President Biden questions Saudi record of Khashoggi murder conversation

Ace Collymore, Canada

President Joe Biden hints the leader of Saudi Arabia was not being honest in that frame of mind of the US chief’s gathering with the realm’s crown ruler, Mohammed receptacle Salman (MBS).

President Biden was alluding to remarks made by Adel al-Jubeir, who told Fox News (News Medias) he didn’t “hear” the US president let MBS know that he straightforwardly faulted him for the killing of writer Jamal Khashoggi during their conversation in Jeddah on Friday.

“I didn’t hear that specific expression,” al-Jubeir told Fox News journalist Alex Hogan in a meeting on Saturday.

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After getting back to the White House right off the bat Sunday after his four-day Middle East outing, Biden was inquired as to whether al-Jubeir was coming clean in describing his trade with MBS.

Biden distinctly answered: “No.

Biden, who visited Saudi Arabia, Israel and the involved West Bank in his most memorable excursion to the locale as US president, recently told journalists he raised Khashoggi’s killing at the highest point of his underlying gathering with the Saudi crown ruler.

He said he “showed” to MBS that he held him “by and by capable” for the 2018 killing.

He added that MBS more than once rejected obligations during their gathering.

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