Nepal: India’s ‘network of extra-territorial killings goes global

“A higher degree of intellect tends to make a man unsocial.”

-Arthur Schopenhauer.

N. P. Upadhyaya (Aryal)
Biratnagar/Kathmandu: The world politics as of now is volcanic and is primarily centered on Canada-India high voltage brawl these days.

Both Canada and India are trading allegations and counter allegations against each other.

International media sources (except India’s Godi media) claim that Canada is not “tail and satellite a la Nepal” which could bear all the humiliations, insults and the acts of terror and killing inside Nepal by external elements mainly from India.

Instances are there that several Nepali nationals, mostly Muslims, have been killed by sharp shooters from India and after the killing they sneak into India through the porous border.

Some high placed sources even opine that the Indian killers get special treatments from Nepal’s security agencies.
However, it is yet to be verified yet the rumor is there that the tamed Nepali leadership prefer to handover the Indian criminals back to India.

This time, India has been confronting with Canada-a strong North American NATO country and the Canadian PM is not an indoctrinated person from Delhi as we have such political personalities.

When India began insulting Canada, the Canadian government revealed the name of the Indian diplomat “Paban Kumar Rai” who was later expelled from Canada.

Mr. Rai headed RAW in Canada.

However, the fresh article by a Nepali opinion columnist, C. K. Lal in one of the Nepal’s daily newspaper updated, September 27, 2023, wherein Lal reiterates that, (in his own words), “There is nothing new in the involvement of India’s overseas spy agency R&AW in the extraterritorial machinations in South Asia. Indian agencies or their outside collaborators have been implicated in the assassination of at least two high-profile Nepali Muslims on Nepali soil on unsubstantiated charges of being either accomplices or associates of notorious Dawood Ibrahim”.

Back to the point:

And India retaliated by expelling one Canadian diplomat from Delhi.

Here is a dramatized story of how India and Canada after the G20 meet came face to face and the possible talks the two Prime Ministers may have had at the time when they met each other in Delhi at time of the G20 meet September 9-10, 2023.

Here is how we have presented the dramatized scene.

Scene 1: A beaming Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau attended the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)–Canada meet, September 06, 2023, in Indonesia and a joint statement was issued at the end of the meet.

Scene 2: Prior to the ASEAN-Canada meet in Indonesia, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau had a brief conversation with the Ukraine President Voldomyr Zelensky over phone and, most likely, Zelensky asked Trudeau to raise the issue of what the West calls “Russian invasion” during the G20 Summit shortly to be held in Delhi with PM Modi as the host.

The G20 began its session on September 09, 2023 which saw the feeble participation of Canada and its Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

The G20 meet ended on September 10, 2023. It was a low key meet for the Western nations.

Scene 3: The Canadian PM Trudeau had landed in Delhi with a hope that he would create almost a sort of storm inside the G20 Hall and raise the Ukrainian issue effectively with the tacit support of his NATO friends of the West more so he had expected substantial support on the Russia-Ukraine ongoing war from countries like USA, France, United Kingdom, Germany and many more.

Scene 4: To the utter dismay and Himalayan puzzle of many Western nations including Canada, the final G20 declaration appeared maneuvered and modified that suited to the Russian Federation caring little of psychology of the US, France, Canada, Germany, the UK and Germany.

India as the host exhibited its hidden love and honor for the Russian federation-the legal heir apparent of the now dissolved USSR with whom India had signed a twenty years long security treaty at time of the Cold War.
It was this treaty which encouraged India under Mrs. Gandhi in the early seventies to split Pakistan-India’s competitor and a matching rival.

Scene 5: At the very start of the G20 session, PM Modi and his immediate lieutenants warned the entire attending countries and its leaders that there will be no talks with the Press, no press conferences as such could be held.
In a way, meeting with the press was almost banned. Even US president Joe Biden-Modi’s fan to a great extent because of India’s strategic partnership in the Quad (US, Australia, Japan and India), could not talk to the press.

