Nepal: Indian tirade and the Pakistani rebuttal

N. P. Upadhyaya (Aryal)

Kathmandu: In its recently released report, the Human Rights Watch (has) noted that violence continued in the Kashmir Valley three years after the abrogation of Article 370 of the Constitution.

Minority Hindus and Sikh community in the Muslim majority Kashmir valley came under attack”.

The atrocities committed by the ruling Indian government in Kashmir could be taken as, some equate, equivalent to the appalling Nazi Concentration camps of the Second World War era.

And yet India must be respected and honored by the civilized world? Never.

In a January 12, 2023,The (@scroll_in) news posting the Scroll Staff writes that “ the Bharatiya Janta Party led-Union government continued systemic discrimination and stigmatization of religious and other minorities in India, particularly Muslims, the right group Human Rights Watch adds in its “ World Report” released just the other day.

And the sitting Indian foreign minister Jay Shankar is a BJP Card holder who blames others to have kept India terrorized.

The Human Rights Watch in its new report further writes that the BJP supporters increasingly committed violent attacks against the targeted groups and that the government’s Hindu majoritarian ideology was reflected in bias in institutions , including the justice system and constitutional authorities like the National Human Rights Commission”.

Even the Indian judiciary remains no sacrosanct under the BJP rule.

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This is frightening indeed.

And he is the foreign minister, Jay Shankar, of India who makes tall claims on terrorism in neighboring country against the real and factual backdrop of his own nation, Bharat Mata which takes the form of a violent terrorist State as regards the Muslims and the Dalits.

Indian foreign minister has thus no rights or whatsoever to shift the blame on to others when India in itself is a certified terrorist State that has recently been qualified by the Human Rights Watch.

India must correct its attitudes and brutality first against its own minorities prior to hurling the accusations on others.

To come to the point:

India sheltered the Nepal Maoists leaders in Noida, Delhi for all along a decade or so given the fact that India herself had declared the Nepal Maoists as “terrorists” much ahead of Nepal declaring so.

And yet India is not a terrorist State? It is. Supporter of a terrorist outfit is a terrorist indeed.

India groomed several secessionists in its soil who wished to split Nepal into pieces and yet India is not a terrorist State? It is a proven terrorist State.

Even as of now, several divisive elements designed and manufactured by India were active in splitting sovereign Nepali State and yet India is not a terrorist State? It is.

The 1950 Treaty of Peace and Friendship with India doesn’t talk of keeping the “border” open however, India deliberately has kept it open which is the prime “source” for the entrance of “criminal elements” from the Indian soil who then on a regular basis commit acts of kidnapping and ask ransom for the release of the kidnapped kids or adult persons of Nepali birth.

The keeping of the border open in many more ways than one has encouraged the “terrorists” from the Indian soil to create rampage inside the Nepali territory and yet India should be taken as sacrosanct Mr. Jay Shankar-the highly conceited foreign minister of India?

He is the one whose longer stay as India’s foreign minister will cause immense damage to India.

Ask Nepal what JayShankar is? 

Moreover, the 1950 treaty has neither worked for “peace” nor “Friendship” with India.

Has Mr. Shankar the courage to seal the border and prove his country to be innocent? No. Not.

Do it if you have the needed stamina. Will you?

India shall never seal the border simply because it can’s milk Nepal henceforth.

Sealing of the Nepal-India border will mean the loss of 16 Billion remittances that enters India annually.

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The open border phenomenon in between Nepal and India has awarded immense advantages to India which sends illegal immigrants in thousands inside Nepal each day.

The Roti..Beti notion is a fake one…in that it is this concept that has acted like a shield to Indian reluctance in sealing the open border.

Senior Journalist, M. R. Josse talks at length in his freshly published book /:Geopolitically Speaking as regards the open border between Nepal and India and says, “ Has the open border situation not greased the movement of rebel elements from Nepal to India and back, as exemplified during the years of the Maoist insurgency? And, while it may be true that, at the present times, the rebels of yore now rule the roost, is there any guarantee that someday other rebel elements might not attempt to similarly overthrow the incumbent regime, once again exploiting the vulnerability of the open Nepal-India border?

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And these illegal immigrants who enter inside Nepal in thousands later bribe the corrupt Nepali officials and get the “Citizenship” certificates and contest the polls and enter the Nepali parliament.

