Pakistan and Nepal have strong relations based on mutual trust; envoy Hashmi

“Pakistan’s Ambassador Abrar Hashmi while delivering vote of thanks, highlighted that Pakistan and Nepal have strong relations based on trust and mutually beneficial collaborations; between the people, Government and Armed Forces”.

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Kathmandu: The Embassy of Pakistan organized, July 02, 2023, an Alumni gathering for Nepali Army officers who have been trained in various institutions of Pakistan Armed Forces.

General Prabhu Ram Sharma, Chief of Army Staff Nepali Army was the chief guest on the occasion. A good number of serving and retired Nepali Army officers attended the event.

In his welcoming remarks, Col Muhammad Ali Alvi, Defence Attaché Embassy of Pakistan highlighted the vibrant bilateral relations between the two-Armed Forces of Nepal and Pakistan especially in the training domain.

The Defense Attaché Alvi underscored commitment by Pakistan Armed Forces for capacity building of Nepali Army.

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COAS General Prabhu Ram Sharma acknowledged the contributions made by Pakistan in training of Nepali Army officers, soldiers and capacity building in technical fields across all spectrum.

He highlighted that Nepal is following the “Panchsheel” principles in its foreign policy and believes in “Amity for all and Enmity for None”. He lauded the contribution made by the officers trained in Pakistan’s excellent training institutions.

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Ambassador Abrar Hashmi while delivering vote of thanks, highlighted that Pakistan and Nepal have strong relations based on trust and mutually beneficial collaborations; between the people, Government and Armed Forces.

He paid gratitude to COAS Sharma, the Former COAS Gaurav S Rana and senior officers of the Nepal Army for attending the inaugural alumni event.

The participants of the alumni gathering expressed their gratitude to host Pakistan and it’s Diplomatic Mission in organizing the event providing them a platform to recall their fond memories of their stay in Pakistan.

# Press release issued by the Embassy of Pakistan, Kathmandu, July 03, 2023: Ed.

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