Nepal: Unfortunately, you have a neighbor like India!

-China’s Ambassador Chen Song Ignores Diplomatic Etiquettes-


“Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort and intelligent execution.”



” Last fiscal year, you exported Rs10 billion [worth] of electricity to India. How much did you import from India? My Nepalese friends, you imported Rs19 billion of electricity from India. You had a deficit in electricity trade, one of the products you are proud of, and you think that will bring you economic independence?

-China’s Ambassador Chen Song . 

N. P. Upadhyaya (Aryal)

Biratnagar: At times miracle happens. It was near to a miracle, better late than never.

What the Nepali population wished-for to communicate since all along the good old days of 1950 July-end but could not dare to air the inner pains of the bullying and untold repression meted out to this country has just been commendably told by one Kathmandu based Chinese Ambassador Chen Song in the recent days.

This scribe was reminded of Marshal Chen Yi’s statement made right here in Kathmandu in the sixties. However, the Chinese Marshal had made a statement on a different context.


Chen Song said that, (sic) “Unfortunately, you have a neighbor like India.” A correct assessment of India that is is for Nepal so far our own experience says.

The Ambassador rightly pointed out that India’s policy towards Nepal and other neighbours is not so friendly and not so beneficial to Nepal. So we call that policy of constraints.”


“Unfortunately, you have a neighbor like India.” 

-Ambassador Chen Song.

Ambassador Song not only talked of Nepal alone, but he analyzed the pathetic situation of the entire South Asian countries that unfortunately adjoin India.

Indian intervention begins in Nepal and stretches out to Bhutan, B’desh, Sri Lanka, the Maldives, Afghanistan and Pakistan which knows well as to where India pinches.

After Pakistan, it is Nepal the hardest hit by the Indian expansionist hegemon of the highest order.

Ambassador Chen Song spoke on behalf of Nepal-and its timorous and acquiescent population what Nepali people or for that matter the ruling elites have had failed to air out in open/public for fear of losing their coveted Chair from power corridors of Nepal.

The ruling elites failed to speak against India as they were the ones practically elevated, raised and nourished by the regime across the border in the South.

A section of the Nepali population, for some mysterious reasons, is more Indian than PM Modi. This is what has been wakening Nepali nationalism.

Right from the day second of India’s gaining independence, India multiplied its tentacles to discipline the smaller South Asian countries in its immediate neighborhood through its men residing in Nepal as bonafide Nepali citizens.
Nepal was reasonably the first victim of India’s expansionist blueprint. India wanted to colonize entire smaller South Asian countries in its neighborhood to forget its colonial past during the British rule.

India now has reasons to celebrate as the sitting British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak while being in Delhi was happier than Indian Prime Minister Modi. Guess why?

However, much ahead of Nepal, baby Bhutan had already been closely controlled through a bilateral treaty inked in 1949 which forced Bhutan to remain in the South Asian landmass as an Indian protectorate.

Bhutanese inner pains could be understood.

It was almost a satellite status of Bhutan that did not allow the Himalayan Shangri-La to expand its diplomatic reach outside India.

The ground reality is that Bhutan has only diplomatic ties with Bangladesh-a new South Asian nation ostensibly created by India with a special design and purpose which was primarily to weaken Pakistan-its declared challenger enemy.

Having said this, India’s main focus was on Nepal as its Northern border adjoined China’s Tibet and India felt that rival China may enter India through Nepal.Petrified of China’s possible threat, India ordered Nepal to keep the international border open along the entire Southern stretch.

The cost of the open border are there for all to see.

More than five to ten million Indian beggars and Kabadi Wallahs have thronged across Nepal and most of them have obtained bonafide citizenship cards bribing greedy Brahmin district officials across the nation.

Sikkimisation of Nepal is not that far, I guess. Thanks the moles in disguise.

Beginning early days of 1950, as stated earlier, the open border phenomenon allowed India to intercede in Nepali politics whenever it wanted and the way it desired.

Though the 1950 Nepal-India bilateral treaty has nowhere mentioned that the border shall be kept open, however, the paid and posted agents of India in Nepal claim that since early times the borders were open and that must be continued without any uproar.

The fact is that prior to 1950 or so, the Rana rulers even issued visa to the incoming visitors either of Nepali territory or beyond.

This means that it was no free entrance in Kathmandu without the official permission of Visa authority which was, I was told, stationed in Amlekh Ganj.