Once they enter inside the Parliament, these immigrants begin secessionists’ activities with a design to merge the sovereign Nepali State into the Indian Union-the former British colony.

Needless to say, the Indian regime encourages the immigrants to swell Nepal with a calculated blueprint to annex Nepal through the conduct of a referendum.

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And yet India should be taken as an innocent country by Nepal and the neighbors that unfortunately border India?
Several Indian nationals with criminal mindset/background residing in Indian towns print fake Nepali currency and bring into use in Nepal and yet India and the Indian nationals must be honored by Nepal and the Nepali nationals?
Our own determined contention is that “Nepal will never develop and stand on its own unless the open border is sealed”.

The open border shall never allow Nepal to have an independent economy.

Nepal can never be an industrialized country as long as the borders are kept open.

The border has been kept open by India with a dangerous purpose so as not to allow Nepal to develop independently.
India encroaches upon Nepali landmass across the country in thousands and thousands of hectares and yet India blames China as an expansionist country.

The paid and posted Indian lobby in Kathmandu at times floats the news that “China” has gulped” an entire Nepali village bordering China’s Tibet.

This is all false and an Indian ploy to cover its encroachment bids in the across the length and breadth of Nepal.
The reverse is true and yet India propagates that Nepal and its authorities create problems for India under China’s instructions.

The former arrogant and undisciplined Indian Army Chief M. Naravne in the recent years (2020) made a false claim that Nepal under the instructions of China has been challenging India over the road construction in West Nepal.
Late Bipin Rawat, CDS, too once alleged that China was encouraging Nepal to come heavily down against India. Late Rawat too have had a habit of talking nonsense.

The fact is that India encroached upon Nepali landmass in and around Kalapani and constructed a route to Mansarovar (Tibet) without consulting Nepal-the real landowner.

India’s brazen foolhardy act sensitized Nepal which then later encouraged Prime Minister K. P. Oli to issue an administrative and political map of Nepal that incorporated the entire landmass gulped by India into Nepali territory.

And the new map thus issued by Nepal government enjoyed the full and complete support of the sitting Parliament.
Interestingly, some India bent political parties too have had to approve the “measure” for fear of being exposed as India run and funded political paraphernalia.

It was more or less a “victory” of then Nepal government to have regained the lost landmass at least in paper.
The map has the Nepali landmass recovered but the land in effect is yet remains to be owned.

The fun was that some “India” born and bent leaders of Nepal began criticizing then PM Oli that he must not have “provoked” India over the issue.

Shame on these India bent leaders with Nepali souls. Shame on the Nepali Lendhup Dorjes who wish to merge Nepal into the Indian Union. Shame. Shame. Shame….

It is the issuing of the new administrative map that has prompted India to deny the “air route” as demanded by Nepal for the Pokhra and the Bhairahava International Airport.

This Indian denial does testifies our contention that India is unwilling to see Nepal developed.

India fears that the new air route if provided shall promote the Nepal’s tourism sector which India can’t tolerate.
India’s Himalayan jealousy.

This does tell how small the heart of the elephantine India is.

Pakistani President Peervez Mussarraf once had told an Indian TV anchor that “Indian heart doesn’t match to its elephantine size”.

The Pakistan’s top leaders understood India and Indian leaders better as they ever contested India since the very next day of the grand partition.

With all these shortcomings yet India and its foreign minister Shankar are sacrosanct? No. Not. Never.
India is not what it looks.

The bigheaded India’s Foreign Minister Shankar recently made some harsh comments , January 04, 2023, aimed at China in an oblique manner.

He says, “No region will be stable if it is dominated by a single power. The essence of International relations is for states to get along and find a balance”.

However, what the minister said of China applies first and foremost to India itself.

South Asia continues to have been dominated by a single erratic power and that is India born 1947.

As regards the stability of the region, South Asia and beyond shall remain ever unstable as long as Indian “inferiority complex” lingers.

In addition, India’s hegemonic presence in South Asia shall never allow “balance” to prevail as wished by Indian Minister referring to China.

Prior to hitting China, India must peep into its own erratic conducts that has disturbed peace and stability in the region and areas adjoining this expanse. It is India but not China that has disturbed the “balance” that India talks about.

