Nepal-Pakistan Friendship Festival concludes

Biratnagar/ Kathmandu: The Pakistan-Nepal Friendship Festival was held from 23 – 26 August 2023.
The friendship festival was organized by the Centre for Asian Studies and Mahakali Dance Council in collaboration with Pakistan Embassy in Nepal.

Embassy sources say that the three day event involved more than 700 students of 30 schools who competed in essay writing, handwriting, painting competition, and cultural dances.

The closing ceremony was finally held on 26 August, 2023, in which Umair Ali, Pakistan’s Charge d’ Affaires was the Chief Guest.

Awards were distributed among the prize winners in various categories by the Chief Guest Mr. Umair Ali and Special Guest Ms Nisha Sharma Pokharel, the Chancellor of Nepal Academy of Music and drama.

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# Based on a press note of the Pakistan embassy in Kathmandu: Ed. Upadhyaya.