Nepal’s Sikkimisation gains momentum

Kashmir and Khalistan movement


N. P. Upadhyaya (Aryal)

Kathmandu: Nepal’s India imposed and later deformed the so called republican Order has embraced yet another ugly and dirty form when the newly elected Parliament saw the mysterious absence of “Opposition” which is a must in a democratic order if it is.

However, the absence of the “Opposition” has numerous advantages to India as “opposition less Parliament” has been calculatedly manufactured by India, say those who understand India better.

In doing so, India has a hidden blueprint which is related with the existence of sovereign and independent Nepal.
India is planning big for the so far independent and sovereign Nepal.

And yet the Nepali Congress stalwart,. Dr. Shekhar Koirala said in Biratnagar , January 25, 2023, that his party was ” government in waiting”.

This in itself is a big political joke as the NC is ruling as well a party in Opposition. Height of stupidity.

To recall, prior to the grand annexation of independent and sovereign Sikkim, the Sikkimi Parliament all of a sudden turned “Unanimous” and voted in favor o the merger of the independent Sikkim into the Indian Union.

Some authentic record says that while Sikkimi Parliament was all in favor of merger with India, only two “nationalist souls” were against the merger with India.

We salute those guiltless souls of Sikkim.

This mystifying event could well be linked to the Nepali situation.

Nepal has now no Opposition which means that if and when India endeavors to swallow Nepal (its long drawn blueprint indeed), it can do so easily.

Interestingly, the invasion of Sikkim had only one “traitor” Kaji Lendhup Dorje, however, Nepal is presumed to have thousands of similar paid and posted Lendhup Dorjes’ who appear more than excited to observe the merger of “mother Nepal” into the “Mera Bharat Mahan” mother India.

Unfortunate Mother Nepal has given birth to such ugly, dirty and treacherous sons and daughters (?) who dance to the tune of the Indian music played by the Indian regime and the Raw agency.

Needless to say, more than two thirds of Nepal’s political men engaged in national politics, we have been authentically told, were in the regular payroll of India’s RAW and get their payments from the Kathmandu based Indian mission.

Some even say that “One” thug media man who controls now a Television in Kathmandu is the main man of the Indian embassy who pays the monthly salary of the Nepali agents of the RAW engaged in the media sector.

The Television which this buffoon media man runs or say controls is “funded” by the RAW enterprise.

This explains how this media and the media man may exhibit its allegiances towards the “Mera Bharat Mahan Mother India.”

That this media man, informed sources say, distributes money from the Indian embassy to “whom it concerns” at time of the Nepal’s annual Bijaya Dashami festivals.

One such recipient smilingly accepted this “phenomenon” and said that “most of the Nepali media men” receive the financial assistance as against the treason committed on “Mother Nepal”.

Thus the media men suck the blood of their own “Mother” and that too in an open manner.

That the Sikkimisation of sovereign Nepal is in its speed, the sitting Indian Ambassador to Nepal Navin Srivasatava is “busy” in buying loyalties from the new Parliamentarians who, in a few, have denounced the newly formed government sans Opposition.

These blameless souls consider that the “nonexistence” of the opposition is by default, however, the fact is that such “absence” is not accidental but a premeditated one given the stance of Sikkim prior to the dissolution of the sovereign nation into the vast landmass of regional bully-which India is.

To speed up the Sikkimisation drive of the Indian establishment, some India bend leaders have begun making trips to and fro to Delhi-Nepal’s political capital in order to secure and ensure that the Indian Sikkimisation bid turns a “grand success”.

Informed sources say that an influential Nepali Lady with presumed Indio-US bend has rushed to Delhi in order to get the needed and the required instructions and the blessings of the Delhi babus so that the sitting government led by former “Delhi’s Boy” could be replaced by the one who is said to be the “most comfortable one” for the Indian command.

In fact it was this “highly comfortable man” with Nepali soul almost has pushed Kathmandu closer to Delhi regime and by extension “distanced” Kathmandu with Beijing.

The tragedy is that Beijing takes even the present Delhi’s Boy as its reliable and tested man only because this man leads a political paraphernalia which bears the name of Chairman Mao –Tse-Tung.

Some intelligent brains in Kathmandu opine that the name “Maoists People’s War” was primarily coined by New Delhi’s men in order to baffle the people across the globe that “the people’s war of Nepal was the handiwork of China.

