Nepal-Japan relations: First JDS alumni gathering with newly returned Fellows

Biratnagar: The Social Program of the Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship (JDS) was held in Kathmandu, On February 22.

The JDS, the scholarship program is sponsored by the government of Japan, and has offered Nepal’s young government officials two-year Master’s Degree courses and three-year Doctoral level courses in reputed Japanese universities since 2016.

More than 140 Nepali government officials have already received the opportunity to study in Japan through this program. After completion of their studies, the JDS Fellows are expected to engage in formulating and implementing socio-economic development plans and evolve as leaders in Nepal, as well as contribute to the expansion and strengthening of friendly relations between Japan and Nepal.

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On the occasion, Ambassador Kikuta congratulated all the newly returned JDS Fellows on the successful completion of their studies, and stated that strengthening the network of JDS alumni would certainly contribute to the development of Nepal.

The Embassy of Japan, states welcomes the JDS alumni gathering and hopes that the JDS Fellows will continue to expand their networks among themselves as well as contribute to strengthening bilateral relations between Japan and Nepal by utilizing their experience and networks.

# Based on a press release issued by the Embassy of Japan dated February 22, 2023: Ed. Upadhyaya. N. P.