Nepal: The BBC’s Modi Question and George Soros’ account on PM Modi is enlightening

N. P. Upadhyaya (Aryal)

Biratnagar: On January 26, 2023, the Students Federation of India (SFI) had took courage to organize a show of “India: The Modi Question”, the BBC documentary which talks and visualizes all about the terrible Gujarat riots 2002 which seemingly unnerved the entire PM Modi’s Indian administration and Modi himself.
It was almost a mass execution indeed.

It also talks about status-change of Kashmir especially after August 5, 2019 brought into effect by the Islamophobic PM Modi’s Indian government.

The Kashmiri still now are housed in what Kashmir is being called as an “open air” prison.

While the BBC documentary on PM Modi created sensation across the globe which concurrently brought panic in the entire Modi administration as it came all of a sudden and the Officialdom in Delhi did not even expect that the BBC will expose the wrong doings of PM Modi’s government towards the Indian Muslims in a manner that will summarily expose Modi and his fanatic Hindutva gang in India that has been ruling India aka Hindustan aka Bharat.

The BBC film almost came and aired for London audience with a lightning speed.

It was this nervousness and panic which overwhelmed the Indian regime that obliged it to enforce draconian laws to thwart the screening of the BBC film on PM Modi in India which was (the documentary) released early this year.

The screening of the BBC documentary on India’s Republican day was simply meaningful in that the show went on across the Indian Union despite the imposition of the “emergency period laws”.

Observers in Nepal and other South Asian countries enjoyed the film which exposed had PM Modi.

Though it was long overdue.

Though the BBC documentary “Modi Question” was screened, Indian media agencies report, on January 21 at the Hyderabad university campus which was managed and arranged by the Fraternity Movement in UoH without prior notification or permission.

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The Indian media PRINT dated January 27, 2023, has published the detailed report on the screening of the BBC documentary.

Similarly, a story by Aniruddha Dhar in the Hindustan Times dated January 27, 2023, too says that the BBC broadcast on PM Modi and Gujrat riots of the year 2002 by the Students Federation of India (SFI) at Kolkata’s Jadavpur University in January and interestingly the show went smoothly and the local administration shut their eyes which apparently means “impressive” and means much to PM Modi’s opponents in West Bengal.

Reports say that some six hundred energetic students of the University enjoyed the film on Modi.

Hopefully, Modi’s opposition takes up this BBC screening at time of the approaching elections in India.

To recall, the then Indian Prime Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi too have had brought into effect the “emergency rule” in order to tame and silence Gandhi’s political opposition. However, after the end of emergency, Mrs. Gandhi was in the footpath.

Needless to say, when political animals go berserk they impose such sanctions/laws that cut the basis rights of the citizenry.

PM Modi’s government in Delhi became attentive with the inaugural of the BBC’s documentary right in London for the United Kingdom audience which later leaked in India through internet.

The moment it was aired in London for domestic consumption, back in Delhi all the preparations were in place in order not to allow the screening of the said BBC documentary.

London has a sizeable population of migrated Indians in London.

In the bygone era, the Britishers ruled the then fractured States, and now an Indian/Pakistani origin national is ruling the United Kingdom-the where the Sun never set in the Imperial days.

In fact, the fresh BBC documentary “Modi Question” exposes PM Modi and the atrocities that Narendra Damodar Das Modi had committed while he was the Chief Minister of the Indian State-Gujrat.

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Needless to say, the BBC documentary this time brought to light the Godhara carnage that had deliberately slaughtered several hundreds of India’s minority Muslims in Gujrat.

Chief Minister Narendra Modi, being a fanatic Hindu and a member of the Rastriya Sevak Sangh ( RSS), reports say, carried out the merciless atrocities on the Muslims and since then his ( Modi’s) Islamophobic political credentials came to light for the world population.

Modi’s hatred of the Minority Muslims needs no elaboration as he is the one whose advent as India’s Prime Minister in 2014 has come as a bane for the over 200 million Muslims now residing in a terrified state across India more so in Uttar Pradesh-the Indian State with highest concentration of the followers of Islamic faith.

Ask Nasiruddin Shah, Shahruk Khan, Aaamir Khan and Salman Khan as to what means to be a minority Muslim in India.