Scene 6: When talks with the Press was banned in Delhi during the G20 meet, puzzling is how and why the attending participants did not make a hue and cry for the “imposed ban” from the Indian side? This is puzzling indeed. India prevailed.

Scene 7: The Canadian Prime Minister prior to landing in Delhi had compiled a long list of India’s acts of interference in Canada’s internal affairs (Source Canadian Press) and was expected to reveal those “Indian acts of interference” while meeting PM Modi at time of the “ would-be” bilateral talks.

Scene 8: The news got leaked and an alarmed PM Modi preferred not to engage with Justin Trudeau through bilateral talks but managed somehow or the other to talk on the sidelines which didn’t allow Trudeau to furnish the detailed accounts of Indian intervention in Canadian affairs by the Indian Embassy in Ottawa.

Scene 9: After the diplomatic niceties, the two Prime Ministers almost came face-to-face and both began hurling allegations on each other.

Justin Trudeau modestly told his Indian counterpart Modi that his government has collected some “credible information” on Indian diplomats in Ottawa poking their nose in Canadian internal affairs.

Listening to this, PM Modi blasted at PM Trudeau saying with red face that “you have been encouraging the Khalistan supporters in your country and that you must bring about a halt to these India teasing acts”.

PM Modi added that “the Khalistanis are a secessionist/terrorist group who wish to split India by residing in Canada-your country.

Upon hearing this open threat from PM Modi, Justin Trudeau could not control himself and back fired saying, “One Indian diplomat from your Ottawa mission was engaged in the killing of one Canadian National, Hardeep Singh Nijjar, around a Sikh temple in Surrey, British Columbia. We have collected credible intelligence information”.

Scene 10: Thus a heated debate continued for a few minutes and both shook their hands though both felt uneasy.
Scene 11: As luck would have it, the aircraft that had brought PM Trudeau to Delhi developed a snag which forced the Canadian PM to spend two extra nights in Delhi.

Just guess what the Canadian PM may have felt staying extra in a land whose accredited diplomat in his country was involved in the killing of a Canadian-Sikh in Surrey, British Columbia.

Poor Justin Trudeau must have felt extra humiliation while being inside the Indian Territory.

Scene 12: Finally on September 12, 2023, PM Trudeau left the Indian soil for his country.

Yes! He returned with a grand and firm resolve! A determined Justin Trudeau was back in Ottawa with added courage and, as we had expected at this News Portal, that he may not digest the humiliation and insult that he had received in India at the time of the heated debate with PM Modi.

Scene 13: Upon reaching his home country, the Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau appeared unwavering on how to take “revenge” from India and its Prime Minister Modi who humiliated and insulted him on several counts and even accused him for having provided shelter to dreaded separatists in Canada.

Surely, PM Modi was referring to the strong 8,000, 00(Eight lakhs) contingents of Sikh-Canadians who were almost the proponents of a separate land (The Khalistan) inside India, Punjab.

Scene 14: Justin Trudeau then took his cabinet in confidence and then decided to raise the issue of the gunning down of a Canadian national, Hardeep Singh Nijjar, in Surrey, British Columbia, June 18, 2023.

Scene 15: Ten minutes earlier Hardeep Singh Nijjar had ordered his son, Balraj Singh Nijjar that he will attend the dinner.

It was father’s day by the way the day masked gunmen killed senior Nijjar.

The dinner was with homemade pizza that evening, say Canadian media sources.

Some media also claim that on June 18, Hardeep Singh Nijjar was found suffering from multiple gunshot wounds inside a vehicle.

This means that the slain Nijjar was probably a Truck driver. He is said to work as a plumber.

Now the full story:

A stunned Justin Trudeau felt awkward when he saw his Western friends, Biden, Macron, Rishi Sunak and others…listening with folded hands the final draft of the G20 declaration that didn’t contain scathing criticisms on the much publicized Russian Invasion/attack on Ukraine, he made then a resolve to provide a small hint to the host PM Modi on India’s continued interferences in Canadian internal affairs by one of the diplomats posted in the Indian embassy in Ottawa.

