Is Nepal already an Indian protectorate?

Is Nepal already an Indian protectorate?

N. P. Upadhyaya

Kathmandu: Splitting of the political parties has almost become a regular phenomenon in the India controlled country-protectorate Nepal which some say, has accepted to remain as an obedient colony of the Regional hooligan-that India is.

The regional rogue has kept the entire politics in its grip to which the India serving leaders have willingly submitted to the Indian domination.

The current mess inside the UML (party of the recognized thug communists named United Marxists and Leninists, as it is popularly known these days) is also the making of Indian gangsters who even if uninvited land in Kathmandu.  

One Indian Taliban close to PM Modi, Bijaya Chouthaiwala was in town who met “India elevated” Nepal PM and other political leaders who work apparently for Indian union.

It is talked that leader Madhav Kumar Nepal is in the service of the Indian regime beginning 1990s.

India is definitely a hazard for South Asia more so for Nepal it is as terrible as Goliath.

Unfortunately, Nepal’s “India’s province” status is much below the standing of what Baby Bhutan has pleasingly accepted or was made to admit under duress.

Regrettably, and as is the Indian habit of arm twisting continuing in the entire South Asian region, baby Bhutan when tried to enhance, to recall, its ties with the Chinese regime and dared to import some transport vehicles, the Sonia Gandhi’s government in India “instantly” imposed an economic blockade on the tiny Himalayan nation forcing Bhutan to bow down to the dictates of the regional oppressor then headed by Dr. Man Mohan Singh who was just a dumb proxy to the Italy born Madame Sonia Gandhi.

It is altogether a different matter that the Bhutanese sovereign, the Nepal born King, himself prefers Indian dominance and thus acts as per the wishes of the Indian regime to which the innocent and the “silent” Bhutanese population take their King’s insulting and humiliating “Indian inclination” as an affront to the integrity of the Himalayan Shangri-La. But keep silence yet.

Back to the point:

Matured political pundits claim that India since the first days of it gaining controlled independence from the slavery of the Moghuls first and later from the British East-India Company concluded that it would now treat the nations in its immediate neighborhood as “slaves” and in the process would control their internal political affairs by posting “agents” whose main job would be to destabilize the country and pass on the “matters of security concerns” to the Indian regime.

Half of Nepali academia plus the vibrant media are presumed to draw regular salaries from the Indian embassy in Kathmandu.

Unconfirmed reports say that Indian RAW agency may have deployed its “agents” in the entire neighboring countries, with special attention to Nepal and Pakistan.

Thanks that the India’s RAW agents who were housed in Indian diplomatic missions inside war torn Afghanistan brought about a collapse of the corrupt Ashraf Ghani government and the “Indo-pendent” President Ghani fled the country at a time when his presence inside the country was needed most.

President Ghani have had to pay a heavy price for his sticking to the Indian regime which is what finally made him to flee the country completely humiliated and insulted.

Ghani relied upon the Indian Prime Minister Modi very much and the naughty and the highly uneducated Indian National Modi in lieu used and overused Ghani to create problems for Pakistan through the porous Pak-Afghan border.

Several hundred trained Indian spies like Kul Bhusan Yadav were deployed close to the Afghan-Pak border who then uninterruptedly create instability inside the nearest territory in Pakistan.

Pakistani diplomats even claim that the Indian diplomatic missions in Afghanistan (including the consulate offices) were deliberately stationed inside Afghanistan which were considerably close to Pakistan border which then allowed the Indian spies to penetrate inside Pakistan.

President Ghani assisted India in creating volatility in Pakistan during his entire tenure in office.

So in many ways, President Ghani’s fleeing from Kabul may have come as a sigh of relief to the Pakistani authorities.

India-Nepal relations:

Honestly speaking, India has never treated Nepal as a sovereign country.

Beginning 2006, Nepali politics has gone into the hands of the Indian regime.

To keep Nepal under control, India occasionally sends “spies and ruffians” to Kathmandu and make the ruling Nepali political animals that they were no more than Indian subjects and have to act as per their commands and instructions.

In the process, one Indian tramp Dinesh Tripathi had landed in Kathmandu who ordered the Nepali ruling elites to act as per the wishes of Prime Minister Modi.

This vagrant Tripathi returned Delhi taming expectedly the Nepali leaders to the Indian tunes.

Later came yet another Indian educated chump from the ruling Indian Party-the BJP and straight went to see the “Court elevated” Nepal Prime Minister S. B. Deuba who is taken as the sure and the guaranteed yes man of the Indian regime.

At least the Kathmandu’s political circuit believes it to be so.

The garbage Indian national was Bijaya Chouthaiwala from the Indian BJP who during his four days stay in Kathmandu was treated and greeted by the Nepali subservient leaders as an “uncrowned King of Nepal”.

Himalayan Shame it was.

