Why the Nepali population loves to hate India?

Why the Nepali population loves to hate India?

N. P. Upadhyaya

Kathmandu: The ruffian Indian bug, Bijaya Chouthaiwala came, saw, and accomplished his “mission” of twisting the arms of the India elevated present day Nepali leaders who have made the country an India’s pet colony.

The dirty and the ugly scoundrel is back to his hometown. 

Or else why he should have been deployed by the recognized South Asian hooligan or say gangster- you understand him better.  (Name withheld purposely).

The Indian pimp in Nepal:

The noted Indian hoodlum who claims himself to be a “scientist” returned home only when he assured himself or was consoled by the Nepali “near to servants” whom he met during his four/five days’ sojourn in Kathmandu will unhesitatingly “serve” the Indian Union and its prime security interests.

The presumed father of the new Republican Order, Shyam Saran in fact initiated the practice of sending charlatans in Kathmandu to discipline the India elevated Nepali political animals.

The practice thus continues since 2006 when Nepal was invaded by the Maoists residing in Delhi as Indian government’s guests.

Late Indian PM Atal Behari Bajpayee was the nearest and dearest enemy of Nepal.

Bajapayee had given shelter to the Nepal Maoists.

However, the Nepali servants were perhaps assured that they will pocket financial gains for assisting India with an open heart.

Anti-nationals are paid thus.  

Hopefully, the Indian broker (Dalal) could collect and post some more “paid recruits” in Nepal who may have guaranteed him that they were “made for India”.

What was a matter of absolute shame that none of the Nepali political animals questioned the visiting Indian thugs as to what of Nepali territories that have been encroached upon by his Indian union and also what of the crime that the armed Indian police who caused the tragic death of the Nepali national Bijaya Singh Dhami who while crossing the Mahakali River was swept by the mighty and the swelling river.

Very freshly government has found that the Indian SSB was the killer of B. S. Dhami.

But will Nepal dare to talk to India and ask for compensation?

Not till the end of Nepal.  

None of the Nepali political men asked the Indian pimp as to why the Indian Army Chief at times talks nonsense about Nepal?

The fact is that Madhav and Prachanda and their local stooges in Nepal scattered in different parties initiated a campaign to unseat PM K. P. Oli from the Chair when the latter took the courage to publish the map of the India gulped Nepali territories in a grand manner which later got Parliamentary approval.

Is it that PM Oli was ousted only for printing the lost territories in the political and administrative map of Nepal? Perhaps yes.

Curse be upon the Indian police man who killed the innocent Nepali national and also curse be upon those Indian thugs who try to impose their dictates in Nepal through Nepali pimps.

The Nepali political animals or say State parasites, looters albeit, are afraid of the Indian muggers in pushing their issues as and when these wild beasts, a la Chouthaiwala and Dr. Dinesh Tripathi and the likes, land in Kathmandu and that too uninvited more often than not.

The Indian non-entity hooligans instead of listening to Nepali grievances, impose their own “concerns” and press the Nepali submissive RAW’s posted agents to work day in day out for the betterment of the former Slave Regime-India.

This is presumed in Kathmandu which appears to be more than correct.

The recognized fraud of the Indian BJP, Bijaya Chouthaiwala who freshly came to Kathmandu to discipline the already Indiansed Nepali leaders met the entire set of those who prefer to ditch their own motherland in lieu of the good of the former slave Regime-India.

High placed sources say that the Indiansed Nepali leaders for getting elevated in political ranks in Nepali politics prefer to serve the enemy Regime-India unmistakably and the practice goes on and on.

Delhi thus controls Nepal.

The most glaring example of this is Madhav Kumar Nepal, as the strong rumor goes.

Mr. Nepal who got defeated from two different constituencies in the parliamentary elections was made the country’s Prime Minister which was only possible through the naked political maneuvering of the Indian establishment.

Understandably, the one who got elevated to the rank of Prime Minister in Nepal felt obliged to serve the “Mera Bharat Mahan” as a matter of “devotion, dedication and obligation”.

Upon the return of the Indian vandal Chouthaiwala from Kathmandu, Mr. Nepal’s new political party got certification from the Nepal’s Election Commission.

The timing is loaded with meaning underneath. But it could be otherwise.

Mr. Madhav Kumar Nepal now has the distinction of “breaking” the United Marxists-Leninists party (the UML) which is what the enemy regime India wants.

To put it straight, the adversary regime wants each and every political party in Nepal to remain in a politically rickety state so that “political benefits” could be extracted in Indian favor.

The idea is to bring about a rupture first in a particular party and then jump into the “internal politics” of the same in the name of “arbitration” and then settle the differences in such a way that the party-men remains subservient to the Indian union or for that matter the Indian pimps.

The rupture is, notably, of the Delhi’s making.

The Delhi designed 12-point agreement is a classic example which allowed the Nepal Maoists to invade Nepal back in 2006, Father Shyam Saran was the presumed “Boss” of the Nepal Maoists when they resided in Delhi. Some say, he even controls the Maoists.

Questions Dr. Bhim Rawal, a UML (United Marxists Leninists) functionary as to which of the Nepali politicians from which political party that had gone to wash the ugly and dirty feet of the thug Indian leech, Chouthaiwala, asked about how the Indian government will compensate the life of J. S. Dhami who was swept by the River in the Western region because of the unpardonable follies of the Indian border security force.

