Presidnet Bidya’s loss is King Gyanendra’s Gain!

Presidnet Bidya’s loss is King Gyanendra’s Gain!

NP Upadhyaya, Kathmandu: Unusual events that are loaded with political connotations have happened in the recent days, weeks and months.

The events though were associated with the government follies but yet are being ridiculed by the common men across the nation in an unprecedented manner.

These events have by far gone largely unnoticed. Deep in the sense that the consequences that were in the store for this imposed order may bring in some unimaginable troubles for those who helped the present day system to get institutionalized under instructions from the Indian regime.

Blizzard is already in the making.

Our own leaders who preferred to follow Shyam Saran- the Indian mastermind, for the so called political change, has forced the countrymen to start repenting as they feel cheated by their leaders.
The rag-bag-bobby-tail of the recent past, read the leaders have looted the national treasury under this or that pretext and in a merciless manner sided with the expansionist regime in the South which has vowed to swallow this ever independent and sovereign ancient nation once and for all.

President Mrs. Bidya Devi Bhandari may not have the knowledge but she is being demonized in the county to the extent that very freshly a group of Nepali enthusiasts lined up near the Pashupati Temple and collected one rupee each from the passersby to help government buy a luxurious car for her. Similarly, some youths in Birganj have come to support the President. They collected some three thousand rupees for President so that she could buy a Limousine car.

On the other hand, the “mission” to gulp Nepal is talked to be in progress. Border specialist Mr. B.N Shrestha claims that the speed with which India is gulping the Nepali landmass, a day may come soon when the Indian tricolor could well be observed in Kathmandu’s Singh Durbar replacing our own Nepal’s flag. Shrestha was once head of the survey department. Let’s hope when he headed the department India did not encroach Nepali land mass.

Understandably, the shameless Nepali leaders from across the political spectrum so far have refrained from making any comments against their patron country-the Indian regime perhaps.
To expect from KP Sharma Oli, our Prime Minister that he will talk to the Indian side on the Indian dada giri would be a self-defeating exercise for multiple reasons. He is still taken as an India man by the general population.

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Prime Minister Oli had accidentally become a nationalist when India imposed economic blockade in the recent past.

As Oli’s popularity continues to take a slide, Prachanda- the former Maoists leader and Oli’s political partner, has already begun criticizing him.
Prachanda said recently that the government now should change the gear.

What he meant by changing the gear is not known but smart sources claim that he must have received appropriate signals from across the border to destabilize Oli’s set up.
Prachanda is certainly the Delhi man as he resided in Delhi for almost a decade to launch a war on Nepal. Brajesh Mishra helped him that time.

PM Oli has worn the cloth of a dictator though his health is not that sound these days, say his detractors even from inside his own party. Dictator Oli doesn’t sound ear pleasing.
Having said all these, the national politics has taken a new turn with the sudden coming of together of the three Koiralas’ in Biratnagar thus hinting that they shall work as a single and united force and regain the lost legacy of the Koiralas in the Nepali Congress party that late BP Koirala had nurtured.

Naturally the coming together of the three Koiralas must not have come as good news to the Party President Sher Bahadur Deuba or even to the ruling party led by Prime Minister KP Oli who each day is losing his prestige and popularity.

In the meantime, the event that has attracted the attention of the political pundits across the nation is the “pre-planned” meet of the former Nepal King Gyanendra Shah with one of the active political persona of the Nepali Congress, Mr. Prakash Man Singh on November 12, 2018.

The meet of Mr. Singh, the son of late Ganesh Man Singh, with King Gyanendra at Soaltee Hotel had been designed by a well-wisher of the Nepali monarchy and that of the Nepali Congress.

The meet lasted for all along twenty five minutes and that too one on one while sharing lunch together.

It was almost a secret affair, so hint sources in Nepal also equally close the India regime.

The suspicion is that India is behind this meeting. If so then why this change of heart?

Mr. Singh met the former monarch as if he was meeting a sitting Nepal sovereign. The needed discipline was maintained from both the sides at time of the “pre-arranged” meet. This is remarkable.

Interestingly, the two met on the day when Ms. Sujata Koirala had thrown a lavish luncheon, November 12, 2018, in honor of those who were not in the Sher Bahadur Deuba panel of the Nepali Congress.

It is this panel that now concludes that Deuba has caused immense loss to the party and that in order to give a new lease of life to the already ailing Nepali Congress.
Deuba must be relieved from the current post.