The chaos in Nepali politics is to a greater extent of this fraudulent India national’s creation.

He met Madhav Kumar Nepal and appears to have assured Mr. Nepal if the latter served India with the required “devotion and dedication”, he would be made the next Prime Minister.

Mr. Nepal is the one who in the early 1990s had forwarded a proposal inside his political party-the United Marxists and Leninists (UML) that “Indian military men be invited to tame the ruling Nepali Monarch-King Birendra”.

Later King Birendra himself took a wise decision and stepped down to Constitutional monarchy from and active one.

The King never bowed down to the enemy regime in the South-India.

So it could give some hint as to where Mr. Nepal’s political bend is and for whom he generally works.

One more added feather is in Mr. Nepal’s cap is that he is talked to have already converted to Christianity and at the moment he is a taken as a reputed Pastor in the Christian world more so in South Korean Church.

However, this remains yet to be substantiated. (It is Mr. Nepal’s choice so we have no objection to his democratic rights: Ed.)  

The Indian fraud who just returned to Delhi from Kathmandu met twice Mr. Nepal and is learnt to have awarded sweets to some in the UML to side with Madhav Nepal in order to tease former PM K. P. Oli.

So chances are fair that Mr. Nepal through Indian blessings could grab the Nepal Premier Post sooner than later.

India can do this as India once made Mr. Nepal Prime Minister of the country when he (Mr. Nepal) had been declared defeated from two different election constituencies.

Though K.P Sharma Oli too is a declared yes man of the Indian RAW whose chief, Samantha Goyal, at times enters his private bedroom in Kathmandu.

India controls Nepal simply because Dr. Peshal Pokhrel-a history Professor in Nepal, claims that half of the Nepali parliamentarians have the Indian origin and the citizenship card and thus they were “by birth” devoted and sincere to the land where they took birth. 

Why the Indian ruffians come to Kathmandu?

The Indian ruffians land in Kathmandu under the guise that they have been sent as special emissary of the sitting Indian Prime Minister.

I recall once, the third grade thug Indian communist scoundrel Sitaram Yechury had come to Kathmandu timed with the “export” of the Nepal Maoists then residing in Delhi to Nepal.

This third class thug Indian Communist was taken by late G.P. Koirala and his stooges in Nepali politics including the India trained and indoctrinated Comrade Prachanda as the Indian God sent to Nepal to keep the country’s politics in track that suited to the prime security interests of the Indian union.

The thug Yechury, a foot path communists of India behaved and treated the Nepali leaders as his “subordinate and inferior” political creatures that need to be whipped at times.

So the question is: If Nepal and India have relations based on equal footing then why India send its “scoundrels and ruffians” to Kathmandu occasionally who land in Kathmandu as the sitting Indian viceroy? 

Why Nepal never has dared to send a Nepali national who could meet and tell various Indian leaders that Nepali State would like to set the relations on “equal footing” and that any Indian hegemony shall not be tolerated henceforth.

The fact is that Nepali envoy, Nilambar Acharya, in Delhi fails to meet the Indian Prime Minister even in two years of his official request made to the office of the Indian PMO.

Whereas Indian fraudulent persons are greeted and made to enter straight to the bed room of Nepali Prime Ministers the minute they arrive in Kathmandu.


Has Nepal accepted to remain as an Indian protectorate?  Is India Nepal’s undeclared or declared boss?

The ground practice is that it is even less than a declared province.

What is a matter of Himalayan shame is that “we the brave people of Nepal have allowed the enemy nation to pounce upon the integrity, sovereignty and the national independence of mother Nepal”.

This is too much. Look how beamingly the thug Indian scientist as he claims writes in his Twitter account:

“In the last twenty-four hours, I met four senior most leaders of Nepal, S.B. Deuba ji, KP Sharma Oli ji, CM Prachanda ji and Mahanta Thakur ji”, representing diverse ideological and political spectrum.

Each one appreciated PM Narendra Modi ji’s commitment to strong relations between India and Nepal”.

The fact is that all these four Nepali leaders are the “yes men of India” and they thrive in Nepal with ugly and dirty blessings from India. If they are not, then why they all thronged to see this fraud from India?

These leaders though have differing names, but what is most common of them all is that “they have vowed to work for the betterment of India”.

All in all, this thug Indian national-scientist met the entire set of the Nepali leaders who are “made for India” in Nepal.

Are they in effect?

A real scientist doesn’t poke in the internal affairs of other sovereign countries as this thug has been doing at regular intervals.  

Or else why these Nepali political animals throng to greet the Indian thugs? Isn’t it a matter of Himalayan shame for the entire Nepali population?

Will Chouthaiwala apologize for his unwanted intervention in Nepali affairs? If he is educated persona, then he will ask pardon or else we know the Indian mentality that has “coercion” element in the Indian gene. That’s all.

( With Malice to none: Editor Upadhyaya).

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