Nepal: Stupidity unlimited

“Stupidity is far more dangerous than evil, for evil takes a break from time to time, stupidity does not”.
-Anatole France.

Biratnagar: A cricketer-engineer Younus Basheer through his Tweeter account dated April 18, 2023, reminded all the most humiliating and insulting ‘video clip’ that made several rounds across the world wherein one “Indian tourist family stole all the stuff from their hotel room in Indonesia”.

In fact this sad event took place at least two years ago; however, engineer Basheer revived the almost forgotten issue for the benefit of the users of the social media across the globe.

However, what Basheer intends to signal is not known but yet the event as such is really an unhealthy one for civilized population across the globe.

Cutting a joke at the news of the engineer’s post in the social media, one Bangladeshi lady Naznn Ahmed who is a Muslim woman and has interest in religion and geopolitics says “this is not Bangladesh where you Indians can steal whatever desire from”.

This B’deshi lady seemingly makes critical comments on India quite regularly for reasons unknown.

This means that a section of the Bangladeshi informed citizenry feels and even concludes that India is stealing things in broad day light needed for it from Bangladesh-a new country in South Asia born with the objective of splitting Pakistan-the born rival of India.

Mrs. Indira Gandhi did all she can to split Pakistan and finally succeeded in bifurcating Pakistan.

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Mrs. Gandhi received the help and visible support from the then USSR-the Soviet Socialist republic.

While the USSR supported India in its bid to split Pakistan then the cold War ally US deliberately ignored Pakistan when the latter needed help.

The then USSR assisted India as per a security treaty in between the two.

The B’deshi lady since is interested in geopolitics which then means that she has the knowledge and the full understanding of what were the “things” that India was “stealing” from B’desh.

This then reminds me of the B’deshi prominent scholar Zainal Abedin who at an international webinar held in Islamabad, June, 2020, forcefully demanded the formation of an alliance of some Muslim countries to fight the menace/curse of India’s RAW spy agency that is primarily founded with the sole objective of destabilizing neighboring countries in South Asia.

However, Zainal missed the inclusion of Nepal’s name in the aforementioned “alliance” of the countries to fight the hazard of RAW.

Needless to say, it is the Indian agency RAW which calls the shots in Nepal to the extent that RAW dictates the sitting Nepal government to do or to do that.

In a way, RAW controls the entire administrative structure of Nepal including the making and breaking of the government(s) in Nepal-an Indian protectorate indeed.

Some say that Indian dignitaries land in Kathmandu from Delhi uninvited.

A BJP functionary Bijaya Chouthaiwala is talked to have deep penetration inside Nepal’s foreign policy conducts and he enters Nepal every now and then.

Even a third grade Indian national has the right to intervene and dictate in Nepali matters.

In order to ease his ( Chouthaiwalah) unwanted entrance in Kathmandu, he has developed some sort of “brotherly” ties with one Nepali lady who apparently rules Nepal as and when her husband is “elevated” to the Prime Ministerial post and that too with India’s tacit support.

It is this sister-brother tie in between the two that at times creates bizarre scene in Kathmandu and Delhi.

The Nepali lady drops in Delhi quite often to seek blessings for the longevity of her husband in Nepal’s political corridor.

Some even equate this special lady with Shakespearean Lady Macbeth.

This lady, some opine, is the key personality for the US designed Quad security apparatus.

India’s grip in Nepal has further tightened as the freshly elected Nepal President Ram Chandra Poudel under the flimsy reason of “chest infection” is currently in Delhi for treatment.

Of all, President Poudel’s choice for treatment in Delhi is loaded with meaning underneath.

Honorable Poudel is in Delhi apparently to talk on some “sensitive issues” which may have negative impact of the overall interests of Nepal.

High placed sources say that Ram Chandra Poudel was the choice and preference of the Indian regime for the Nepali Presidency.

But why?

Here is close to a perfect answer.

