Nepal’s Communists prefer China over US!

Nepal’s Communists prefer China over US!

N.P. Upadhyaya, Kathmandu: The day New Delhi groomed Comrade Prachanda vehemently criticized the US and on the contrary he talked as if he had “sentimental attachments” with the far flung Maduro regime in Venezuela, some Nepali observers had already guessed that a Prachanda is about to trick the lone super power-the USA with his gained expertise while residing in Delhi during his war years.

He did it it very quickly.

Prachanda’s fury against the US was visible and it appeared that he must not have favored the Maduro regime in Venezuela for free of cost. His diplomacy has no free lunch as such.

Indeed he have had some designs in scolding the US while the de jure Nepal Prime Minister was in Davos, Switzerland.

That Prachanda’s suddenly erupted “love and honor” for Maduro’s Venezuela was simply a long planned trick of Nepal’s thug-Maoist supremo to tease the United States of America until the Kathmandu based US Ambassador approached him.

Prachanda was very much sure that Ambassador Berry would approach him and the latter in effect met him in private and talked in details. This was a calculated move.

And here the US Ambassador Randy Berry was tricked and that too in a manner “we the observers” in Nepal failed to understand as to why Ambassador Berry, who have had already his first inning in Nepal a decade back and knew Prachanda from tip to toe did not understand as to what sort of stuff the Delhi dweller Prachanda was?

He should have contacted James F Moriarty.

He then instead hurriedly granted GRATIS Visa not only to this Delhi tested man but also for his entire family including Madame Sita Dahal.
Ambassador RandyBerry was quick enough to grant US Visa for the South Asian trickster. This is puzzling indeed.

Later it was made known that Prachanda had played the Venezuelan card only to dupe the US and in the process manage a first class treatment to his ailing wife in Baltimore Hospital, USA a few months back.

That the US is an “imperialist” country for Prachanda got proved when he openly made some remarks that must have annoyed the lone Super Power.

Prachanda has several cards under his sleeves and he decides which card should be brought into use that benefits him personally.

He opened this time the BRI card.

Now that Prachanda has talked things that must have opened the eyes of the incumbent US Ambassador and this the latter appears to have become “nervous” and seeking clarifications from the Nepal Government as to whether the stance on Indo-Pacific strategy taken by Prachanda equals to the policy as of the Nepal government as well or not?

Thanks that the State Counselor Wang Yi upon return to Beijing posted in his foreign ministry’s website as to how Nepal’s “paramount” leader Prachanda viewed the “so called Indo-Pacific strategy” or else the matter would have gone unnoticed in Kathmandu’s political circuit.

Minister Wang’s meet with Prachanda in Kathmandu was a private one wherein Prachanda not only derided at the Indo-Pacific strategy but lauded the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative-the BRI.

“We do not endorse the Indo-Pacific Strategy” is what the Maoists leader stated while talking to Minister Wang.

It was this conflicting view which appeared in the Kathmandu’s mainstream media that drew the attention of the US Ambassador and thus obviously an angry US envoy sought ‘clarifications’ as is demanded from the Nepal government which is being controlled by the Modi establishment, it is talked.

But isn’t it that the US reacted in haste? The US must have made it a secret affair in asking explanations on what Prachanda said of IPS while talking to Minister Wang Yi.

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We presume that it was an act made in haste by the US officials’ in Kathmandu. Things could have been settled amicably too.

But the US envoy should take for granted that Nepal is almost a protectorate and so this country shall listen only to India but not others the US included.

However, one US official in Kathmandu just the other day said that it was not a Strategy but a Policy only and that the US wanted Nepali leaders only to be “pro-Nepal” and nothing more than that.

He also clarified that Indo-Pacific policy had no ulterior motives against China to what is being talked.

A US diplomat advises Nepalese to be pro-Nepal. This is “meaningful” and a matter of shame for all those who prefer to work for others as agents. The US officials views and suggestions offered to the Nepalese nationals must be appreciated. 

The fact is that Prachanda when “completely ignored” by the Beijing leadership in the past took a U turn and fired the empty pistol and the next moment he gave an impression that he, read the Delhi sheltered, trained and indoctrinated man, inherited Chairman Mao’s policies and so he named his fake party as having only inspired by the great revolutionary “deeds and the accomplishments” of the great Mao-Tse Tung who remained influential in providing a formal “shape” to what is today the People’s Republic of China, an emerging world power.

However, the million dollar question is that whether the Chinese “tough negotiator” Minister Wag Yi took Prachanda’s anti-US stance in its face value or may have simply dismissed concluding that how could a Delhi man dare to change the sides within a fraction of a second? But by posting his meet and Prachanda’s version of the Indo-Pacific Strategy on the official web page, Minister Wang did what as a sincere Chinese national would do for the sake of his motherland. Politically unstable Prachanda now stands exposed.

Prachanda’s scathing criticism against the Indo-Pacific Strategy by default brings him closer to the China’s Belt and Road Initiative. But is he then a China man? Hundred percent not.
If it is not so then the loser is the US Ambassador in Kathmandu who even after a year and half in Nepal could not understand Prachanda better as he should have been.

The Communist government in Nepal will in all likelihood invent an all-time fitting formulae and officially say that “Prachanda’s stance is not the official version of the Nepal Government” or shall devise a middle line which shall keep both China and the US to keep on guessing as to what the Nepal government’s official’s statement in effect meant?

Both the US and the Chinese side will think that Nepal favors their strategies: the Indo-Pacific strategy and the BRI.

