‘Indian Military Out’ campaign in Maldives gaining momentum

‘Indian Military Out’ campaign in Maldives gaining momentum

-Bhutan inches closer to China secretly-

N. P. Upadhyaya

Kathmandu: Bangladesh freedom fighter, as he claims for himself, Jainal Abedin, in the year 2020 while addressing an International Webinar held in Islamabad unhesitatingly called upon the attending participants from some Muslim countries to form a “coalition” against the regional hooligan-India in order to root out the increasing menace of the RAW spying agency of India in South Asian nations more so in his country Bangladesh that in the initial days was all praise for the regional hegemon for having bifurcated Pakistan into two halves which created Bangladesh.

It appears that India has now two Pakistan right inside South Asia.

This is encouraging news.

As a freedom fighter scholar Zainal perhaps soon came to realize that India forcibly fragmented Pakistan in the early seventies to create a satellite in the immediate neighborhood in order to tame and twist the new nation as per its quirks and undesirable political demands.

Scholar Abedin clearly stated at the webinar that the Indian spy agency-the RAW has its deep penetration in the entire body politic of the nation and that the RAW hazard must be fought collectively to save the nation.

Hopefully, it should not only be Zainal Abedin who has already felt the need to expose and annihilate RAW and its domestic agents from Bangladesh but many more academicians of late appear to have understood the real intent of the Indian regime for the creation of a new nation in South Asia.

In many more ways than one, the Bangladeshi nationals appear to have developed some sort of repulsion or say distaste to the RAW which is eating like a moth the Bangladeshi society.

If Bangladesh considers itself the prime victim of the Indian agency RAW then entire Nepal is more or less administered by the RAW agents with Nepali face, it is strongly rumored.

India’s micromanagement is in progress though some senile Indian brains deny the Nepali allegations.

Pakistan-the arch rival and the declared enemy of the South Asian hooligan too reportedly is suffering from the cancerous disease spread by the RAW agency.

Pakistani media is the most affected by the RAW menace which means that the RAW has already made its deep penetration into the Pakistani media.

Under table money matters.

The penetration of the RAW in the media in Pakistan at times creates Himalayan problems for the authorities to take any penal actions against the “suspected” media men as the RAW funded media back in Delhi comes to the rescue of its “moles” in Pakistan in an aggressive way.

Such a case has happened only recently, so claim some Pakistani media men.

However, we don’t have much details so it would be an act of wisdom not to raise the issue. But yet the fact is that the RAW has already infiltrated into the Pakistani media.

After Nepal it was Baby Bhutan which had been feeling the “coercive pain” of the massive RAW infiltration inside Thimpu.

Notably, Baby Bhutan was very cleverly “arm twisted and duped ” by the Indian regime under J. N. Nehru-the Himalayan rogue of the South Asian region, and was forced to sign an unequal treaty with India in 1949 which downgraded the status of Bhutan to a Protectorate of the Indian establishment which had just come out from the slavery of the British.

One year later, the Indian Prime Minister Nehru also forced Nepal to sign an unequal treaty with India which was titled “Peace and Friendship with India”.

The Bhutani King reportedly has excessive India bend.

However, the fact is that since the signing of the said treaty with India in the year 1950 (July 31), neither we have peace nor friendship with the Indian regime which is more or less like an “nearest enemy” establishment for the strong Nepali nationalists.

However, for those who love and respect India and take “mother India” as their own mother have surely a different opinion which differs with what the strong nationalists take India.

More so for the agents of the Indian RAW agency, India is much more than Nepal.

In this scenario, baby Bhutan which so far had lived with India as its “declared” protectorate, too hinted India recently that “enough had been enough” and that “Bhutan” was now free to forge ties with any country in the world and that Bhutan now will not need Indian assistance to keep its borders safe.

Recall the Doklam conflict wherein Delhi unnecessarily came to the fake rescue of Bhutan.

Bhutan on October 14, 2021, in a most surprisingly and secret manner approached neighboring China and signed a memorandum of understanding on Borders management.

Perhaps this was the first time since 1949, Bhutan dared and took the needed courage to delude India-the Evan the Terrible-and advanced its steps on its own towards China.

This event brought tremors in New Delhi which was only but natural. Delhi establishment is still shaking.

Bhutan, better late than never sent copious signals to the regional scalawag, India, that for the country India is not the entire world and that Bhutan would like to come out of the firm clutches of the regional gangster.

Bhutan’s subtle message to India has come close on the heels of the China and India coming almost face to face.

While China claims Arunachal Pradesh as an extended territory of the Tibetan plateau, India claims it as its inalienable and an integral part.

The skirmishes thus continue and hopefully China will not settle for less on Arunachal Pradesh.

Let’s hope that China teaches a lifelong lesson to the Regional mobster of the sort of 1962 which had jolted the entire nation.

Now it appears to be the turn of the Maldivian nation-a small South Asian country close to Sri Lanka to express its deep hatred against the Indian hegemony which had been troubling the island nation for quite some decades.

