Acquired Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)

Acquired Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)

Nistha Aryal,

I. SC second Year (Trinity International Secondary School), Nepal

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that”.

Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.

” These words were spoken by Martin L. King, Jr. King so true in my mind today, as I write about the very burning topic of today’s generation, “Discrimination against people living with AIDS”.

We’ve heard and we’ve learnt about the discernment done based on caste, gender, job, religion etc. but isn’t it a bit surprising that even people infected with some disease are being differentiated.

The person who is fighting with a life-threatening disease is not being treated as a normal human, rather they are being abused, and taken as untouchables in our society.

We all know that AIDS (Acquired Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome) is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by HIV (Human Immuno-Deficiency Virus).

This disease acts like a slow poison and interferes with our ability to fight against other diseases.

More than a disease, AIDS has now turned into a stigma and yes, this stigma is not only in underdeveloped countries like Nepal but also prevails in the most developed countries like the United States and United Kingdom.                           AIDS has never been treated as a normal disease. Let’s admit this reality.

It has always been unacceptable in our society. This sickness is generally transmitted through sexual intercourse but there are other ways too through which people get infected, and to know those other ways of treatment are being unaddressed or at best completely ignored by our society.

There is a mindset that this disease transmits only because the person involved in a sexual relationship with multiple partners; people fully try to avoid the fact that this disease can be transmitted through unsterilized syringes or from blood transfusion or maybe from an infected pregnant mother to her child.

The general belief is that a pregnant woman suffering AIDS will give birth to a child who will carry the AIDS from his or her mother’s womb.

The disease-ridden people are deprived from using facilities in the community, they are not allowed to do any professional job. The family, friends, everyone who once used to be around them no longer accept and support them.

People hate those who suffer from this disease.

They fear living in that situation where they are sure that they don’t have much time to live. They undergo depression and other mental health issues. They live but they no longer feel alive. 

For the past 32 years on December 1 we’ve been remembering those who’ve lost their lives due to AIDS and supporting those who have been fighting with this life-threatening disease, the people’s wrong mindset, the narrow-minded society.

So, yes today with the theme of “Ending the HIV/AIDS Epidemic: Resilience and Impacts” let’s come together and support the infected ones because they are humans too.

Let’s help those who are expecting or in need of our helps. This way we can serve the targeted group.

That’s all.