However, as the time went by, people knew as to whose structured strategy it was?

However, the fact is just the reverse and that he is the most trusted and convinced man of Delhi as it was this man who spent some good ten years in Delhi waging war against his own motherland Nepal.

The Indian drawing (of the absence of an Opposition) is thus a planned one which aims to speed up the Sikkimisation drive which, as per Delhi’s presumption, is just a step ahead given the absence of “Opposition” in Nepal.

The long awaited intention of Delhi was to create such a political environment which enabled its Sikkimisation drive that looked “internal” rather than the external one.

It was this prearranged policy that prompted the “Delhi disinformation Laboratory” to cry foul that Prachanda was a China man only to bamboozle the people here and there and everywhere.

Thanks that he himself couldn’t control his liking and honor for a regime in India that provided him with a decade long refuge and he in a glowing manner announced while talking to a select group of media men with India tilt that “my first visit shall begin with Delhi” and in addition, to recall, the new Nepal Prime Minister Prachanda when being interviewed by a South Block man in Kathmandu just a minute after he assumed the post of Nepal Prime Minister that “I am feeling proud in being interviewed “first” by an Indian Television.

Isn‘t it sufficient for Beijing to locate the very “love and affection” of sitting Prime Minister of Nepal lay?

This grand disclosure should allow mini Beijing in Kathmandu to make their own preferred logical conclusions.

All said and done, a ray of hope after decades and decades has just emanated from Beijing’s man posted in Kathmandu.

Better late than never if the Chinese envoy means it in its truest sense of the term.

The new Ambassador of China, Chen Song, made a strong account upon his arrival in Kathmandu, January 8, 2023, that henceforth China will take care of Nepal’s “sovereignty and dignity”.

What prompted the newly arrived Chinese envoy to make such “meaning loaded” expressions right upon his landing at the Tribhuban International Airport is loaded with meaning indeed? However, what is for sure is that such “consoling” expressions used to emanate in the early sixties from China’s highest leadership, for example, Chairman Mao, Prime Minister Chou En-Lai and Marshall Chen Yi.

When Nepal was ruled by Kings, China was friendly to Nepal.

Those were the days when China used to practically shield Nepal from the ulterior and nefarious motives of the coercive Indian regime.

China was a friend then.

In the recent decades, China for reasons unknown to Nepali leadership has summarily left Nepal to the mercy of the Indian malevolent intents.

But for these follies, China has lost its base or say permanent friend in Nepal which was the institution of monarchy that had kept India and China both at a comfortable distance or say a policy of equi-distance was maintained all along the days when monarchy used to rule sovereign Nepal.

However, China’s misfortune began the day when Beijing changed its Nepal policy and in connivance with the Delhi’s Foreign Secretary Shyam Saran agreed to depose the Nepali monarchy from the throne in the year 2005-6.

Since then China has no friends in Nepal and even if China has friends in Nepal then they all were the RAW trained and indoctrinated moles or say spies who report to the Indian embassy of the talks if and when they meet the Chinese officials in Kathmandu.

Thus what could be said authentically is that the Chinese and the US officials meet those only who were posted and paid agents of the RAW agency in Nepal, barring some innocent souls.

As said several times, the US and China can’t compete India’s diplomatic trickery in Nepal.

Be it known to the US and China’s envoys in Nepal that Indian infiltration, both soft and hard, is so high and impregnable that no other force can penetrate or snatch its space from India for all time to come.

The reason for Indian permanent “clout” in Nepal is due to the long absence of the US and China’s visible presence in Kathmandu.

China’s ignoring Kathmandu after the ouster of monarchy has cumulatively affected China’s say, whatever it had, in Nepali political affairs.

However, this is not to suggest both the US and China to act in a brazen manner to blunt the Indian incursion in Nepal.

Both China and the US are good friends of Nepal and thus what is expected of them is a fair play and reasonable act of diplomacy in the course of advancing their respective “bilateral” relations in Nepal.

India in Kashmir and Khalistan:

Indian foreign minister’s tall talks apart in the international media (with reference to the Austrian TV interview early January), however, India’s credentials back home has already touched a new low as regards its brazen acts of atrocities committed on the caged population of Kashmir. Equally illuminating is the spread of the Khalistan movement across the globe.