The fact is that Maldives used to elect Parliamentarians of the Indian choice and taste which is what had disturbed the Maldivian society for long.

Needless to say, the RAW funding is very high in Male.

Obviously, the nationalist Maldivians have now credible reasons to march in the streets against the increasing Indian penetration in the body politic of the Maldivian political domain.

In the recent days, the Maldivians streets reverberate/resonate with uninterrupted slogans like “Indian Military Go Out” and “No more Indian interference in Maldivian politics”.

After a long interval, the serious Maldivians have come to their senses and talking against the Indian command in the neighborhood whose singular aim is to coerce the nation and make the Maldivians to feel that they were no less than the slaves of the Indian Union.

Enough had been enough, The Maldivians are out in the streets.  

On October 23, the Maldivians came to the streets in Male and shouted slogans like “Indian military out”.

This sounds pleasing to the ears in Nepal.

The local population by coming out to the streets made it known to the Indian establishment that its military presence and the Indian interference in its national politics had become intolerable and hence the slogan like “Indian military out”.

India and the Maldives have had warm times but when the Maldivians felt that Indian maneuvering and interference has to be curtailed in order to save the nation, the nationals of the Island nation came to the thoroughfares and screeched slogans which were practically unexpected by the regional Hegemon-India.

The fact is that the Maldivians have come to the open only when the India’s ever increasing dominance crossed the “tolerance limit”.

Some even say that the present unrest in Male against India is only due to the highly “undiplomatic” behavior of the sitting Indian High Commissioner Mr. Sunjay Sudhir.

The Indian HC is the subject of “multiple allegations” that ranges from acts of corruption and bribery.

Yet many others of the Maldivian society, media men in particular, accuse the Indian scoundrel High Commissioner

of offering bribes in exchange for publishing pro-Indian content which is what is more or less common phenomenon in Nepal.

Yet others claimed that the naughty Indian High Commissioner more often than not “poked” his nose even in the national judiciary to the extent that he even offered bribes to the Honorable Judges in Male.

” The main source of public antipathy against India stems from their continued military presence in Maldives. Under the current administration (of President Soleh.), several secret military agreements have been signed in between the Government of Maldives and India which would essentially allow India to station their military personnel with full diplomatic immunity and tax exemption”, so writes MNN news agency dated 23 October.

The MNN further states that the stationing and operating military assets in the nation would surely mean that it has become a point of military operation.

Some academic intellectuals in Male say that in case India were to clash with another regional power, the Maldivians would have to face collateral damages for stationing Indian military personnel and hardware in the Maldives”.

Much to the utter dismay and annoyance of the Maldivians, India has also taken the control of multiple strategic locations citing development projects such as the northern most Hanimadhoo International Airport-south of Addu wherein the Indian military presence is in comfortable numbers.

In yet another news published by the MNN dated 24 October 2021 says that “a breakaway faction of the current ruling party and coalition has formed a political movement against the Indian soldiers stationed in the Maldives. The movement led by one of the founders of current ruling party, MDP, Shuaib Ali ( Furahani Shuaib) released a statement declaring their formation. The new movement is being called the Maldives Revolutionary Movement”.

The statement issued by the MDP states that ” the primary goal would be to call for the removal of the Indian soldiers stationed in the Maldives and to publicize the classified agreements and documents pertaining to the stationing of foreign military personnel in the Maldives”.

“The India out campaign started last year as on ground protests in the Maldives and quickly moved to social media platforms.

Shifxan Ahmed, the cofounder of Dhiyares while talking to the Indian Express last year said that they are protesting against the Indian military presence in the country.

Some senior Maldivians even suspected that the Indian gift of the two Advanced Light Helicopters in 2010 and 2015 were being used in the country for spying for India which, as per the senior citizens, marked the start of military presence in the country.

The fact is that the Maldivians seriously demand that the agreements that have been made by Maldives with India be made transparent to which the incumbent government is denying.

Reports have it that since the President Solih’s government came to power in November 2018, it is allowing India to establish a military base in the Island by signing secret and dangerous agreements in lieu of some financial gains to the Island nation.

Needless to say, India out campaign is also gaining popularity in the country.

Some even allege that President Solih administration is “selling off Maldives by entering into agreements that impinge upon Maldivian sovereignty.

Nepali observers opine that the Maldivians should be encouraged to fight the against the Indian hegemony.

India is a recognized gangster in the region is slowly getting certified.  

All in all, Indian hegemony in South Asia is crumbling. It is time to socially boycott the regional scoundrel in an earnest manner.

Unfortunate is Nepal which has to see and bear ever increasing interference of the Indian establishment in Nepal’s national politics to the extent that one mentally sick former Indian Ambassador posted in Nepal recently in his published book appeals his mobster regime (India) not to waste time to downgrade the sovereign status of Nepal to a “protectorate” one a la Baby Bhutan.

If this senile and shameless Ambassador has been barking against Nepal in his freshly published book, his domestic agents posted and funded by the RAW spy agency are celebrating the degradation of their own motherland by an Ambassador of India which till 1947 used to be the declared and recognized slave of the British East India Company. That’s all.