Nepal: The RAW Republic?

Nepal: The RAW Republic?

Kathmandu: It was Saturday corresponding to July 20, 2019. The Sun was about to set.  An Air India aircraft from New Delhi-the seat of Nepal’s political learning, lands at the Tribhuwan International Airport (TIA) in Kathmandu.

A man with a long black overcoat, with black goggles and wearing black shoes (and black umbrella too) enters into a special car provided by Nepal government with the Nepali Number Plate, BA 15 Cha 7462.

This is the monsoon season in Nepal.

He then heads straight to Hotel Hyatt Regency at Bouddha. His room number is 503.

At the Hotel Portico yet another car is in standby condition with the number plate Ba 8 Cha 334.

After ten to twenty minutes later one of the car heads towards the Nepal President’s Official Residence and the “Indian spy” reportedly meets the Nepal President Mrs. Bidya Devi Bhandari.
Later he is talked to have met also with the Nepali Congress President Mr. Sher Bahadur Deuba.

However, some media men have reported that Sher bahadur Deuba met this unwanted Indian “detective” right inside the Indian embassy-a house that has been charting the fate of the Nepali politics especially after King Gyanendra’s “calculated” ouster from the Nepali throne in the year 2006.

Deuba’s talks reportedly stretched to four hours straight.

Some even talk that the present Cabinet led by PM Oli has some ministers of Indian Ambassador’s choice and preferences.

What does this mean perhaps demands no extra elaborations. We the Nepali Bahadurs and Choukidars must have understood as to where we intend to hint.

The dangerous man in black suit covered by a black overcoat did not come out on Sunday, July 21, 2019, claims Desh Sanchar Online portal.

However, the same unidentified Indian national on Monday came out of the Hotel three times which means each time he went out of the Hotel, must have met with some dubious Nepali leaders.

Hopefully he must have black brief case loaded with Indian Currency.

Yes he did meet some as the online portal reveals.

He uses these two cars extensively on Sunday.

These cars were spotted on Sunday in Khumaltar ( On the way to Godavari) where the former New Delhi residing Nepal Maoists’ leader Comrade Prachanda (in effect who was the guest of the Indian government during the fake People’s War days) lives with his family.

Comrade Prachanda has just returned from the USA trip thanks Venezuela gaffe.

The man in dark suit met Comrade Prachanda one-on-one and have had “serious” conversations.

However, what transpired in between the Indian spy and our great Comrade Prachanda has not yet come to our knowledge but yet sources say that the Indian infiltrator may have brought some “pleasing” news for Comrade Prachanda from the Indian government.

It could be the unseating plan of incumbent Prime Minister KP Oli, let’s presume so.

The same day, that is Sunday, these two cars were also located in Maharajganj Area at a private Bungalow wherein the India’s enigmatic person apparently met with some “key Nepali leaders” who count much for the materialization of the Indian plans.

Sources who had been watching this Indian national’s movement in Kathmandu claim that he met Prachanda on Sunday morning and the same evening he is supposed to have met our august Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli.

Some sources claim that initially PM Oli preferred to avoid his meet with this dangerous person, however, later he appears to have changes his mind. This means PM Oli met HIM.
This unidentified India’s Mr. X paid homage to Lord Pashupatinath.

By this time, Kathmandu media had already become alert and “his” arrival was even printed in several media outlets.

Though he preferred to remain undisclosed, however, the intelligent Nepali media knew that he was the newly appointed Chief of the most notorious Intelligence Agency of India-the Research & Analysis Wing or otherwise the RAW.

He was Samanta Kumar Goyal. He will now control Nepali politics, hopefully. 

High placed sources claim that the RAW Chief had under a calculated design dropped in Kathmandu to abort the possible visit of the Chinese President Xi Jinping in Nepal some time later this year.

This explains as to how the RAW machinery acts and controls Nepal through the help of our own Nepali leaders. Are we on sale?

Shame on us. Shame on us all. Haven’t we turned already into an Indian protectorate? Perhaps yes.

Former UML leader Bhim Rawal says “Stop dictating Nepali leaders and media men”. Do not exceed diplomatic limits.

Whom Mr. Rawal wants to hint is any body’s guess. Does this mean that India wants to replace PM Oli with confidante Comrade Prachanda? Mother Nepal has thus abundant reasons to cry.