Informed political commentators believe that honorable Poudel from the beginning of his political career had soft corner for Indian regime which over the past decades, for understandable reasons, intensified to the extent that he exposed his “love and honor” for the Indian regime by saying that “Lord Buddha was born in India” but not in Nepal.
The height of neglect of one’s own motherland.

Apart from his anti-national claim, honorable Poudel loved and honors India much more than his own motherland.
President Poudel is versed in Hindi language and at times when in high flying mood, he recites Hindi poems (shayari) that has something to do with the Indian bravery.

Poudel apparently has no knowledge of Nepal’s own glorious past.

It would be no wonder then at an opportune time, President Poudel may declare Hindi language to be the official language of Nepal to what had been done by the first Nepal Vice President, an Indian national born in Madhubani, Bihar, India who took his office of oath in Hindi lingo.

This created instant furore in Kathmandu that forced Permanand Jha-the Indian national turned Nepal’s Vice President to take office of oath in Nepal’s national tongue.

Mr. Jha had the tacit support from the entire Indian regime which had just imposed the Republican Order of its choice in Nepal through its paid and posted agents.

Intelligence sources say that Permanand Jha has dual citizenship in his possession and that he and his nearest relatives still reside in Madhubani, Bihar.

(The Indian design is to swell Nepal with such dubious personalities and occupy “constitutional posts” with the aim of capturing the State authority through a referendum later.

The agents are still kicking and alive in Nepali political circuit and Nepal as a sovereign nation can’t develop until these Indian stooges and a variety of “moles” do not disappear or are expelled from the nation.

So what Zainal Abedin fears for his country Bangladesh applies ditto in the Nepali case.

Bids to institutionalize alien Hindi in Nepal thus is the objective of those who have India bend and who love Hindi dialects.

Back to President Poudel:

A section of highly competent medical practitioners in Nepal have questioned the motive (ulterior?) behind President Poudel’s “first choice” of India for his so called chest infectivity to be treated by New Delhi’s doctors.

We have been told that at least three medical practitioners in Nepal engaged in Poudel’s treatment back in Kathmandu were all the graduates from Delhi’s All India Medical Institute who beamingly aired that they could have well treated Poudel’s chest bug right here in Kathmandu.

The medicos have expressed their utmost surprise in Poudel’s affinity to get treated by the doctors of PM Modi’s choice.

Why Poudel in Delhi then?

Honorable Poudel reportedly told a gathering upon his ascendance to the Presidential post that he will provide justice to all those “illegal immigrants” with citizenship certificates.

And what he means by immigrants?

For sure he was talking on behalf of those illegal Indian immigrants who wish to swell and change the demographic structure of Nepal “under a calculated plot” which if unchecked has the potential to Sikkimise Nepal much the same way how an independent and sovereign Himalayan nation, Sikkim ruled by the Chogyal Kings.

The Chogyal-the King of Sikkim, was betrayed by his own courtier Kazi Lendhup Dorje whose treason allowed the Indian regime under Mrs. Indira Gandhi to swallow Sikkim much the same way as “paracetamol” is gulped as and when one suffers from headache.

Kazi Lendhup upon accomplishing Madame Gandhi’s task, reportedly, beamingly went to see the then Indian Prime Minister Mrs. Gandhi.

Mrs. Gandhi upon learning that turncoat Lendhup wants to see her in Delhi told him through her private secretary that she was unable to meet Lendhup as her job has already been accomplished.

Sometimes later, Kazi recalled as to how he was used and overused by Mrs. Gandhi.

Kazi Lendhup died an unsung death and his own people still take the departed soul as “traitor” equivalent to the Norwegian Quisling.

Needless to say, Nepal has willing Kazi Lendhups in thousands who would love to assist Indian regime to annex Nepal into the former British colony-the Indian republic of today.

A section of Nepali society presume that President Poudel’s choice for treatment in India is a premeditated affair with the objective of coercing or luring President Poudel to award his approval to the Citizenship bill kept on hold by the outgoing Communist President Mrs. Bidya Devi Bhandari for an understandable nationalist reason.

