Thank you RAW, Nepal’s Plunder continues!

Thank you RAW, Nepal’s Plunder continues!

Kathmandu, N.P. Upadhyaya: The great political change brought in Nepal by the India sponsored movement of 2005-6 has benefitted all those who were “told” to lead the movement by its real sponsor.
The people who were used as normal “tool” by the political parties then, have touched the dangerous poverty level.

A sizeable chunk of the Nepali population believes that India have had sponsored the Maoists people’s war and also had engineered the 2005-6 movement which later proved only to have waged to do away with the Nepali monarchy and later plunder the nation the way as is being observed today.

Now we have the richest communists in Nepal. Unbelievable but yet true, claim those who were made the “readymade tool” but later abandoned deliberately.

These tools mostly belong to the fiery revolutionary quarters-the Maoists led by Comrade Prachanda and some could also be located in various political theatres.

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However, the Maoists rebuke this version straight and so the men also who were in the front of the said “great” movement of the 2005-6.

Both say that it was not a sponsored one.

The people better understand as to who were (or which country was) behind the “great game” that looted Nepal for all time to come?

The most who benefitted from such an “imposed” settlement in the form of the 12 point agreement (drafted in Hindi whose Nepali translation was made available for the domestic consumption, as rumored then) was Comrade Prachanda alias Pushpa Kamal Dahal and his deputy Dr. Babu Ram Bhattarai who has for some “unknown” reasons changed the political camp.
He keeps on changing his political schools of thought as commanded by his mentors, it is whispered.

This could be a new game being played by this fickle minded but an indoctrinated intellectual, as he is being taken in Kathmandu’s political circuit. Let’s not interfere in his exclusive business. He is practicing his democratic rights.

He is talked to be close to an agency that is alien one. However, we have least idea about this agency.

Prachanda alias Dahal in the mid-nineties was picked up by some “interested” forces and told to wage “people’s war” which was a fake warfare with the Nepal State basically.

The War was a sponsored one in that those who were behind the brain of the war that it was not, later exported the Nepal Maoists from Delhi to Kathmandu and told to capture the State which they did eventually.

Fortunately, late Girija Prasad Koirala, the highly ambitious political man ever born in this Earth, was apparently hand in glove who acted like a tool for the import of the Delhi residing Nepal Maoists to Kathmandu with the hope that the “carried ones” will elevate his political ranks and make him Country’s first ever President. But Alas! Rest in peace.

Senior analysts Bharat Dahal claims that the Nepal Maoists were the special guests of the Indian security establishment both at time of the BJP government led by late Bajpayee and later the proxy Prime Minister Dr. MM Singh (Indira Congress) also awarded the same “Royal” treatment to our heroes and builders then in Delhi. Thanks for the arrangements made by the then India’s foreign Secretary Shyam Saran.

Analysts Dahal knows the Maoists from very close quarters as he himself remained with the “revolutionaries” for some years, he frankly admits.

He, read late Koirala, was cheated eventually by the Maoists who had come to Kathmandu riding on late Koirala’s back. That was really an unfortunate event. Poor Koirala.

The rest is history.

The incumbent Prime Minister KP Oli, to declare frankly, was never in favor of waging a movement sponsored by India which by implication means that Oli was not in favor for the summary ouster of the Nepali Monarchy.

What made him later to change his mind yet remains a mystery. Is it that he was told by his Mahakali Treaty mentors to abandon the King for good?

To recall, KP Oli is the 0ne UML leader who did miracles for the Indian establishment for the ratification of the Mahakali Treaty from the Nepali Parliament.

The then Indian Ambassador was K.V Rajan who as a nationalist Indian did his job well.

He got the Treaty ratified. But how? Perhaps he knows it better.

However, KP Oli as a Nepali national perhaps failed to exhibit his love and honor for his own mother land. The rest is again history.

But yes, for his “valuable” support for Mahakali treaty ratification, Oli got free entry into Delhi’s Medanta Hospital and government establishment.

It was a home away from home.

An obliged India perhaps paid the debt this way by allowing his free renal treatment at the Medanta Hospital, New Delhi.

PM Oli is a Kidney patient. Some even say that Oli got his two Kidney(s) transplanted in Medanta Hospital and thus he is morally obliged to India.

With the elevated ranks that Oli has at the moment, he has also elevated his treatment in the Hospitals of high ranks, for example, Thailand and Singapore.

Reports claim that this time PM Oli is really sick. Some even claim that he has some serious problems in his “kidney functioning” and thus he is going to Singapore. (Wish PM Oli speedy recovery).

As Nepal PM he definitely needs a first grade hospital treatment and “we the people” must foot the entire hospital bill. We the hopeless people have so far opened national treasury for Comrade Prachanda, PM Oli and his colleagues including the past Nepal President Dr. R. B Yadav. That’s it.

It could be a matter of mere conjecture but then yet things have developed in such a pattern that one is bound to smell of some foul games being played in politics these days.

The newly appointed Research and Analysis Wing(RAW) chief Mr. Samanta Kumar Goyal was here in the third week of July and he is talked to have met with President Bidya Bhandari (?), PM KP Oli, Delhi residing Maoists leader Comrade Prachanda and some of Goyal’s local but “secretly” paid agents.

High placed sources opine that the same RAW agency is meeting Prachanda in Dubai to chart the tenure of PM Oli in government. If things go as per RAW’s design then Nepal’s next PM is Prachanda. If he is the new Nepal PM then President Xi’s visit to Nepal is sure to get aborted which is perhaps the real intent of the RAW machinery.