Frankly speaking, since the dawn of Modi era in India, Indian Muslims may not have slept a full night in peace as a constant fear lurks among the vast population of men of Islamic faith thinking what worst would happen to them the next moment?

The Godhara train burning: The Wikipedia documents the incident as following: “The Godhra train burning occurred on the morning of 27 February 2002: 59 Hindu pilgrims and Karsevaks returning from Ajodhya ( the birth place of Lord Rama as believed by the Hindus across the world), were killed in a fire inside the Sabarmati Express near the Godhara railway station in the Indian state of Gujrat. The cause of the fire remains disputed. The Gujrat Riots, in which Muslims were the pointed targets of widespread and severe violence, occurred shortly afterward”.

The Front Line, August 15, 2022, writes about the occurrence of the sad Godhara incident as follows: “At 7.42 a.m. on February 27, 2002, the Sabarmati Express pulled into the station at Godhra. Among the passengers were karsevaks returning from Ayodhya. Apparently, a fight broke out between them and some Muslim tea sellers on the Godhra platform. As the train pulled away, someone pulled the emergency brake cord (chain) when it was passing through what was primarily a Muslim neighborhood”.

Front Line adds stating that “the incident resulted in State-wide riots in Gujarat that lasted seven days, leaving over a 1,000 dead and more than a lakh in refugee homes. The victims were primarily Muslims and the attackers Hindus. It is considered India’s worst riot since Partition”.

The figure of the casualty may go even up than the statistics provided by the authorities.

The BBC documentary released early this year talks on the appalling Godhra incidence that shook almost the entire globe and more so the South Asian countries were in a shock fearing Hindu-Muslim communal violence.

Thanks it did not happen.

To recall, after the Gujrat mass murder the Chief Minister Modi was denied visa for his travel to the US and the “ban” remains intact even as of now.

However, since Modi is the Prime Minister of India and India is the “strategic partner” of the US designed Quad (the US, Japan, Australia and India), the US ban has temporarily been lifted.

US sources say that the day Modi is in the footpath, the visa ban will automatically come into force.

Hannah Rllis-Peterson for the Guardian writes dated 14 February, 2023, that ( in his own words), “The documentary revisits allegations from two decades ago, when Modi was chief minister of Gujarat. It was during this time that 60 Hindu pilgrims were killed when their train carriage was set alight. The cause of the fire was disputed but the Muslim community was blamed and it set off a wave of bloody retaliatory violence, with Hindu mobs targeting the homes of Muslims across the state. More than 1,000 people died in the riots, most of them Muslims”.

The Modi question almost reveals those things and events which were either ignored or deliberately kept in the shadowy, however, with this release the BBC has done a great service to humanity in enlightening the population across the world that to what extent PM Modi is Islamophobic and that his cruelty-loaded-hatred of the minority Muslims has no parallels in the world.

Interested persons could watch the two episodes of the BBC documentary and arrive at a conclusion as to what type of ruffian PM Modi is?

However, most surprisingly the Modi’s Godi media (India) wish to hush-hush the matter such a grave as this perhaps for hefty financial gains.

Suppressing of the facts tantamount to a heinous crime but the US has closed its eyes for understandable reasons.

The Bad Sources and the Indian media:

That India is a big and huge dis-information laboratory has come to light in the recent days.

However, we at this paper some two years ago have had made a story on how Indian nationals posted/working abroad spread mis-information as regards both of India’s immediate adversaries-China and Pakistan.

Veteran commentators, Gary Machado and Alexandre Alaphilippe write for the EU DisinfoLab wherein they jointly state that “The EU DisinfoLab unveils its latest investigation into anti-Pakistan/China influence operations and follows up on two previous investigations published in 2019 and 2020.

The commentators further write that “the investigation looks into a number of non-existent organizations, bloggers and journalists who are regularly quoted by Asian News International (ANI). ANI is an Indian news agency that plays a relevant role in the country’s information ecosystem, providing content for many well-established media across India, such as The Print and Business Standard. ANI’s articles are also reproduced on well-known digital portals such as Yahoo News. With this network, ANI acts as a purveyor of news to millions of Indians. It is worth adding, continue the reviewers saying that ANI had previously been accused of reporting the Indian government’s ‘version of truth’ by independent magazine The Caravan. Moreover, two previous EU DisinfoLab investigations have revealed that ANI regularly.