India is problem not China. This fact Nepal understands better. 

The day India realizes this fact; the entire region will have peace and stability.

Indian FM’s tirade against Pakistan:

The highly haughty and belligerent foreign minister of India, S. Jayshankar in an oblique manner has hit once again the neighboring rival Pakistan and said, among others, that “threats to international peace and security that are posed by terrorism, including its cross-border practices, violent extremism, radicalization and fundamentalism.”
The minister made these jagged observations while being in Austria and talking to Austria’s ZIB2 podcast, a daily news magazine of ORF television. 

Though he preferred not to name Pakistan, but intelligent political commentators could guess that as usual the Indian minister made a veiled attack on neighboring Pakistan.

India has the habit to accuse Pakistan every now and then so commentators award no attention to such concocted accusations.

Minister Shankar who was on a visit to Austria early January this year held discussions with the Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg.

Upon meeting the Austrian foreign minister, the Indian minister said that “We spoke at length on the threats to international peace and security that are posed by terrorism, including its cross-border practices, violent extremism, radicalisation and fundamentalism.”

The Indian minister reiteration in Austria that India is the victim of cross border terrorism, however, the experiences of the smaller nations bordering India too have their own conclusions.

The smaller nations in South Asia emphatically claim that India is the biggest threat to their existence and that India’s interference and penetration in their internal affairs is of the Himalayan dimension.

Nepal has the bitter experience of India harboring Nepali terrorists in its soil for all along ten years or so.
Nepali understanding has been that India is the “epicenter of terrorism”.

This is Nepal’s understanding gained over decades and decades of our bilateral relations, say Nepali academics and political commentators.

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The outburst of Indian minister made in Austria thus stands redundant in that it is India’s continued interventions that has disturbed the prevalence of peace and the regional stability in this part of the world.

India is learnt to have even pumping funds to a section of the Pakistani media. This speaks of Indian penetration in rival Pakistan as well.

The Pakistani rebuttal:

The Foreign Office of Pakistan on January 04, 2023, instantly rejected the outrageous remarks made by Indian Minister of External Affairs S. Jaishankar in Austria in which he had in an implied manner referred to Pakistan as the “epicentre” of terrorism.

In a statement issued January 04, the Pakistani Foreign Office rejected the “baseless and frivolous accusations” made by Jaishankar and termed it as his “latest tirade […] a reflection of growing frustration over India’s failure to malign and isolate Pakistan”.

The rebuttal statement made by Islamabad has demanded that the “malicious campaign” to mislead the international community through a fictitious narrative of victimhood and vile anti-Pakistan propaganda […] must stop“.

The Foreign Office in Islamabad further states that “India should itself end its involvement in terrorism, subversion and espionage against Pakistan”, citing the dossier released in December 2022, which contained “irrefutable evidence” of India’s involvement in the 2021 Lahore terrorist attack, the Dawn Daily dated January 04, 2023 reports.
A fresh news carried by the Voice of America (VOA) dated January 14, 2023 states that “A top foreign ministry official said in Islamabad, January 11, 2023, that Pakistan has traced “undeniable” and “indisputable” links between India and acts of terrorism on Pakistani soil, and that the evidence is being formally shared with the United Nations.

Hina Rabbani Khar, the deputy foreign minister, told a news conference in Islamabad recently that the “dossier” being shared contains “details and evidence” of New Delhi’s role in a deadly 2021 car bombing in the Pakistani city of Lahore, among other incidents of terrorism.

“We waited until we had strong, hard evidence to be making the case we are making today,” Khar said.
The deputy minister Hina Rabbani further said that “We have shared, or in the process of sharing, the copies of the dossier with the members of the U.N. Security Council and with the U.N. secretary-general”.

The fact is that New Delhi has long accused Islamabad of harboring and funding militant groups blamed for terrorist attacks on Indian soil, however Pakistan forcefully denies the Indian allegations.

The Foreign Office in Islamabad further recalled various incidents in which India is alleged to be involved: “The death of over 40 Pakistani nationals on Indian soil in the 2007 Samjhauta Express tragedy to the arrest of Kulbhusan Jadav — a serving Commander of Indian Navy — from within Pakistan in 2016, the evidence of Indian involvement in terrorism and sabotage is irrefutable and spans over decades and geographies.”.

That’s all.