The Indian nationals used to enter Nepal at time of Lord Shiva Ratri with the needed permission from Nepali authorities.
However, the near-to Indian agents in Nepal distort the facts and make claims that suit Indian nationals to overwhelm Kathmandu and other parts of Nepal with a special design to upset the demographic structure/pattern.
The Indian design needs no further elaboration for those who are aware of the fate of independent and sovereign Sikkim in the mid seventies.

Now back to the point:

The Chinese representative Chen Song while making the aforementioned lecture in Kathmandu dwelt at length as to how a Nepal till the other day a rice exporting country now imports the same from India worth billions and billions?
The topic of Ambassador Chen Song’s lecture was “China in global economy and its impact in Nepal”, and the program was organized by the Foundation for Trans Himalayan Research and Studies and Friends of Silk Road Club Nepal”.

While writing these lines we are reminded of some incidents wherein some particular Hydro-projects that were awarded to the Chinese companies for harnessing went suddenly into the pockets of some Indian companies and that too without furnishing any logical explanations.

One more instance freshly that has come to our notice is that “India made it clear to Nepal that any Hydro power projects that has Chinese connection, India will not buy the electricity thus generated by the company which has Chinese investment.

In addition the Chinese Ambassador in his talk session also mentioned that “Nepal buys (imports) its own exported electricity to India at almost double the price from India”.

This means that Nepal, by implication, beamingly buys its own production from India at a much higher price and yet the Managing Director of the Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) Kul Man Ghishing boasts that he is earning billions and billions by exporting extra power to India.

Ghishing is yet to understand what India is?

Question thus could be asked whether he hand-in-glove with Indian regime?

He is committing a Himalayan blunder of sorts by exporting electricity to India at a dirt cheap price when our own demand inside the country has yet to be attended across the nation.

Mr. Ghishing in doing in an adamant manner he signals that he has abundant India bend and he will not listen to sane voices coming from within.

Look what Ambassador says forwarding the statistical date to Nepal, (he puts the record straight and says),”last fiscal year, you exported Rs10 billion [worth] of electricity to India. How much did you import from India? My Nepalese friends, you imported Rs19 billion of electricity from India. You had a deficit in electricity trade, one of the products you are proud of, and you think that will bring you economic independence?

A video clop widely on circulation in Nepal’s social media has Ambassador’s blunt saying.

The NES MD is thus advised to listen to what the Chinese envoy has said forwarding accurate statistical data during the fiery speech that it was.

By implication what could also be added here is that Mr. Ghishing could be the one who favors India and that too at the cost of Nepal? Why he does so? Draw your own conclusions. The floor is yours.

Or else why he is exporting power to India when our own national demand has the potential to consume the entire production?

Without accusing Mr. Ghishing, what the Nepali population wishes to sound the NEA MD if and when he caters to the needs of the entire population then the money Nepal spends on buying LP Gas from India could be saved which, I guess, would be more than what we get in cash from extortionist India for exporting cheap electricity.

As a good friend the Chinese Ambassador advised Nepal to abide by some do’s and don’ts so it must not be taken as a big affair as some elements inimical to China under instigation were speaking ‘His Masters Voice’.

Some even have demanded the expulsion of the Chinese Ambassador Chen Song’s from the Nepali Court for his extra–adventure wherein he has given some wise counsels so that Nepal could take on to the path of self dependent than what it is excessively India dependent as of today.

It isn’t a crime at all, I think.

If it is a crime then let’s recall on how the Indian Ambassadors posted in Nepal beginning, let’s say, 1990 have been directly interfering in Nepali politics ?

Let’s recall, Bimal Prasad the Indian envoy who used to sleep inside Girija Prasad Koirala’s official residence round the clock?

And his illustrious son, Jayanta Prasad too preferred to reside inside Baluatar residence of India elevated Prime Ministers of Nepal –late Girija Prasad Koirala?

Ambassador Jayanta Prasad is the illustrious son of Ambassador Bimal Prasad who virtually ruled Nepal’s internal administration and yet it was not an interference?

Hell with such Indian logic.

Recall, how Ambassador Ranjeet Rae, who even after his retirement, recently landed in Kathmandu and instructed Nepali audience not to waste time in accepting the Bhutani status accorded by India to Nepal.

And the one named Shyam Saran-the presumed father of Nepal’s Republican Order supposedly, who tricked the ouster of Nepali monarchy and exported the India residing Nepal Maoists to Kathmandu from Delhi’s suburb NOIDA to control and to rule Nepal on behalf of Indian regime.

Shyam Saran then enjoyed the tacit support of Beijing as he had landed there.