The Indian regime apparently airlifted Nepal President concluding that the political man who presided over the ratification of the entire Mahakali River as Speaker of the then Nepal’s Lower House shall in all surety put his final and authentic Presidential signature to the Citizenship bill that if and when passed only benefit the regime across the border.

Thus Poudel’s being airlifting to Delhi is as per a calculated mission.

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The mid February arrival of the Indian foreign secretary Binaya Quatra to Nepal was, needless to say, elevate R. C. Poudel to the post of Nepal President with the objective of getting the citizenship bill to be approved by the President with India bend.

The job is likely to be accomplished soon.

At least the informed citizenry have no doubt in the whole affair which spans from Poudel falling sick and admitted to a Nepali hospital and his airlifting to New Delhi to be treated by Dr. Narendar Bhai Modi and his assistant Dr. S. Jay Shankar.

Just recall, how King Tribhuwan have had to land in Delhi as against his likely visit to Palpa as planned by Nepali Congress Party.

However, Prime Minister Nehru intervened into the Nepali Congress scheme with a secret plan.

The King returned to Nepal with a “democracy”only  to remain under the tight control of the Indian regime.

And since then a Nepal which entered into the Indian ambush is still gasping in the same Indian trap which gets tightened each passing days.
King Tribhuwan’s landing in Delhi was an act of treason on the part of the Nepal King which then allowed India to twist the Nepali arms.
The arm twisting and the act of continued coercion by the Indian regime remains even as of today.

The removal of the Nepal’s Royal Institution too is a planned act of the Indian regime ( let’s call it an enemy regime) and the ouster of the monarchy was necessary for India simply because it were the Kings of Nepal who at times created some legal problems for India in looting Nepal.

The borders have been kept open only to benefit India by restricting Nepal to develop employment generating factories and enterprises to what we have had during the rule of the monarchy.

To recall, after the advent of the India imposed Order (read democracy of the Indian pattern ditto) in early 1990s, and with this the ruling monarch Birendra opted to remain as a Constitutional Monarch which allowed the Indian regime to have a greater and final say in Nepal’s internal as well external affairs.

Since then, Nepal tentatively is surviving in the world map as an Indian protectorate much below the Bhutanese status.

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The Indian idea was and is not to allow Nepal to develop its basic infrastructures, such as factories and heavy industries, which is why Nepali youths in millions and millions flee to the Gulf nations for job.

Shamefully, the ruling elites are living a lavish life through the remittances sent by the destitute Nepali youths who in the absence of employment opportunities are forced to leave the country for earning.

The institution of monarchy when ruling Nepal, had built scores of factories across the country which attracted even the Indian nationals from the adjoin poverty stricken Indian provinces.

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For example, the Biratnagar Jute Mills and Birganj Sugar Factory had given employment of thousands and thousands of Indian nationals.

However, with the monarchy gone from the political scene under a designed Indian scheme, Nepal’s bad, sad and gloomy days have enveloped the entire nation.

The factories thus built during the rule of the monarchs have all been sold at a dirt cheap price to Indian nationals and yet the accusations are that the factories thus built by the Kings of Nepal were sinking horses which needed to be dismantled or sold to save the country from embracing bankruptcy.

This was just a lame excuse.

It has rightly been said that “a bad carpenter quarrels with his tools”.

Concluding Remarks:

Summing up, we the Nepali people are thus tamed and dictated by those who steal things from a hotel as mentioned in the earlier paragraphs.

We are being ruled by those who were under the colony of the Britons till 1947.

We are being cheated by our own nationals who reportedly were paid and posted “agents”.

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If so then our dissolution is guaranteed. It has rightly been said by Anatole France that “Stupidity is far more dangerous than evil, for evil takes a break from time to time, stupidity does not”.

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Stupidity unlimited for which Nepal is paying a great price. 

That’s all.