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But how to unseat Deuba? Is what has forced the three Koiralas’ to go in search of a formula which not only relieved the party from the Deuba’s burden but also regained the lost popularity of the Nepali Congress that it had remained for quite good decades in the past.

To recall, the incumbent General Secretary of the party, Shashank Koirala had already ventilated his concern that the party has lost its old stamina only because it had abandoned some of the basic fundamentals the party was built on.

Shasank in an oblique manner had hinted that his party’s slide began right with the adherence of the secular order instead of the old Hindu premise. He has demanded a referendum to decide the fate of the Hindu State at the earliest. This meant that Koirala in an undeclared manner wanted to hint getting rid of the institution of monarchy was a wrong decision.

The fresh one to one meet of Prakash Man Singh with Nepal King Gyanendra must not have been a sudden collision at the Soaltee Hotel but the get together was a sponsored one designed to bring in the ousted Monarchy closer with the ailing Nepali Congress.

Some brilliant brains must have converged together, hopefully.

If it is so then Shashank Koirala’s May, 2017, quote in his face book status that “when wicked unite then the wise men must associate themselves has come to true.

Could the meet of Mr. Singh with the former Nepal sovereign be taken as a meet of the wise men as stated by Dr. Shashank Koirala? Who were the wicked ones then? Keep on guessing.
So should this then mean also that the NC is now under no illusion and has been taking steps which bring in closer the democratic forces scattered in the nation at a common point from wherein the democratic forces, including the ousted monarchy, could face the formidable challenge posed to the former by the latter with the sudden India sponsored merger of the Maoists center with the UML? Perhaps yes.

NC’s fresh moves coincide with the determination of the former Panchas to go together by dissolving three separate parties into one which is what has been taken as the clandestine efforts made by the now ousted monarch. The merger has developed some snag though.

The three RPPs perhaps, if things go smoothly, will unite in a month or so which is expected to take a formal shape much ahead of the India leader Aditya Nath Yogi’s arrival in Nepal to attend to some religious celebrations to be held in Janakpur, Nepal.

Bimlendra Nidhi of the NC is somewhat unhappy with Yogi’s supposed arrival in Janakpur. Mr. Yogi’s close links with King Gyanendra is what is paining Mr. Nidhi.
RPP Chairman Kamal Thapa has recently vowed that he will restore the Hindu state and the Nepali monarchy come what may.

The common men now take President Bhandari as an economic burden on the nation whose increasing ambitions have far exceeded to what had been talked of the sitting monarch when the institution was in place, if one were to recall. The result is that by default, the absence of the now ousted monarchy is being felt seriously by the common men.

Mrs. Bhandari is being taken as a black spot in the face of the imposed Change. She has become already a laughing stock in the political circuit.

King Gyanendra’s political stature has gone up but it is definitely by default.

In a way, the political and the economic follies being committed by the present day political animals in series is being taken as plus points for the forgotten monarch.

The former monarch has been enjoying all these positive gestures for free.

The political slide, better call it the hatred that has developed inside the country towards the ruling leaders including Madame President, is sufficient to hint that sooner than latter a sort of political whiteout is already in the making which may sweep the present day leaders to the place where they should have been-that is, sorry to say, the China donated garbage container.

While Nepal is talked to have tilted towards China, but in effect Indian monopoly has increased. People say that the men who were granted shelter in Delhi by the Indian regime have been now told to steer the nation then, as a matter of fact and reason, New Delhi’s say can’t be dismissed.

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In a way, the Indian monopoly has institutionalized also because various provinces at their own will have begun seeking helps straight from the Indian regime which is what had been the inner desire of the Goliath since long. To recall, the idea of federal order is an alien brain which has been imposed on Nepal by Nepal’s “traditional” neighbor. Kamal Thapa like Chitra KC is also against federal order.

PM Oli, talked to have become authoritarian in the recent days, is inching closer to Delhi as he inched in the past. No illusions China should have. Oli was and is a man of Delhi, claim high placed sources. President Xi Jinping if he is wise enough must think twice prior to landing in Nepal.

A word to the wise should be enough. Time is not favorable for Chinese leader to land in Nepal even for an hour looking at the manner the Chinese consulate was brutally attacked by anti-social elements in Karachi, Pakistan, November 23, 2018. That’s all.