Since then Beijing is paying the price as its under belly Tibet is being targeted by the interested quarters.
Surely, China is being destabilized right from Kathmandu.

Nepal almost since then has forgotten its long time adhered “One China Policy”.

Wasn’t it a crime? Yes it was a heinous crime in the conduct of Nepal-India bilateral ties.
The list goes long…
However, for the much talked India controlled, paid and funded press (media), the Chinese envoy brought heaven down the earth and a sort of furore is in Kathmandu’s political circuit only because China has spoken in favor of Nepal.

Those who have stood against the Chinese envoy are the ones who will celebrate Nepal’s Sikkimisation as and when it happens.

Yet these intellectuals celebrate G20 success even if tail Nepal was not invited.

So where Nepal stands in the Indian scheme of things gets exposed? Isn’t it?

India can’t be a friend of Nepal; this is our five decades long experience in this profession.

The chorus of the India bend so called “vibrant Nepali media” against China is nothing but which exposes as to which media and media men by extension were on the service of India (Bharat Maata) and the Indian embassy in Kathmandu.

Some self styled intellectuals in the process too exposed themselves while criticizing China which had spoken in favor of Nepal.

Their fake credentials came to the open.

Clearly, the India bend media is doing what it has been told to do. That’s it.

We have had guessed early this January when the Chinese envoy had just landed and sounded right at the Airport that China will take care of Nepal’s sovereignty much the same way as Marshal Chen Yi in the early Sixties had openly sounded right here in Kathmandu that any attack on Nepal’s sovereignty shall be taken as an assault to China’s sovereignty itself.

After Chen Yi, Ambassador Chen is the second man who has dared to speak in favor of Nepal’s sovereignty and its well being.

Nepal needs scores of Ambassadors of the sort of Chen Song from China.

We need such vocal personalities in order to tame the highhandedness of the Indian representatives in Nepal.
We need China at least to balance the uninterrupted Indian influence in Nepal. This is why China has become a must if Nepal wished to survive as a sovereign nation.

India can’t have the cake and eat it too.

China’s diplomatic blunder:

Though the Chinese envoy spoke in favor of Nepal and in doing so in the process he exposed India’s continued erratic, humiliating, extortionist attitude and behavior towards Nepal (which was long overdue) but yet the entire lecture made by the Chinese Ambassador can’t be appreciated verbatim as against the universal code of diplomatic conducts.

The speech though accurate hundred percent but yet the Chinese envoy has in many more ways than one exceeded his diplomatic limits/functions.

In fact, Ambassador Chen Song should have told his “China lobby” (if any) to take up the issues he dwelt at length at the recently held program in Kathmandu.

Ambassador Chen Song’s face appeared tensed while making the speech against India which gave an inkling that China now has begun looking India as number one enemy.

Chen Song’s ‘explosion’ against India made in Nepal also was timed with the coming into force of the US Millennium Project in Nepal which China concludes that it is all but to encircle or say contain or to tease China from Nepali territory and thus the ire subtly against India and the US combined.

Moreover, Chen’s hard hitting speech came also at a time when India was all set to Chair the G20 meet in Delhi and his President has declined to attend the international meet.

The synopsis of Ambassador Chen’s lecture, September 2, 2023, ( Saturday) does hint that henceforth China will not leave Nepal to the clemency of India and that China will treble its influence in Nepal come what may.

Above all, China appears to have taken serious note of the presumed domineering presence of US-India alliance which apparently was aimed at destabilizing China through adjoining Tibetan autonomous region.

The G20 meet in Delhi also has glued US-India bond further. South Asian intellectuals say that PM Modi has indeed made the Indian nation proud by organizing mega event such as the G20.

In sum, China spoke what it had to, however, while doing so diplomatic niceties were completely ignored.

This also exposed that China has no lobby as such and that all the men who claim to be close to China lobby were maneuvered or say controlled by Indian embassy in Kathmandu.

Finally, Chinese envoy’s angry outburst though was a timely one; however, the presentation completely ignored the Geneva Convention that talks of the strict observance of diplomatic etiquettes by the posted diplomats.
Chinese diplomat in Nepal talking of India?

Clearly, three countries are involved which surely not is a diplomatic step by any standards. It can’t be endorsed.

More so the China’s Lipulek. 2015 May, blunder is yet to be corrected by Beijing, if China recalls.

Unless China corrects the mistake on Lipulek, Nepal will not take China as a reliable partner. This is guaranteed. China must not have any illusions.

That’s all.