Former PM Madhav Kumar Nepal too met with RAW Chief, writes Man Bahadur Basnet for the fresh issue of the Nepal magazine.

He even quotes former Nepal Army chief Gaurav Rana who believes that the RAW could have a plan to weaken the entire system and rule over Nepal as usual.

Mr. Rana perhaps knows the working pattern of the Indian RAW agency.

The RAW chief held extensive discussions with former NOIDA dweller Prachanda for hours and hours, it is talked.

PM Oli in effect made an appeal for one-on-one talks with RAW Chief, however, Mr. Goyal rejected Oli’s wishes. But yet, writes the Sanghu weekly, while walking in the garden at PM’s official residence Oli did talk for some good minutes in private with Goyal. He may have begged for some more months as Nepal Prime Minister. What a fun and a matter of Himalayan shame?

The RAW chief was being assisted by the Kathmandu RAW Chief, Abhijeet Haldar-a Bengali from Kolkata.

During his stay in Kathmandu the RAW Chief Goyal talked about the fake currency slipping from Nepal into his country (though Indian nationals make such fake currency in their own country. Bangladesh too has some fake currency factories, media agencies claim) and the usual rhetoric of the infiltration of terrorists inimical to India and obviously Mr. Goyal was more than interested in the increasing Chinese influence in Nepal.

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But India is against the border closure and prefers to keep it open. Just guess why? Nepal though prefers a Visa regime.

In the meantime, the Nepal Oli Corporation has said straight that no Petro Storage Tankers shall be allowed to be built by China along the Nepal-China border in the North. This is meaningful in that such a statement has come from the Nepal Oil Corporation close on the heels of RAW Chief’s Nepal visit.

Yet India accuses that PM Oli is a man having China bend. This is more meaningful. And the Chinese President is excited to visit Nepal by the year end.

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This is just a great news.

Goyal’s meet with PM Oli is what irked the former UML leader Bhim Rawal who claims that he feels insulted by these “secret” meets by Nepal’s leaders who count.

“Isn’t it a matter of shame that our leaders’ meet the chief of a secret agency of the joint secretary rank…..shouldn’t they take it in a serious manner”? Asks Bhim Rawal.

Mr. Rawal has become vocal against his own party leaders who claims that the Nepali leaders should at least have taken note of the existence of the set diplomatic conducts and kept themselves at a distance from meeting such a low ranking chief of a secret agency and that too of a foreign country of the sort of India.

However, not many people know that Bhim Rawal himself was the best friend of Minister P Chidambaram at time of the Indian Congress government.
Rawal was then Nepal’s Home Minister.

The shame continues in that just within a matter of days of meeting the RAW chief Mr. Goyal, the former NOIDA dweller Prachanda has all of a sudden left for Dubai, the United Arab Emirates with his entire family members.

His two daughters are with Prachanda who are in Dubai already. No news about the In-laws though.

And if this were not enough, look how the shameful events continues.

Nepal PM Oli too upon meeting the RAW Chief a week ago and also upon meeting with the most arrogant India’s BJP Card holder, Dr. Subramanian Swamy, is leaving for Singapore for his treatment definitely squeezing the national exchequer.

The loot thus continues and will continue for several years more. Shame on us all. We deserve shame.

Let’s guess that both PM Oli and Comrade Prachanda will be in Singapore and Dubai taxing the poor Nepali tax payers. Killing the people slowly.

This is too much and enough has become enough. Shame on us all and more importantly to the warriors of Face Book and Twitters who make comments in the FB and Twitters as if they shall put all the corrupt leaders into the garbage container and walk tem all around the main thoroughfares of Kathmandu city.

However, this is just a dream. Empty vessel sounds much, it has rightly been said.

The arrogant Indian national Professor Swamy met PM Oli and pressed him to restore the Hindu country status of Nepal.

Stories claim that Indian PM Modi is hell bent on declaring Nepal once again a Hindu country. But how? It is this question for the answer of which the RAW Chief and Dr. Swamy had landed in Kathmandu.

But why Nepal a Hindu state again? Aren’t we happy with the existing Secular order?

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Haven’t we managed to live in peace even in this secular order?

Do we want restoration of Hindu order in Nepal for lynching the followers of Christianity and the Islam? If it is so then thanks.

Dr. Swamy is the one who hates Nepal and more so he is the number one hater of Christians, it is talked in India itself.

Madame Sonia Gandhi is the real target of this BJP Card holder Mr. Swamy.

It is also in the news that Dr. Swamy and the RAW Chief landed in Nepal with a mission to abort China President’s Nepal visit which is likely to happen this year end.

Others also talk that since PM Modi wants again to visit Nepal and so these two BJP men (including the RAW Chief who is also a senior BJP Card holder) came Kathmandu to tell the Nepali leadership to greet their cup washer prime minister ( now very popular among the Nepali population) PM Modi as undeclared King of Nepal. Others think that now India wants to control Nepal through the RAW agency.

PM Modi is visiting Bhutan this August.

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Nepal’s social media is abuzz with the talk of the Cup winner and Cup washer-both of whom were the Prime Ministers of the two countries of the South Asian region.

Perhaps our valued readers understood as to who they were? And some believe that if India and Pakistan have Prime Ministers who have somehow or the other related with CUPs (could be a world cup or a tea cup respectively, however not sure) then Nepal has a highly talkative Prime Minister.

Perhaps we all have been talking of PM Oli. That’s all.