Joe Biden, sources say, also talked of the Canada killing with PM Modi in Delhi. This means that Canadian PM had briefed Joe Biden.

As Trudeau accused the Indian PM Modi, the latter blasted at Trudeau the next moment and hurled strong charges on Trudeau that he was the one in Canada encouraging the Sikh-Canadians for the demand for a separate homeland for the Indian Sikhs in Punjab, India.

Just imagine the scene as to how the two Prime Ministers may have clashed with one another accusing one against the other?

Trudeau felt much humiliated that Modi met him just on the sidelines but not have had a bilateral meeting of sorts that PM Modi had with other guests attending the G20 Delhi meet.

Trudeau concluded the meeting with PM Modi with a blushed face, let’s guess.

However, Trudeau had many more troubles in store.

He wished to leave the Indian soil as soon as he could, however, some one whispered to Trudeau that his aircraft had developed snag and that the plane was not airworthy.

The repair of the aircraft took some good two days and the helpless Canadian PM had to spend those “humiliating days” right in Delhi.

Upon arriving Canada, the next day, PM Trudeau addressed the House of Commons and explained as to how the India diplomat working in the Indian embassy managed to gun-down Hardeep Singh Nijjar on June 18, 2023.

Listening to this official address at the Canadian House of Commons by the PM himself, India and its Godi media came into action and started talking almost non-sense accusing PM Trudeau of damaging India-Canada ties to the hilt.

In the meantime, Canada expelled perhaps the “diplomat” who, as the Canadian government believed, was engaged in the killing of Hardeep Singh Nijjar.

Nijjar is taken as a terrorist by India then Canada claims that Nijjar was a bonafide Canadian national.

Canadian PM talking at the House of Commons said that ….we have credible information’s…..and it is an attack on Canadian sovereignty…and we shall not tolerate….we stand for justice…staff at the Indian embassy.. We ask India to cooperate us in getting to the truth….

Trudeau said September 18, 2023, “Any involvement of a foreign government in the killing of a Canadian national on Canadian soil is an unacceptable violation of our sovereignty.”

The Canadian Foreign Minister Mélanie Joly too reiterated the same as said by PM Trudeau as regards Indian act of killing Nijjar-a Canadian national.

The grand Polarization begins:

With the Canada-India scrimmage going up and up, Western countries, mainly the English speaking nations, have sided with Canada in an oblique manner. Most of them yet have urged India to cooperate Canada so that the facts could be made public. The UK under Rishi Sunak because of Indian connection may side with India.

Arrogant India and its Godi media remains undeterred.

The US stance on Canada-India wrangle:

The Guardian dated September 23, 2023, says the US secretary of state, Antony Blinken has called on India to cooperate with Canada and ensure “accountability” over the killing of a Sikh separatist, after Ottawa accused Delhi of involvement.

Blinken added saying that “We want to see accountability. And it’s important that the investigation run its course and lead to that result.”

Blinken hoped that “We would hope that our Indian friends would cooperate with that investigation as well.”
Perhaps Blinken represents the entire Western World as most of the nations, the allies of the US, have spoken the same language and urged India to “become accountable.”

The word ‘accountable’ means much for India as it hints several things unspoken.

However, Russia appears siding with India. And China expects India to get exposed this time globally.

The Global Times: 

Lan Jianxue and Lin duo writing for the Global Times dated September 24, 2023, opine that “With the unfolding diplomatic turmoil, the Biden administration will be increasingly compelled to publicly support Canada, a member of the “Anglo-Saxon clique” and a traditionally obedient ally to the US. However, considering the realpolitik perspective, the US views India as a high-value partner in forming an anti-China coalition and is unwilling to openly criticize India. The core of current US foreign policy is focused on containing China and preserving US global hegemony, necessitating a conciliatory approach toward India.”