Perhaps none asked this question to the Indian crook who visited Nepal in the recent weeks and behaved with leaders meeting him as “servants”.

Sambhu Shrestha-the editor of the Dristi Weekly which is very close to Madhav Nepal camp also says that Nepal-India relations should be based on equal footing.

Mr. Shrestha claims that the bilateral ties have ever favored India but not Nepal and thus unacceptable.

A high voltage political drama was staged when the first lady Arjoo Deuba, honored the visiting Indian pimp, Chouthaiwala,  with the sacred thread which normally a sister gives to her brothers expecting that the recipient of the thread protects the sister as and when she is in trouble.

Asking brotherly help from the carnivorous devil.

The fact is that India has ever not only misbehaved Nepal but has robbed the country since the very first day of gaining independence from the British India Company in 1947.

Editor Sambhu Shrestha mentions about this anomaly in our bilateral ties with India. 

But India doesn’t care Nepali grievances.

In effect, the visiting Indian swindlers treat Nepali leaders as their pet servants since the beginning of the 2006-after the ouster of the Nepali monarchy which was ousted by a great grand design and with the funding of the Indian soy agency the RAW.

The RAW agents posted in Nepal in various sectors did the Monarchy-ouster job well as per the instructions and orders of the RAW machinery whose Nepali agents are supposed to be nearing eighty thousand in numbers.

These Nepali carcasses (dead bodies) draw their regular salaries from the Kathmandu station of the RAW (Research and Analysis Wing) that has its office in Lainchour.

Most of the so called “big media houses” and the vibrant media men unfailingly draw their monthly perks from Lainchour.

Those who draw salaries, prefer not to irritate India both in words and deeds.

It is these dishonest anti-nationals who sell their “mother Nepal” in lieu of a few financial gains.

It is this set of “sold” media men who will expectedly not hesitate to send their own mothers to be “raped” in RAW brothels by the Indian criminals as against hefty financial gains.

In fact, the way Nepal has been submitted to the Indian whims by Nepali pimps after 2006, speaks of the great grand design of the Nepali leaders with excessive India bend in making Nepal another Sikkim-the independent and a sovereign nation close to Nepal which was under coercion and excessive military force gulped by the regional ruffians-the Indian Union in the mid-seventies.

The Sikkimi population today stand bereft of Independence and sovereignty.

So wrote Dr. Peshal Pokhrel-a Professor of History that half of the Nepali parliamentarians possess dual citizenship certificates and possess the right to vote at time of the election both in India and Nepal.

Says the Professor that a born Indian national like Sarita Giri, for example, shall ever remain committed and honest to the birth Country-India which is only but natural.

Similarly, Rajendra Mahato-a leader of the Terai based political party is an out and out Indian national who has been in the Nepali cabinet since three decades and yet the Nepal government finds it unable to dismiss his Nepali citizenship certificates for fear of being penalized by the Indian ruling elites who give a shape to the government(s) in Nepal after monarchy’s ouster.

To put it straight, the governments in Nepal is formed only when India so desires and inevitably posts its “agents” as the cabinet chief. PM Deuba is also talked to be the Indian choice as always.

Rajendra Mahato thus controls entire Nepal on India’s behalf, it is highly talked in the political circuit.  

In a way, it was this India instigated and funded upheaval of 2006 that “institutionalized” the Indian supremacy in Nepal for perhaps all time to come.

The deposed King Gyanendra and his “India controlled” supporters are just making a fun of the King assuring him that the India’s criminal mind set Prime Minister Modi will restore the monarchy in Nepal.

However, what is sure is that India shall never ever restore the Nepali monarchy and if per chance the monarchy is restored by the Indian regime then on what conditions the monarchy shall be restored?

What price the Nepali nation will have to pay for the contribution rendered by India for the monarchy restoration?

Bluntly speaking, any price-tagged restoration is just unacceptable for Nepal and its India controlled population. That’s it.

What is for sure is that the Nepali population would love to hate the restoration of Nepali monarchy with the help of the enemy Regime-India.

The India we the people know is the nearest enemy of Nepal.

India is a recognized South Asian liability and thus the Nepali population would love to see the complete disintegration of the Indian regime as early as possible.

Thanks the Kamatapur Liberation Organization (KLO) has come out from its slumber.

The banned militant outfit Kamtapur Liberation Organization (KLO) demands “c” category status for Koch Bihar. Demands a tripartite meeting be called by the government of India.

A press release issued by the KLO dated August 30 states that “we all know that Koch Bihar was an independent State till August 28, 1949. So the KLO wants to restore the State in accordance with the 1949 consolidated agreement”.

Thanks the KLO has come up to challenge the regional scoundrel-the former British slave.

Advanced congratulations KLO.

If so then the smaller South Asian nations shall live in peace forever.

All in all, looking at the continued insult and humiliation of Nepal by Indian government and its pimps who travel Nepal, it could be said why the people of Nepal love to hate the Indian regime-now the political entity of the former British slaves.

For Indian pimp Bijaya Chouthaiwala:   A Facebook post in Nepal recently went viral wherein it rightfully presumed with full confidence that, “The presence of some forty thousand plus Gorkha soldiers in the Indian Army allows one hundred and twenty Crores of the Indian nationals to sleep in peace. If the same Gorkha soldiers leave the Kashmir and Ladhakh front, then Pakistan and China both will surely arrive New Delhi to enjoy breakfast the next morning”. That’s all.

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