Will Mao’s China help preserve Nepal’s sovereign status?

Will Mao’s China help preserve Nepal’s sovereign status?

N.P. Upadhyaya; Kathmandu: As the saffron clad BJP leader Ms. Pragya Thakur and Minister Ashwini Choubey believe in the ‘Cow urine theory’ then should not Nepal’s incumbent Prime Minister Khadga Prasad Sharma Oli alias Kha. Pra. Sha. OO (abbreviated) should try the same Cow Urine for his damaged renal impairment and that too for free of cost?

As Nepal is comparatively a cold country than India, so the mother Cow that are born in Nepal must ooze healthy Urine which, as is the Indian theory which has been duly backed by Baba Ramdev-a thug Yoga Guru-is gaining more currency in the present day Hindustan or Bharat alias former British controlled landmass, if consumed by our ailing Prime Minister Oli then it can yield unbelievable results which is in Nepal’s fiscal interests as well.

It is the prevalence of this “greenery” and fertility in the Nepali land that the Maoists leaders like, for example, Dr.

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Babu Ram Bhattarai and Comrade Prachanda who have had even rejected the Indian government’s “secured hospitality” that the two were specially provided in India preferred to land ultimately in Nepal and the “carrier” was none less than our own towering political persona, Late Girija Prasad Koirala ( Rest in peace sir) who had been told by “Father Shyam Saran” to take them back to Nepal and capture the entire power structures in Kathmandu”. Since then Prachanda has begun loving “green” and his entire family members, are swimming in the green pond nonstop. Thanks RAW republic.

And in the process, the Indian orders made to Koirala was that together with the Maoists and the other five parties who had been agitating against the then Nepal sovereign, must converge at a point and up root the institution of the Nepali monarchy. And they did it.

In the recent years, Singapore for our “expensive” Prime Minister Oli is definitely a home away from home.

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In addition to all these grandiose and Oli-fied propaganda, Prime Minister Oli has begun taking extra tutorial classes to his juniors in the Nepal Cabinet through not the Skype but known as a new technology what is known as “tele-presence”.

This provides and inkling into the very possibility of PM Oli quite frequently visiting Singapore for his treatment. Not bad idea if the State money is free.

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But why it should be free for the PM only? In far flung areas inside Nepal people even have no penny to buy Para-cetamol tablets. Is the nationalist-communist-expensive PM listening?

The question thus is Prime Minister Khadga Prasad Oli paying the Singaporean Hospital bills from his personal pockets? This is the million dollar question where the lay men were more interested than, frankly speaking, in PM Oli’s health conditions. Indeed they wish him a good health and long life as a human being.

With due respect to PM Oli, he is the servant of the nation who has no authority to play kabaddi with the tax payers’ money.  The people are not Oli’s servants.

With malice to none more so to Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli what the people would wish to tell him modestly but in a frank manner that “You have already proved yourself as the most “luxurious” Prime Minister ever we have had in the history”.

This is the message from this paper to Nepal PM that henceforth pay yourself for your health-repair if you love your people. That’s it. Plain and simple. It has been too much.

(We are speaking the people’s voices).

But if Mr. Prime Minister you have been paying the Singaporean hospital bills from your personal pocket then we apologize for whatever we have written against you.

Now let’s change the topic now.

Comrade Prachanda has become restive these days more so after the RAW man Amar Bhusan, released his book ‘Inside Nepal that claims “for the ouster of Nepali monarchy, the Indian intelligence agency RAW” had taken the meaningful support of then Delhi residing Maoists leader Prachanda”.

With this bombshell Prachanda appears shaken from within and thus his followers have begun disseminating the content of the book as a mere fiction-story.

Yes it is but the smart writer Amar Bhusan gives his book a twist and says that “it is based on a true story”. The question is how can a fiction story be so close to our own sad story that has robbed this nation not so in the distant past?

A treaty with India was signed by the Nepal Maoists according to some reliable sources in Nepal, on June 2002.

This has been in an implied manner accepted by senior analyst Bharat Dahal who once upon a time was himself a Maoists leader. People take his versions in good faith.

But Bharat Dahal left the Maoists’ fake uprising when he knew that the entire people’s war had been a design manufactured by the Indian government using Nepali nationals.

The fact is that much ahead of the publication of this book, the people in Nepal who were not the signatory of the “India drafted 12 point New Delhi agreement” knew it that it was late Koirala and the Maoists supremo when got “glued” under the instructions or say “orders” of the then Italy born Sonia Gandhi controlled Indian regime which was led by proxy Prime Minister Dr. Man Mohan Singh.

But the Foreign Secretary Shyam Saran later catapulted Nepali politics and since then the national politics is in the lap of the Indian establishment.

The publication of the Amar Bhusan’s book has come at a time when the Republican leaders’ installed by the Indian regime, as is presumed, have failed to take their “subjects” into confidence.

Beginning his daughters and the in-Laws and their near and distant relatives of Prachanda too have become an integral part of the Republican order.

This does mean that the one who most benefited from this Shyam-System is surely Comrade Prachanda and thus Amar Bhusan’s assertion that he sought the assistance of Prachanda in unseating the Nepali monarchy for good appears very close to the truth.

Even if it were a fiction then it fits into Delhi’s jacket gifted to Comrade Prachanda.