On the other, Sarakshi Rai writing for the The Hill (International) dated September 23, 2023, says, “The U.S. reportedly worked closely with Canada in investigating the apparent murder on its soil. President Biden has not publicly commented on the allegations, highlighting the tricky balancing act of standing by Canada without alienating India.”

Reuters reported, The Hill adds, that an unnamed senior Canadian government source said Ottawa worked “very closely” with the United States on the intelligence assessment.

The U.S. reportedly has worked closely with Canada in investigating the apparent murder on its soil. President Biden has not publicly commented on the allegations, highlighting the tricky balancing act of standing by Canada without alienating India.

Canada’s NSA speaks:

A CTV news dated as back as June 06, 2023, claims that Canada’s National Security advisor Jody Thomas had as early as in June this year itself had revealed that “India is among the top sources of foreign interference in Canada”.
Jody Thomas further said, the CTV reports, that “a number of state actors and non-state proxies” are conducting foreign interference in Canada, and at a conference last week she listed three countries that Ottawa has frequently cited: China, Russia and Iran.

This means that China, Russia and Iran apart from India were interfering in Canadian affairs.

Five Eyes Shared Intelligence:

It was finally the USA which almost closed the case or came to the rescue of Canada and pointed fingers at India for the killing of a Canadian national.

The US ambassador to Canada David Cohen confirmed that “shared Intelligence among five eyes partners” had informed Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau of the possible involvement of Indian agents in the murder of a Canadian citizen in June, the CTV news reported.

The Canadian government amassed intelligence from both human and electronic sources in a month’s long investigation into the murder, CBC news reported, reports the Express Tribune dated September 23, 2023.

Al Jazeera dated 25 September, 2023, quoting a Canadian Sikh leader Moninder Singh who believes that “for forty years our community has been working to bring foreign interference from India to light”.

The Pakistani reaction:

Who else better knows India than Pakistan-the immediate matching competing rival of India?

The former FM of Pakistan Bilawal Bhutto says that “it was time for the international community to accept that India had become a rouge Hindutva terrorist State”.

He added further saying, they (India) have not only conducted terrorism in Kashmir, not only we in Pakistan have caught their spies ( Kul Bhusan Yadav?) involved in terrorism on our country, but they have been now caught violating the sovereignty of a NATO member State”.

Mushhid Hussain’s scathing criticism of India:

“Can government of Pakistan go beyond mere words of concern and condemnation on Indian state terrorism, exposed by Canada? Mushahid asked.

He continues saying, “India never misses an opportunity to malign Pakistan as EU disinfo lab campaign showed”.

Pakistan government’s reaction on Canada-India issue and the ISI Connection:

Writing for Anadolu Agency (AA Turkey) Amir Latif Arain, September 23, says that “Pakistan recently said India’s alleged assassination of a Sikh activist on Canadian soil is a “clear violation of international law and the UN principle of state sovereignty.”

The AA adds, “Islamabad called the incident, which has further strained ties between Canada and India, “a reckless and irresponsible act that calls into question India’s reliability as a credible international partner and its claims for enhanced global responsibilities”.

The AA says the aforementioned comments were made by Pakistan’s Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mumtaz Zehra Baloch while talking to reported in Islamabad.

The Hindustan Times dated September 27, 2023, Pakistan’s ISI reportedly orchestrated the murder of Khalistan Tiger Force Leader Hardeep Singh Nijjar to foment India-Canada fighting.

The news of Hindustan Times and India Today could summarily be dismissed as India ever sees ISI hands wherein it is involved.

So it is just a rubbish and no sane intellectual across South Asia will digest to this claim as furnished by India Today and the HT. The accusation thus stands dismissed.

The Canadian accusations, unless refuted by India with facts, stands valid.

However, Canada also needs to reveal the facts for the consumption of the world population.

In sum, if Nepali experiences of India’s behavior after 1950 could be taken as an example, then what could be emphatically said that Canada’s accusations on India are valid which glaringly shows that “India’s network of extra-territorial killings has now gone global?”

That’s all.