RAW plot to abort Chinese President Xi visit to Nepal?

RAW plot to abort Chinese President Xi visit to Nepal?

Kathmandu, N.P. Upadhyaya: Can the nationalists’ population of this ‘imposed republican/federal/secular order’ even imagine in private that a former Prime Minister of Nepal lands in jail on corruption charges?
Can we the ‘undeclared protectorate’ of friendly Southern neighbor imagine that our Commission of Investigation of Abuse of Authorities, the CIAA, hunt and later nab some high flying thug Communist stalwarts (Masked thugs?) who have plundered this nation at different intervals of time of the gifted order more so after the 2005-6 India sponsored political change that it was by all standard political measures. ?

Can “we the people” of this condemned country witness ever that our corrupt and highly indoctrinated leaders who enjoy the continued blessings of the Indian establishment be penalized for their actions that have damaged the very culture and traditions of this ancient country? Will they be taken penal actions?

And can we the people dare to come ever to the streets, as we did ( or were lured?) in 2005-6, demanding that those who were engaged in money laundering business and in the process looted the

national treasury be arrested by the concerned authorities and the money brought back to the country?

And lastly, can we the hapless people of this hopeless country tell the de factor Chief Minister in the Kathmandu based mini Indian Union, Ambassador Puri, to stop micro-managing Nepali politics who unnecessarily pokes his nose in our internal affairs? He just the other day invited practically all the female parliamentarians inside the embassy compound for a dinner perhaps to lure the distinguished MPs to be of some support to the Indian cause which so far remains unknown. What could have been his inner motive behind this?

India and good intent? Impossible.

The dinner season inside the Indian embassy has just begun. For the local Indian sleuths the dinner season is round the year. Now the second round of dinner for the media men with ‘Antiquity’ is perhaps round the corner.

Can we the people press the Nepal Government led by PM Oli to declare Indian Ambassador Manjeev Puri as persona non grata if he continues to ignore the set diplomatic limits for him like other diplomats stationed in Kathmandu?

Shouldn’t he behave as a respected diplomat? He should but…..?

Can we dare to tell him (Envoy Puri) through Nepal Foreign Ministry that he better learn some lessons on ‘diplomatic conducts’ from any book that talks of diplomatic limits set by Geneva Convention? Or why shouldn’t he be told to pack for Delhi? Or at best will he inform his Delhi government to allow Ambassador Mr. Acharya to poke his nose in the exclusive affairs of the South Block right in New Delhi. Will PM Modi allow Nepali Ambassador to make statements in favor of the Indian congress? What if the Nepali media begins writing in favor of the Kashmir issue and KHALISTAN movement?

If not then how can we allow the Indian envoy to indoctrinate our innocent and respected Parliamentarians?

Khalistan issue will be comfortable for the Nepali media men to pick up.

Worst of it all, the newly appointed Research and Analysis wing RAW chief Mr. Samanta Goyal just landed in Kathmandu with his deputy and, reports have it, that he headed straight to meet the one who resided in Delhi for a decade enjoying RAW’s secret help-Comrade Prachanda. Some even say that the RAW Chief met all the “key men” in Hotel Hyatt who happen to be in the good book of India and hopefully served timely sermons to his obedient disciples from Nepal. Some media men too paid courtesy call on the Indian spy, rumors claim.

As if the insult were not enough, fresh reports have it that Sher Bahadur Deuba-former Nepal Prime Minister himself rushed to the Indian embassy to pay a courtesy call on Mr. Goyal-the RAW Chief. The Deuba-Samanta meet stretched for four hours plus, says Deuba’s detractors.

A former Prime Minister meets a mid-level Indian spy? What a shame. Ms. Alka lamba was correct in taking the entire Nepali population as Bahadurs and Choukidars. Thanks Madame.
The RAW man also met with President Mrs. Bidya Bhandari, reports claim.

High placed sources claim that RAW Chief was here in Kathmandu to abort Chinese President Xi Jinping’s likely Nepal visit this year.

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Chinese diplomacy as stated in our previous articles, have failed miserably.

With the sudden arrival of RAW Chief in Kathmandu, PM Oli’s days appear numbered in the government power structure. Prachanda-the declared close confidante of the Indian regime, if things go as per the secret designs as is in the rumor, K.P Oli may be replaced by the one whom PM Modi and Ajit Doval-Jay Shankar combine prefer. After all Nepal must be brought under India’s security umbrella.

PM Oli has now several enemies who prefer his replacement with Prachanda or even SB Deuba if his late night meet with the RAW man gone as per the structured plans of the Indian establishment.