Ok let’s think for a moment that Prachanda was not in the game for the ouster of Monarchy so why he is so much scared? Though he is scared but yet has to clarify his stance.

In yet another “instructed structured twist” Mr. Madhav Kumar Nepal-the one who preferred the Indian military’s invasion of Nepal in order to tame King Birendra in 1990, has said that the Delhi 12 point agreement had not been drafted by the Indian side but by those political leaders who were the signatories of the said agreement.

Mr. Nepal’s fresh revelation, made in 2019, at best had been debunked by the then Indian foreign minister (who later became the Indian President) Pranav Mukherjee (the perverted brain and a declared hater of Sonia Gandhi) right back in 2009 had told the Al Jazeera TV that “the greatest achievement of his life was to send the Nepal Maoists to Kathmandu from Delhi and capture the power structure of Nepal so that the Maoists could serve the Indian administration for all time to come”.

By the way, Madhav Nepal’s daughter has reportedly studied MBBS in India and that under free government scholarship. This perhaps says something.

The MBBS scholarship from India, if correct, was not in fact free Mr. Nepal to his daughter. There is no free lunch in Indian diplomacy. Is Mr. Nepal shielding India then from his side?

Listening to Mr. Nepal’s irrelevant and twisted version, Mukherjee and Shyam Saran must have received electrical shocks.

The cleverest of all among the Nepali leaders is Mr. Narayan Man Bijukche from Bhaktapur. Look how clever he is.

He signed the 12 agreement in Delhi which means that he too was in the good book of the Indian government. But why he is against the 12 point agreement now?

So he is the one who remains answerable to the Nepali people. Then we shall talk of Mr. Chitra Bahadur K.C.

And now let’s take up the arrival of Chinese State Counsellor and Minister Wang Yi.

The Chinese dignitary was here at a time when in the past two weeks his Nepali counterpart, the crane elevated Pradip Gyawali has changed his statement on Kashmir twice and let’s presume that Gyawali will once again may have told the Minister Wang that he stands to his first statement wherein he had stated that Kashmir issue was a dispute to be bilaterally resolved by India and Pakistan.

So where Nepal stands on Kashmir, the Chinese understand. However, observers fail to understand that why Chinese President is so excited to visit to Nepal when he knows better that the entire Nepali government and the ruling leaders love and honor India more than the Indian nationals but possess no sympathy for China?

China has big challenge in Nepal from Blockade master PM Modi on matters of preserving Nepal’s continued independence and sovereign status. This the Chinese must understand.

Presence of RAW agency is the biggest challenge for China in epal. 

And now Comrade Prachanda in his fresh bid to bring himself closer to the Chinese regime, has shaken the national diplomacy, if ever it had since the advent of this republican which is running under the whims of India controlled Nepal albeit in the front are Nepali nationals.

He has suddenly changed his camps and switched from US to China. The US too made a blunder by inviting him and his wife to the US for treatment without checking his left and right and his grand habit of double speak. Prachanda duped the US Ambassador on Venezuelan crisis if His Excellency the Ambassador Randy Berry recalls. How the things went in between Prachanda and the US embassy is not our business to elaborate. It was indeed their internal affair.

A political man who could not remain faithful to mother Nepal, how he could be he close to the US or for that matter China? It is here Ambassador Berry failed summarily. He is basically a Delhi’s man. If any confusion ask former US Ambassador James F Moriarty.

Since India cancelled Minister Wang Yi’s scheduled visit to Delhi and so the minister flew to Pakistan and thus chances remain slim that President Xi will visit India this October end. Minister Wang attended the trilateral conference with Pakistan, Afghanistan and China. The conference was a success.

China, high placed sources say that is not happy with the developments in the Kashmir area which as per China, India has intervened into China’s territorial integrity. If so then it could be easily understood that China and India may once again come face to face. In such a scenario as it stands today, China and Pakistan are together.

Sources say that Chinese have built several bridges in their territory which the Indian government considers to have been built inside the Indian landmass.

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It is this dispute which may invite 1962 “fatal battle” once again.

However, the Pakistan, China and Afghanistan trilateral conference in Islamabad went well to the satisfaction of the attending three countries.  Needless to says, this conference took place close on the heels of the abrupt cancellation of the US-Afghan Taliban peace talks. It is here that the the Pakistani role must come into action for multiple political reasons.  A Joint statement too has been issued after the conclusion of the three nations meet held in Islamabad. 

Look the fun: Nepal’s PM Oli too met Chinese Foreign Minister in private much the similar way as he have had talked with Minister Shankar from India. What PM Oli may have talked with China’s minister puzzles the Nepali nationals because the domestic population know a bit of his personal tilt. Yet if China is happy then why should observers be unhappy?

But China’s President Xi Jinping must visit Nepal just for the Nepali people. The people love China. If China settles the Lipulek issue with Nepal then love and honor for China and its people shall scale new heights.

But will President Xi listen to Nepal’s plea?

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And above all, will China help Nepal in preserving its endangered national sovereignty like what Marshal Chen Yi used to assure Nepal in the good old days of Chairman Mao? If not how China is then a reliable partner of Nepal?  That’s all.

NB: telegraphnepal.com appeals to all of its valued readers to send academic article on politics, development, environment, energy conservation, climate change, regional affairs, international issue, corruption and the likes. We will appreciate your help. Help us to help you. Thanks: Editor Upadhyaya.