After the UK, USA and Canada, now the Khalistan movement well has hit the Australian streets and towns.
We will come to it later.

Kashmir First:

A fresh report titled “Human Rights Violations by Indian troops in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJ&K)” describes in details wherein it puts on record the data which talks of the Indian atrocities committed in IIOJK during the last six months.

The report has been released by the “Kashmir Media Service in collaboration with several international media services dated January 21, 2023.

The account, contains the data of Indian atrocities committed in IIOJK during the last six months.

The report among others says that “Indian troops in their unabated acts of state terrorism have martyred 77 innocent Kashmiris from July 2022 to December 2022.

The fresh story adds, “more than 300 youths were arrested and dozens of people were injured due to the use of brute force by Indian troops and police during cordon and search operations in the occupied territory”.

Has the Indian Foreign Minister something to say in this regard?

He will not dare to talk on Kashmir.

Now Khalistan: Traveling all along UK, USA and Canada, now it appears that the Khalistan movement has well entered into Australian landmass in the recent days and weeks.

The US based group “Sikhs for Justice (SJF) has taken the lead in organizing the movement for a separate Khalistan well inside the Indian Territory.

Avneet Arora and Preetindar Grewal write for the news portal SBS Punjabi dated 20 January, 2023, that under the aegis of the SFJ a voting for the Australian Chapter of the Punjab independence referendum is scheduled for 29 January, 2023.

The said referendum will be held at the Federation Square in Melbourne, Australia.

The SBS says further that “Ravi Inder Singh, a representative of the Miri Piri Gurudwara (Sikh temple) and a supporter of the referendum, says that the voting exercise, dubbed as the ‘Khalistan referendum’, will be a significant step towards ‘self-determination’ for millions of Sikhs around the world.

Mr. Singh said the main goal of the referendum is to seek a consensus among Sikhs to establish a separate homeland within India and to determine the extent of the demand for this separatist state that will be known as Khalistan (land of the pure), the SBS adds.

In a similar vein, a Geonews dated January 18, 2023, claims that Some 2,000+ vehicles had already participated in the Khalistan Rally in Melbourne which started from the Coburg suburb to downtown Melbourne and continued for several hours.

The rally was organised by the international advocacy group Sikhs For Justice (SFJ) to galvanize the community for the upcoming launch of the Khalistan Referendum in Australia on January 29.

What is noteworthy is that the two Sikhs (Beant Singh and Satwant Singh)” who fired bullets on Madame Indira Gandhi, October, 1984, are being glorified.

In the previous rallies, the SFJ had not talked of the two assassins of Madame Gandhi.

In yet another headache for the Indian regime has emanated from Melbourne itself.

A Newsportal the SinghStation .net dated January 19, 2023, reports that the “attending delegate of the Yidindji Nation of aboriginal Australians has expressed solidarity and support for Sikh People’s right to self determination through Khalistan Referendum.

Much to the discomfiture of the Indian regime, the Khalistan movement has made a round of the Globe and has surfaced in Delhi itself-the place which apparently prompted the Sikhs to go on for a demand of a separate State in India for the entire Punjabis.

An OpIndia Staff dated 20 January writes that “ close on the heels of Indian Republic Day, January 26, 2023, the walls of West Delhi area and many other public areas including the Janakpuri Metro Station, Peera Garhi flyover have been painted with pro-Khalistan and anti-national slogans. The slogans read, “Referendum 2020, SFJ, and “Vote for Khalistan”.

More will appear in our next issue.

BBC on India; The Modi question:

The BBC world service has freshly aired the first part of a documentary on PM Modi which speaks the story of his hatred of the Muslim minority.

Of the two episodes, the first one tracks Modi’s first steps into politics, including his association with the right-wing Hindu organisation the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, his rise through the ranks of the Bharatiya Janata Party, and his appointment as chief minister of the state of Gujarat, where his response to a series of riots in 2002 that took thousands of precious Indian lives remains a source of controversy.

The BBC documentary is a new headache for India now.

The second episode of the Modi series will be aired this Wednesday.

Summarizing all these news nuggets, the issue of disputed Kashmir, the BBC on Modi and that of Khalistan shall in all likelihood chase India and the regime for long. That’s all.