquake-proof precautions;
  • Set up water fountains accompanied with filter-attached server.

(2) Capacity building of the School Management Committee

• Support the School Disaster Risk Reduction/Prevention Plan based on child rights;

• Raise awareness of child protection in an emergency, and

• Support emergency training under their School Disaster Risk Reduction/ Prevention Plan

The Embassy of Japan in Nepal expects that the success of this project will develop communities’ capacity for disaster preparedness and create a safe environment for schoolchildren. We hope that this project will enhance the cordial friendship between the peoples of Japan and Nepal.

Based on a press release issued by Embassy of Japan, 27 November, 2018: Ed.

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