New Delhi establishment takes PM Oli a man close to Beijing. It is this thinking that Delhi suspects PM Oli and takes Prachanda and Deuba as Delhi’s trusted and tested men.

It is not that the CIAA can’t penalize the corrupt leaders who have been looting this nation since twelve years or even more but the authorities will not do so because the high placed officers posted in the said authority were the “near and dear “relatives of various political animals ruling this country mercilessly since the advent of the order tentatively taken openly as a system of the choice of, sorry to say, the Cursed Prime Minister of India Dr. MM Singh and his cunning and Nepal hater foreign secretary Mr. Shyam Saran. Mr. Saran was in Kathmandu recently and had met Comrade Prachanda and his other trusted and tested Nepali disciples.

Mr. Saran had personally supervised Nepal’s sponsored political movement of 2005-6 which had taken a formal shape only to do away with some “Nepali personalities” who had been posing threats to the Indian grand designs.

The movement was thus to install proxy political men who obeyed to the Indian dictates. India rules Nepal at the moment, it is believed.

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Ambassador Puri is talked to be the de facto Nepal PM. However, the people have not yet been told of this development and thus it could be a strong rumor and nothing more than that.

The men whom Mr. Shyam Saran had groomed in New Delhi were seated at key places in Nepal and with their support India wanted to bring Nepal under its total control.

The rest is definitely a history now confined to Face Book and Twitters. Nepali people are just Face Book and Twitter warriors. Their nationalism/patriotism could well be seen in the social media pages. Mother Nepal must have been crying.

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Dr. MM Singh’s mishandling of the Nepal movement of 2005-6 is the prime cause of present day Nepal’s pathetic conditions. The downward slide continues and the people have become just the spectators of the State loot being carried out by the men who have seized Nepal’s power structure which unfortunately were all of “our own making”.

The then proxy prime minister from the Indian Congress quota Dr. Singh has already been penalized by the Almighty because his Indira Congress under Baby Rahul have tentatively come to ground zero. (Yet Nepali people possess abundant love and respect for cute Rahul Gandhi though his father late Rajiv Gandhi “taught some unwanted lessons” to Nepal which we the declared “protectorates” shall never forget. For example, the March 23, 1989 Indian economic blockade imposed by late Gandhi on Nepal for his petty differences with the late King Birendra, shall haunt the Nepalese population for decades and decades. And add to this the 2015 blockade imposed by PM Modi-the villain of South Asia as he is taken.

And the Nepal’s Congress which then thrived under the Indira Congress at time of the last India sponsored movement too has tasted as to what it means when people retaliate.

Late Shila Dixit too had funded the 2005-6 fake movement sponsored by India.

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She was the Delhi Chief Minister then. Some Nepali Congress men pocketed money to the tune of five million Indian Currency from her, it was in the rumor then. (RIP)

Apart from Shila Dixit, some also grabbed, it was rumor then, money from the RAW machinery in the name of escalating movement against the then King.
The fact is that in Nepal, rumors make news.

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No denying that the then Nepal Sovereign King Gyanendra did some notable mistakes, however, those faults were definitely not of that magnitude or for that matter of the scale that he be dethroned or ousted in a manner that was just beyond imagination. But he was ousted as per the alien designs charted in advance.

Thanks that He averted a blood bath had he wished to continue with his Royal rule. But he opted to go to the jungles and allowed grand space to the friends of Shyam Saran and Pranav Mukherjee (later this man became the President of India and who used to poke his nose in the internal affairs of Nepal).

The Indian President Mukherjee did so when in a whimsical manner he sent telephone instructions to Nepal President Yadav to reinstate the sacked Nepal Army Chief Katwal to which Ram Baran Yadav complied which encouraged India to poke its nose on each and every internal issues of Nepal. Since then it became a tradition that continues even as of today.

Thanks that Nepal has already become to what India wanted-a Protectorate of the type of Baby Bhutan.

If we can’t imagine our high flying leaders in jail, then Pakistan, a powerful country in South Asia which is the born rival of Indian establishment for a variety of political reasons has in a daring move arrested two of its former Prime Minister(s) and one former President and they are now a jail.

A subdued and tortured Nepali population apparently think what if Imran Khan sort of Prime Minister the Nepalese have with them? The Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan in his own way won the hearts of the men in the US Administration who count. PM Khan’s performance daring performance in his fresh visit has jolted the Nepali population.

Should we compare our Prime Minister with PM Khan? Perhaps an absurd imagination. That’s all.