However, this is not true. The fact is that Nepal communists neither recognize China nor the US. At best Nepali administration has not only the honor but also abundant and love for whatever is the policy of BJP controlled India now under the firm grip of the PM Modi-the new Hitler of India as he is being taken since August 5, 2019. Both Oli and Prachanda prefer BIMSTEC-the tail of Modi’s India. SAARC is a matter of the distant past for Nepal and its leaders.

Needless to say, the Nepal Maoists’s “love affair” with the Indian regime first began, as far as this scribe recalls, during the Premiership of the BJP led Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee which was “tactfully” recognized by Madame Sonia’s proxy Prime Minister Dr. Man Mohan Singh of the Indira Congress.

It was during MM Singh’s premiership in India when the then foreign secretary Shyam Saran (who was tentatively taken as the Indian Prime Minister for Nepal) very skillfully “exported” Delhi residing Nepal Maoists back to Nepal and allowed the indoctrinated ones to capture the State authorities in Nepal though Girija Prasad Koirala-the presumed India man from the very beginning of his political career.

Unfortunately, the one who initially had distaste for the Delhi residing Nepal Maoists too sooner than later extended his tacit support to Shyam Saran and helped him to uproot the Institution of Nepali Monarchy.

He was none less than James F. Moriarty-the US Ambassador for Nepal who was against the Delhi drafted 12 point agreement which very tactfully institutionalized the Indian domination once and for all. The US since then began looking Nepal thorough the Indian lens. The Chinese regime too had assisted Mr.

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Saran’s design of making Nepal an unstable country.

And now should be the turn of the Chinese State Counselor Wang Yi to feel cheated by a fake communist whose entire political career revolves around cheat and deceit.

Ask the Child soldiers whom he used and abused during the People’s War.

A straight message to Minister Wang and US Ambassador Randy Berry with due respect and love to what is their due. The message is here to these friendly countries is as follows:

“The Nepali national who cheated his own mother (land) by design or by default and pained his own soil of birth and remained instrumental in killing some seventeen precious lives then how the US or for that matter the Chinese regime could think of having even a pinch of “loyalty” from an unstable political persona who has already sold his loyalty to a regime which has hatred for both the US and China. Guess which is that country?

The US is in illusion that India is with its Strategy which is a false notion.

India is with the US only to the extent that she too has to compete with China as they have already fought a fatal war in 1962.

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The next is awaited eagerly.

It was this war with China which had broken the vertebral column of India. In order to revenge the shameful defeat India keeps on changing friends. For some two decades during the Cold War

India sided with the then USSR and when the USSR crumbled, India instantly inched closer to the US in order to gain some weightage so that China felt the heat of the new political equation.
India is again closer to the Russian federation-the inheritor of the former USSR.

However, the RF has no special love for India. All that the Russia wants is to sell its military equipment’s and fighter planes. That’s all. And there is no free lunch in Russian diplomacy.

Much the same way, Prachanda’s links with China and the US are both temporary and an absolute farce.

A Nepali if not is a Nepali then how come he would be a man close to the US or China? That’s it.

At best Prachanda, some say, has been working for India even at the moment to destabilize PM Oli’s regime. Internal fight has begun to surface.

The present meet with Minister Wang and the controversy he raised on Indo-Pacific strategy and BRI is nothing but a calculated plan to discredit Oli’s regime and seek the latter’s replacement as per the “taste” of the fascist Modi government.

High placed observers thus wish to keep him at a distance as he could change his colors any time in a manner he desired.

Prachanda’s sudden tilt towards China too could be a ploy of the Indian establishment. The latter may have instructed the veteran communist leader to play a drama with the Chinese regime as long as he is told the take up the next orders.

In the recent days, China and India are not in good terms on matters related to Laddakh after August 5 annexation of Kashmir by India. .

In sum, India is planning big for Nepal, it is being presumed. The pretext is ready made.

Nepal’s Indo-pendent intellectuals and political men have made a non-issue an issue of prestige for India.

They claim that Nepal as a nation-state tentatively ignored the Indian Foreign Minister when the BJP card holder was in Nepal some ten days ago. Even Prachanda, they say, could not find some moments for the Indian minister. This was an insult to the Indian Union.

But the fact is that Prachanda secretly met the Indian minister right inside the Prime Ministerial Palace in Baluatar.

They claim that Prachanda did not meet Minister Shankar but rushed to see Minister Wang Yi at the hotel the Chinese minister had been residing is simply a distorted version of some Indo-pendent intellectuals.

How can Nepali leaders ignore the BJP Card holder Minister Shankar?

This is just a non-issue in that Prachanda has already spent a decade right in Delhi and so he may have concluded not to meet Minister Shankar. And this is the hard fact, if they recall Prachanda’s lavish NOIDA days? Ambassador Berry perhaps knows Prachanda’s Delhi connection. 

The Indian lobby in Kathmandu has already made it a prestige issue.

Is it then the preliminary signal for imposition of yet another economic blockade?

So be it. We shall brave it in a brave manner. Minister Shankar is advised to try for yet another economic blockade if he has the courage?

Be it known to the US and China-the two countries who have had jointly made some contributions in throwing Nepal into perennial instability, if they recall the tumultuous days of 2005-6 years that they did so in the past to their own political loss.

Now they will have to pay for the instability and aberrations in Nepal’s foreign policy which used once upon a time to be truly a non-aligned one. Nepal used then to have balanced relations with China, India and the US and other friendly countries from Europe. Nepal had excellent relations with the USA since the very beginning. However, after the 2005-6 change, the US lost a reliable partner in Nepal. Prachanda’s present jolt to the US is an example.

Nepal is tentatively the North Korea in South Asia. Rest assured. That’s all.