Nepal: Advanced Engineering College Signs M0U with Goethe-Zentrum

Kathmandu, January 20, 2022:  The Advanced College of Engineering and Management (acem) signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Goethe-Zentrum Kathmandu (GZK) via virtual medium.

Mr. Kapil Dev Regmi, Executive Director, signed the agreement on behalf of acem alongside Mr. Sebastian Woitsch, Director of the GZK to promote joint educational association via engineering, technology and the value of German language.

Mr. Sebastian Woitsch, Director of the GZK, expressed his gratitude to the entire team of acem for this affiliation.

He firmly commended that acem is on the right track in providing academic training in the engineering sector.

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“We all are thrilled to be associated with acem and are truly impressed by its eager family of staff, lecturers and students.”

“Once the language barrier is addressed to some extent; students of acem are ready for the international exposure. We hope GZK will be able to bridge the path to link interested individuals to the competent Engineering Colleges of Germany,” Mr.

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Woitsch added.

Mr. Benjamin Matern, Head of Language Department at GZK expressed his delight at this formal beginning of education and language. He shared his vision to empower and engage students by exploring their language learning capacity in a truly artistic manner.

Er. Lochan Lal Amatya, Principal of acem, formally began the program and rejoiced over acem-GZK collaboration. “acem is gratified to be connected with such a leading language center which is actually a part of an incredible network of more than 200 institutes of the world”, he stated.

Er. Amatya stated that the ceremony with the note of encouragement and exhilaration of both the students, acem and the GZK.

During the event, Mr. Max Engelhardt from Germany gladly recounted his interesting experiences of Nepal and congratulated both the teams of acem and GZK for this new journey.

Mr. Engelhardt recently joined the Research and Innovation Unit (RIU) of acem as a researcher. “I hope that the acem students will cherish in learning our unique language which is as rich as our culture,” He opined.

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Mr. Kapil Dev Regmi, Executive Director of acem, concluded by highlighting the thriving bond of acem and GZK.

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“We are proud to share that our students are currently receiving remarkable sessions of German language from GZK; and from its language expert Mr. Benjamin Mastern himself,” he stated.

In this context, Mr. Regmi appreciated the enthusiasm of the GZK team and acknowledged their valuable presence even at such a critical period of pandemic.

In brief, Mr. Regmi also shared his experience of visiting Germany and the importance of the German language while at the country.

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He affirmed that this collaboration will broaden the horizons of choices of graduates in regard to education abroad.

-Acem press release: Ed. Upadhyaya.