Unfortunately, the ANI-Asian news International has its branch office is in Kathmandu as well which means “Nepali events are being propagated in India and across the world in a manner that suits to the Modi regime”.
Thus the ANI is perhaps the greatest threat to the South Asian countries more so to Nepal which is awaiting India’s Sikkimisation bid with the help of India’s paid and posted henchmen/chamchas that are competing to excel the Sikkimi traitor Lendhup Dorje.

Needless to say, Pakistan’s divided and fractured civil society recently invited the Indian Lyricist/writer/litterateur and a film script writer Javed Akhtar to Lahore wherein the Indian national almost humiliated the entire Pakistani society but yet he received applauds from the Lahori audience.

This explains as to how India has made its deep penetration into the Pakistani societal fabric that they feel honored and then finally celebrate even their own insult/humiliation by the outsider-India primarily.

Needless to say, the Asian News International has now easy access in this fractured society of Pakistan.

The RAW too has its “agents” in Pakistan, it is strongly believed.

Javed Akhtar is being garlanded in entire India and the country is celebrating the Akhtar’s lecture in Lahore.
“When brothers fight internally, enemy celebrates”.

By the way, the ANI correspondents posted in South Asian regional countries, presumably, were mostly recruited by the Indian spy agency-the RAW which speaks the unspoken.

In all, as written by Gary Machado and Alexandre Alaphilippe, the ANI is certainly a dis-information machine founded to propagate false and fake news on India’s adversaries.

Learn India from George Soros:

Beginning the BBC Documentary release and aired this January, and very freshly George Soros have tentatively exposed PM Modi to the hilt.

Some say if PM Modi were a sensible political personality, he would have preferred to commit a suicide.
However, PM Modi and his Godi media were found challenging/contesting the contents of the BBC episodes and of George Soros’ blunt statement made on PM Modi.

Hungary born George Soros (92) is a billionaire from USA. He in the recent days has made some hair-raising but “ear pleasing” comments for some on Indian Prime Minister Modi and his business tycoon, now bankrupt Gautam Adani.

A Pakistan Observer report dated February 22, 2023, writes that prominent financial investor George Soros while addressing the Munich Security Conference took up the issue of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s secret relationship with his close ally and business tycoon Gautam Adani who was accused of stock manipulation and his stock collapsed like a house of cards”.

Several international agencies report that George Soros talked that the Modi-Adani nexus eventually will “significantly weaken Modi’s stranglehold on India’s federal government” and open the door to push for much-needed institutional reforms. “I may be naive, but I expect a democratic revival in India,” said Mr. Soros.
In plain word, Soros, the founder of Open Society hints that India is not a even democracy.

Soros having Jewish roots is a Hungary-American national who recently accused that PM Modi and Adani were close allies and that PM Modi has been silent ever since Adani Enterprises was accused of financial irregularities”.

India’s Godi media have been pouncing upon this Old US national.

Indian commentators say that Soros hopes of a ‘democratic revival’ in India. His scathing comments on PM Modi have given space to the BJP to retaliate to Soros’ comments.

Some even say that the US rich man wishes to weaken Modi’s India only to be replaced by a new government in India that is comfortable to the US and Soros.
However, this is Indian version. Nepali intellectuals say that George Soros has timely warned the Indian population that they have an Islamophobic PM Modi who is the root cause of the spread of cultural, religious and social animosity in India between various and differing religions.

According to Indian media reports, through his remarks made recently Soros has said that fate of Modi and business tycoon Adani was intertwined.

“The globally publicised report has unfolded a mega fraud of a character, Gautam Adani, known for his closeness with Modi.

To recall, the scandal highlighted Modi’s tacit criminal collusion in Adani’s scam and also showed undemocratic behavior of PM Modi in this case.

Nepali observers say on PM Modi and Adani complicity: “Birds of same feather flock together”.

Concluding remarks:

Nepali observers see substance and meaning in George Soros’ outbursts on India and its Islamophobic PM Modi whose atrocities on Muslims remains no longer a secret. What Soros did was to make it a global voice. That’s it.
Needless to say, Soros too has mentioned the pains of Indian Muslims under PM Modi.

That’s all.